
Gracefulness Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."
"Audrey Hepburn renowned for her grace and elegance..."
"You're in total harmony; you carry yourself with grace."
"Endings can be graceful and beautiful and respectful."
"The beautiful thing about him [Paul]... is he showed as much grace for the legalists as he did for the people that were eating the sexual immorality eating the food sacrificed to idol."
"Calm yourself, move with love, move with grace, move with self-control and compassion."
"I want them to be as graceful as Mohammed Ali."
"Navigate through life with the grace of a karate knocker."
"Their massive bodies floating in suspended grace."
"Her ballet outfit and it's just too cute not to show but I also want to point out that footwork how light she is on her feet given her frame it continues to show up over and over."
"I just think we'd like to grow old gracefully."
"Gracefully release all else with dignity."
"It seemed like it was very smart, everything it did was very intentional, very graceful."
"She is very graceful in the water."
"...the way I used to handle it was just to bow out gracefully without creating a scene or getting hysterical."
"Grace makes a hard thing look easy."
"You move like water, very graceful."
"Victoria looked very well, and though so small in stature and without any pretension to Beauty, the gracefulness of her Manner and the good expression of her countenance give her on the whole a very agreeable appearance."
"They're coming into the swan energy, knowing their beauty, knowing their worth, gracefully."
"They think you're graceful and smooth, a smooth operator."
"Wow, check it out. Sea turtles are so cool. They're so graceful."
"You must exit very gracefully. The bottle hits you, keep just one inch ahead of the bottle. But don't panic, you're on the stage. Keep your cool."
"I love how the dancers take their time to make their exit instead of being like 'K byee', it's like okay, they circle around winding out like a wind."
"I want to grow bald gracefully, not like you."
"Everyone should aspire to graceful, precise movement—Black Widow movement."
"Your majesty is most gracious," she said, her voice like silk torn on broken glass.
"I like a Berry who flows while her friends stumble."
"I am so enamored by this breed, just look how graceful they are for such a massive dog."
"You're still graceful, but you're carrying around this heartbreak."
"I am not a graceful person. I'm not an athletic person. But I feel like I am living poetry on a surfboard."
"Being graceful and moving slowly and fluidly is actually much more elegant than looking stiffed and stern."
"You're actually safer without the boots, because you develop the delicacy, the grace of Venus."
"Eric Berry had this ability to be both insanely powerful yet elegant and graceful."
"You have like good body posture like that of a dancer, very graceful in your movements."
"I'm as graceful as a gazelle that just got born, with my legs all over the place."
"I think Amber Lynn handled that very graciously and I would not have probably handled it as graciously."
"The ultras handled that song with ease and the grace and the delicacy that every speaker should handle."
"She can make walking look like dancing."
"Be gracious whether you win or lose."
"What Grace, what incredible Grace."
"You want to optimize for time to remediation, how quickly can I recover, and can I be graceful when things are down."
"Put your nose on me when I'm walking through with balance and grace. You know better than that."
"Libra is perfect for what I'm describing because they know all about keeping their grace."
"Her face was quiet under smooth wings of hair, and all her movements were gentle and deft."
"Its fluid lines are graceful, captivating."
"Pilates to me has the best of both those things: it's beautiful movement and it can make it incredibly graceful, but it really teaches you how to control your movement."
"Hold the pose, feel graceful, feel strong, lift it up, hold."
"Dancing is about graceful movement."
"You effortlessly float through the air like a leaf."
"He was as supple and handy and graceful as a greyhound."
"They're so regal and full of grace, and they float. They're like tiny cruise ships."
"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person."
"It almost glided across the water effortlessly; it was so graceful, it was amazing."
"You live with a lot of grace; you're a graceful person when you walk, you speak with grace."
"It's so fluid and graceful and joyful."
"...there was just like a a Grace a kind of gracefulness I guess you'd say about her."
"Something that has been difficult for you to move through is going to transition into a state where it's easy for you to have grace and be graceful."
"Miss Darcy was tall, and on a larger scale than Elizabeth, and though little more than 16, her figure was formed, and her appearance womanly and graceful."
"You handle everything with grace."
"You're searching for a certain grace and a certain rhythm and melody that's underneath the prose that carries the story."
"Everything wants to be with quality and gracefulness if you can."
"It's powerful. Skating is graceful, but it's a power sport too."
"It allows for this piece to have a shape that is much more graceful than that of a typical cylindrical desk."
"Sea turtles are so cool, they're so graceful just swimming in the water."
"Be graceful, only great fools are ungrateful."
"You have a gracefulness about you... your body language is very graceful."
"It's someone doing ballet, yeah, that's what the music was, so pretty, she's really good, very graceful, yeah."
"Rihanna doesn't walk, she floats."
"And brighten as we continue to move in a graceful, effortless way."
"He's the lightest rider and the most graceful rider but so effective."
"'Because you are very graceful,' he said, after asking if she ever danced ballet."
"It was as if he was not actually touching the ground as he walked but was gliding over it smoothly, like on an elevator belt."
"It moved so smoothly, like water flowing over rocks, almost graceful."
"In the water, they're just amazingly graceful and fast."
"Watching Tara was like watching water flow around rocks in a stream, fluid and natural."
"They're kind of fun to watch when they get up on there, I've never seen one fall in there so they are pretty graceful."
"The elephant's secret weapon is its gracefulness, with more than 150 times more muscles in their trunks than we have in our entire bodies."
"She looks so smooth and in control."
"To be graceful is to be full of grace."
"That's what the beauty of the AL-37 is, how beautiful and soft you can float her down on those mains."
"She took it with grace and she was lovely."
"It's not about getting the foot up higher in the pose or forcing anything; become more gentle, more soft, and more graceful."
"Look at the fluidity in her port de bras. Watch the right hand, do you see that little like presentation? There's that like pretty, feminine fairy, but we're not Aurora."
"There's something so gentle about her movement, it's as if she jumps into the air and the wind is rotating her in this beautiful breezy way."
"It's like she floats and stops in the air."
"They did amazing. I'm actually really surprised that everyone was able to stop so gracefully."
"She performed a solo dance, displaying graceful movements, high leg lifts, and a split."
"Maples are very graceful and flowing trees in nature."
"A beautiful woman with a graceful hairdo of inky hair and violet eyes framed by lush eyelashes was a lighthearted woman."
"Glided across the floor as if she walked on a cloud."
"I love looking at butterflies, they just flap their wings and they're so graceful."
"Its architecture was unlike anything I'd ever seen, with cold rock having a natural gracefulness that was gifted to it by the hands of an inhuman master."
"Watching this man float through the stadium, it was really something unexplainable, like a swan in space."
"Always beautiful, always airy, always elegant."
"You've handled a situation very gracefully."
"She's so effortless and so graceful, and just 18 years old."
"I got captivated by your moves, you were moving around so gracefully."
"She had a grace and a beauty that was just untouchable."
"...she glided down the central aisle like a veritable goddess."
"He dances around the table like Fred Astaire."
"We call that ambling, and most animals do amble, but in the field, giraffes have the best ambling gait of all of them."
"The heavier robots were more graceful because they don't move as quick."
"They are stunning antelope and very graceful."
"Her port de bras is just so amazingly graceful."
"You can age gracefully in longboarding."
"They are incredibly graceful, look at that."
"I love the way they move, I love how graceful they are."
"She's so smooth like the way she surfs."
"You can move on in grace, with grace."
"Despite Tiny Pupa's unconscious state, Chinemo emerged triumphant, vanquishing all opponents with effortless grace."
"Sasuke is like when he fights, he moves very elegantly."
"Not the most graceful experience, but you've done it, well done."
"Be a gentle be the Swan, and you will prevail 100%."
"You're handling things with grace, like you're moving with grace."