
Gluten Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Gluten structure is very similar to the thyroid, causing molecular mimicry and confusion in the immune system."
"Gluten is this tiny little protein molecule that never did anyone any harm apart from this one percent of the population."
"Gluten is the glue that holds food together."
"A very long fermentation period will give the dough plenty of time to develop gluten."
"Some patients find cutting out gluten from the diet very helpful."
"Gluten doesn't digest well... a highly inflammatory food."
"What is gluten really? Gluten is a structural protein naturally found in wheat, barley, and Rye. Gluten helps Foods maintain their shape and structure."
"Gluten can be a hard-to-digest protein for a lot of people."
"Gluten is the number one trigger for autoimmune disease that we know of, period. In the medical literature, in science, period. Gluten, number one cause of autoimmune disease."
"Did you know that gluten could cause neuropathy, arthritis, and depression? Look, these symptoms are common in people with gluten issues. It's not just about celiac disease."
"Most doctors will tell you if you don't have Celiac, you don't need to worry about cutting gluten out of your diet."
"Gluten can act as a psychoactive substance in the brain."
"What is gluten? It could kill you, and you don't know what it is."
"I've cracked the code. The gluten is in the flavor. The flavor carries the gluten."
"You definitely don't want your pie dough to like work up the gluten and make it like stretchy nobody wants a pie dough that's not flaky."
"The mere presence of gluten in the digestive system increases the body's production of zonulin."
"In the absence of celiac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis, there is no objective health benefit to just eliminating gluten."
"Eliminating gluten from your diet does not necessarily equate to a healthier diet."
"For the vast majority of people who are otherwise healthy, simply eliminating gluten from your diet, it's kind of in my opinion the research as it stands now is insufficient to support doing that."
"This way you'll see the dough is gonna build the gluten the best way."
"Boiling water hydrates the starches but also helps to denature the gluten."
"Gluten sensitivity is very real and if you've ever if you have it or you've ever experienced it, you know what I'm talking about."
"So when someone with celiac disease comes into contact with gluten, their immune system thinks that's something really bad even though it's not and will begin to attack it just like your body would attack a virus."
"The gluten is a protein that builds a famous gluten Network, the one that gives the love the shape of a bread."
"He has a power called Glutenaria."
"If the person doesn't need to be off gluten then they shouldn't be off of gluten... you're going to calm down those osteoplasts."
"Gluten is developed two ways by kneading and by time and resting so we're going to use both of them to our advantage."
"Taking away gluten by itself is enough to improve the state of hyperthyroidism in certain patients with graves."
"It's called an auto lease and allows the gluten to start to develop in the dough."
"So, to really understand how to make great noodles, you kind of have to understand what a noodle is."
"When we're making noodles, we are forcing gluten to build a structure in one specific direction, which will then be filled with starch molecules."
"Adding more water to create a high hydration dough does a couple of things. One, it activates more of the gluten to make the dough more extensible."
"So you have gluten and you have bacterial overgrowth. The two of those can disrupt the epithelial barrier membrane in the intestine basically you your intestine is a hollow tube and then the first layer is a layer of cells that's that's that barrier."
"Gluten is often associated with Hashimoto's, an autoimmune thyroid condition."
"What's gluten and can we free it?"
"Gluten can cause both direct and indirect damage to your peripheral nervous system and your central nervous system."
"Gluten... is very critical when making yeasted breads."
"I'm going to leave it to rest because even though I've only handled it very, very lightly, I still worked the gluten."
"That ten minutes is just given the gluten enough time just to chill the heck out and relax a little bit."
"Glutenin is what gives the dough itself its strength, its elasticity."
"Avoiding gluten is only important if you're gluten sensitive."
"No human can properly digest gluten."
"There's no gluten in flour, but there's a mixture of proteins that come together when you make them wet, and they form gluten."
"It's the gluten that's the important thing for making the bread light."
"Gluten causes vitamin deficiencies; these same vitamin deficiencies can lead to damage to the retina itself, aka retinopathy."
"I'm not gluten free, I eat bread and I love bread, and bread loves me."