
Constructive Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"I just want people to be the right kind of radical, radical in a constructive way."
"There's so many positive, constructive aspects to it and it can genuinely really help people out."
"Anyway, what I heard for the first time in a long time was a conversation that moved in the direction of race and power and politics and economics but did not derail."
"It's less about confrontation and more about building something over time."
"Dialogue should be held and should be constructive."
"Building up, not tearing down: a call for discourse based on love, not fear."
"The solution is not returning that anger with anger; we need to rise above that and continue to engage peacefully and lovingly."
"Constructive criticism, all right? You don't have to like the event."
"Offer a solution instead of lecturing or guilt-tripping."
"The scope of the sixth house has been expanded not just to talk about things that are negative but also ways in which health can be maintained or in which illnesses or injuries can be treated in constructive ways."
"Not all negativity is destructive; not infrequently, forms of negativity such as hesitation, pausing, boredom, waiting, or rage prove constructive."
"Make it good, make it positive, make it uplifting, make it constructive."
"You have to think positive you have to think constructively about how you're going to build this new future."
"I'm here for this. I love that you framed it that way. I think it's such a more constructive point of view."
"Constructive criticism helps me grow."
"Be constructive, be respectful, and let's talk about it."
"Casual conversation should be constructive no matter what or else it's a waste of time."
"Channel that restless energy into something constructive."
"There's nothing healthy or educational or constructive on Facebook."
"Criticism can be a good thing if it's given constructively or to serve as a lesson like what I try to do in these videos."
"It's easy to be angry. It's hard to be constructive."
"You can take all the criticism we give you and use it constructively and be empowered by it."
"Constructive instead of destructive."
"There's nothing wrong with criticizing someone as long as it's constructive."
"When your thoughts are God's thoughts, constructive, based on principle, God's power is with your thoughts of good."
"The unwinding of the universe, this collapse into disorder, can in fact be constructive."
"Constructive humor reveals the facts to us."
"You've got to find something constructive."
"I just want to see something constructive and healing and positive come out of all this pain."
"The aspiration should be to bring to bear some constructive and organized ways of imagining things that could be."
"Art finds a way to be constructive. It becomes heat in cold places, light in dark places."
"Are you focused on pointing out the ways that others are wrong or where you disagree rather than working to build the kingdom that Jesus put you here to build?"
"Let's focus on bringing clarity, peace, and happiness instead of promoting destructive behaviors."
"People should really be more constructive."
"There is a way that fans can give real constructive criticism and there is a way for bands to take that without thinking that somebody is just hating on them for no reason."
"Katan acting like a dick won't make yours any bigger so shut the [ __ ] up unless you've got something constructive to say."
"There's a huge difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism."
"Even when you're having a bad day, it's not dark, it's constructive."
"It's important to be constructive and actually get to the heart of what people's concerns are."
"Criticism is more meaningful when it isn't just completely hammering them."
"It's got to be comprehensive, so it needs to cover all the bases; it's going to be constructive."
"You have to learn to deal with your anger and channel it in a way that's not destructive."
"I want to make use of this power in some way that's constructive."
"Revolution is complete constructive change."
"I wanted to be creative, productive and not destructive."
"In some locations, there's constructive interference and in some locations, there's destructive interference."
"It is full of amazing potential for both ways, whether that's very destructive or very very constructive."
"China places great emphasis on seeking to build a constructive relationship with all nations."
"I think their arguments are coming from a good place, a actually constructive place."
"I don't want to tear your house down, I want to help you build it right."
"Criticism with love could cause great results."
"As ever, we aim to be as constructive as possible with our reviews."
"You'll find yourself thinking more positively, more creatively, more constructively."
"Some things need to be said, and hopefully overall in a constructive way."
"Jupiter ruling Saturn and being placed in its own sign in a day chart is a condition of bonification which is going to render Saturn much less malefic and much more constructive than it would be otherwise."
"Anger does not have to be destructive."
"I want to tell you a little bit about what it's like to work in constructive mathematics and which aspects of it are relevant to mathematics in general."
"Let's talk about this constructively."
"If there's anything that I can use constructively, I will absolutely apply it."
"Conversations that can be considered critical but constructive."
"Feedback is forward-looking rather than backward looking."
"We're trying to be constructive here, we're trying to address these issues so we can have positive solutions."
"Conflict helps us work through ideas but cannot get to the point that it is destructive."
"Every bit that is used should be guided toward constructive ends."
"This is constructive, not harmful, destructive feedback."
"Feedback... let it be used to build you, don't look at it as an attack."
"When you focus on what they're doing right, when you focus on encouragement and offer a lot of praise, the criticism is incremental and very constructive and careful."
"These things that we do, sometimes while they are silly, they can also be constructive and effective."
"Tensions in the workplace being resolved constructively."
"We get lots of feedback, some of it's really positive, some of it's really constructive, but we listen to it all."
"It's been super constructive and not anywhere near like you imagined."
"Make a list of the things that you're actually obsessed with, and throw yourself completely into those things that are most constructive for your life and the life of other people."
"Analyzing content in a constructive manner is very important."
"Anything to do with positive energy, anything to do with constructive thinking, we do more of it. Problem solvers, not problem makers."
"Whatever we have discussed here has been so amazing, it has been so constructive."
"Constructive feedback is different to just critical feedback."
"That is how we handle constructive criticism."
"Share the truth in a way that's constructive and not deconstructive."
"I gave very constructive feedback which helped the student."
"I want to help support constructive activity as much as I can."
"I think there's a way to be constructive in terms of your criticism."
"Be constructive, not restrictive."