
Period Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"You're gonna have dumb values during this period of time."
"We are in an incredibly consequential period."
"Midsommar represents a 'magical' period related to important old festivities, celebrated for nine days."
"We think this can be a really, really exciting period."
"It was a period of extraordinary change."
"if you're having your period Cravings these cookies are literally the best thing on earth"
"There will be uncertainty about that for a considerable period of time."
"The most recent one that they dealt with was during the fifties and sixties and seventies."
"The main thing I think when you think back on that period was just how saturated with violence the culture was."
"The art nouveau period was what you love."
"I'm so confused where she came from cuz I'm not on my period no more."
"Emerald Fennell specifically chose 2006 as the time period."
"The Neolithic began around 10,000 BC."
"He said 'go check your period.' I think it's late. Matter of fact, your breath needs some Colgate."
"Just that period of caloric restriction could produce a similar benefit."
"They could make the X-Men and the Fantastic 4 period films, set in the 60s in that sort of Camelot era."
"Period Queen. She knows what to do."
"It was a great period, particularly you know in the 60s."
"It feels fairly authentic. Apparently they did put a lot of time and effort into getting as authentic as possible for the period, which I think is admirable."
"Settle in and enjoy this golden period."
"To which period of ancient history do you gravitate?"
"Money go for me like I go through money how I change tampons on my period."
"...just a little preface I get hit with PMS symptoms a week before my period and then during the entire week of my period."
"We're actually living in an okay period. We're living in a remarkable period."
"I hate period boobs, I'm so sorry, sorry if that's a controversial take, I hate them on yourself, on myself, like I hate the feeling."
"I took Brent with me period shopping the last time."
"I think this past five years has like had this crazy boom."
"The main pulsation period of the star is approximately 420 days."
"Never ever let your period stop you from doing anything."
"When it comes to your period, we shouldn't demonize it, we should embrace it."
"We called it a day, or actually should I say a month."
"May the next few months be a period of magnificent transformation."
"It's a very strange and confusing time."
"I've been living my full like 2016-17 full Glam life."
"It's just a brilliant, brilliant novel and a wonderful introduction to the Victorian period."
"I just love the setting, the characters, the period element of it I guess."
"This has been a great, honestly, really really good period."
"The cooling off period for door-to-door sales is 8 days."
"It's screaming the Art Nouveau period."
"I'm fascinated by that particular period in American history."
"We enter into this incredibly prosperous period."
"This particular jewel is the Lessman Echo Amp, ideally named for this period of such complex gender identity."
"You are stepping into a period of abundance."
"The period of this function is equal to 2 pi divided by B."
"That is pure evolution in intentional evolution that happened over a seven-year period."
"Orlando Canizales... was considered the best bantamweight in the world for a four-year stretch."
"Your slice of life might be a particular period of time, or it might be centered on a particular theme or relationship."
"Every year from October 1st to December 31st, I really use that period as like a reflection period for me."
"What most people don't realize is that this is actually the most important period."
"There are a lot of ways to actually make money in this period."
"Material of great interest for anyone interested in the period."
"There was a period of relative prosperity."
"Where do you usually go to find wardrobe props etc. for period shoots?"
"Admission period for international students is from 10th December to 1st February."
"You can apply for this from the 10th of December until the 1st of February."
"Within this 90-day period, you're going to experience a lot of unexpected blessings."
"The period is 360 degrees divided by K."
"E-score means how many times that book has sold in a particular six-month period."
"The period of a mass attached to a spring of spring constant k is 2 pi square root m over k."
"It still is an historical work of the period."
"This important painting is from the groundbreaking period Kandinsky spent in Murnau, Southern Germany."
"The socialist period lasted from 1969 really until 1990."
"A millennia is a period of 1,000 years, otherwise known as a kilo year."
"It's a Wonderful period given to us by God to work for our regeneration."
"There should be no stigma around having a period or talking about it."
"Isochronous simply means the oscillations have the same period regardless of amplitude."
"Twixtmas is the term that's used to talk about the time between Christmas and New Year's."
"The period governs the response of a single degree of freedom model in an earthquake."
"The response of a structure is going to be a function of its period."
"K helps to determine the period of your trigonometric function."
"They've really taken the time to recreate the interiors, the furnishings, everything from the period."
"For near Earth orbits, the period to go around the Earth is about 90 minutes."
"The period of the function is how long does it take to do one full cycle."
"The amplitude does not affect the frequency and it does not affect the period."
"It's a period of what I would call completeness."
"Some of it I look back and think, well, that seems like a sort of sensible series of reflections over that period."
"A period is different because it's based on what we would perceive as human."
"A period of prosperity and abundance is here."
"You're entering into this period of gratitude."
"You're really kind of creating a lot of abundance or you're entering into an extremely abundant period of your life."
"They're in a period of deep and powerful transformation."