
Channels Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"And then that brings us to channels which are gonna allow us to pass data between go routines."
"Here we are inside of main and here we're gonna create a channel."
"Using a buffer Channel with capacity 100, we see the performance increased by 50% compared to the unbuffered channel."
"Welcome back to the channel and welcome to Turkish and Curtis."
"Clint's Reptiles and Snake Discovery, two channels that make learning fun."
"Configuring access points with different channels helps minimize interference and congestion on the wireless network."
"Publishing allows you to publish the bot to different channels."
"We were the first second generation family to have two channels."
"...when you apply that thinking I think you can make a massive difference with a lot of channels..."
"For those you guys who don't know who are watching this on alak's death I have another Channel called alak's life."
"You have chosen us to be your vessels and your channels."
"I've gotten millions of subscribers between all my channels."
"It's fantastic isn't it clearly these have been added after nice big TV actually has loads of channels on here like ABC Fox is Fox still going TBS all them are the ones."
"It's a constant game of learning. I've probably worked long term with about 10 to 15 channels, but less frequent, it's probably closer to like 200 channels."
"How exciting would it be to work on channels in different niches and just be like, 'I helped build the biggest business channel, I have built the biggest Minecraft channel...'"
"Bundling of multiple physical links into single logical link, and that is multiple physical links into one single logical link or logical channel."
"About 50% of growth continues to come from what we would consider non-paid channels through partnerships, SEO, these kinds of meditations."
"He can hear someone speak to him through various communication channels."
"Next week we'll be back on As's channel."
"If you know what you want to see, hit subscribe on your favorite channels."
"Remember one extra Channel and see it's not kind of Instagram singing for them if you want to obviously you don't have to but the option's there."
"What do you do with your other channels? Let me know."
"To everyone out there watching this video, you can watch it on our channel, or on The Cool, or watch on Santiago Films."
"...there's really no way around this fee at the moment because one of the things that I looked at was maybe going with the minimal TV tier for Mom's TV watching and see if I can add on some of the channels that she wants to watch unfortunately there's no way to do that."
"Most of the time when you're marketing to one channel, it will help you boost your efforts on another channel."
"Melissa found great opportunity in this, and the growth of her channels proved it."
"Face-to-face communication is key, but we also need formal channels."
"If you could start low investments like a channel or something along those lines, those are actually good investments."
"I think I feel like I'm in a good place with all my channels. I've got everything kind of working well so I don't have to think about it much anymore."
"Two channel is the heart of what we do."
"That's good news all the fireside all that stuff is going to a separate Channel right?"
"I love the community that is able to be built not just on my channels but on anybody's channels."
"Well, because if you want to open channels that requires an onchain transaction as does closing a channel and you want to make sure that you do that when the fees are as low as possible."
"... every time you create a channel, it is going to create a new folder here."
"That's a lot. Comment down below your favorite vlogmas channels."
"Understanding how to work with channels and how they can be really creatively used to maintain data for out your comp, it's going to make you much more flexible and quicker in how you work and help with keeping your scripts organized."
"I think the two channels that I touched on my presentation owned media and the influencer voice are critical."
"Thank you for joining us and we hope you'll explore the rest of the channels that people have available on this topic of needlework."
"Breaking of channels happened before breaking of moving averages; it's really your first indication that the trend is changing."
"It's just so neat how we can discover so many beautiful channels in this way."
"The shape of this array tells me the number of rows, the number of columns, and then the number of channels in my image."
"In a channel message, you can actually change the way that you manage and organize a channel."
"If you buy any cable TV package, you're forced to pay for a bunch of channels regardless of whether or not you watch them or agree with them."
"We begin with channels of uniform capacity CW; at the first step, what we do is we move, we create two channels, one worse than the original channel, the other better than the original channel."
"It contains 15 GMRS channels and 8 repeater channels, along with 142 privacy codes."
"For a 2.4 gigahertz band, your channels to look out for are 1, 6, and 11."
"DTS X Pro... can support up to 30.2 channels of surround."
"By using 1, 6, and 11, I can put an AP on channel 1 and then reuse channel 1 again."
"Channels are essentially a way to route messages with event by event to different handlers throughout your application via this thing called topics."
"The response is going directly back to the requester because the channel gives you the capability to tell the worker to respond to you."
"This notion of a closure and a channel as a pair, it's a really powerful structuring concept."
"We should have a couple inbound channels shortly here and we'll be back when that happens."
"Go also provides channels to let you coordinate these parallel computations by explicit communication."
"Channels can be a useful way to think about concurrency."
"A Team is kind of like the house, and the Channels are like the rooms in the house."
"So you use channels as first-class values all the time to communicate states of things that are happening."
"Channels are awesome. You could use a channel for notifications in the navigation, so you can send out real-time notifications to all your users."
"The right way to think of ZeroMQ is as a mechanism for establishing communication channels between two entities."
"Go routines and channels is where Go programming gets really interesting."