
Lateness Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Oh, that must be Ariel, she said she was running late from her date with Prince Eric."
"If you're already late, take your time. You can't be late twice."
"It's getting really late for everybody."
"Goku is running late, turns out Piccolo is an alien too, neat."
"Sorry it's late, but he keeps doing this thing where he just slams his feet down."
"Late begins coming earlier and earlier."
"Good morning, it's 7:41 and my appointment's at 8, but I'm gonna be late, typical!"
"Sorry, I'm late. Oh, you're not late."
"I just have to accept it at this point. I'm gonna be late."
"There's still some people missing. I'm not the only one late. That's good. That's a good thing."
"You're late. Thank you, but I forgive you because today is my birthday."
"It's been some time, and for those people who are listening and watching, it's fairly late in the evening."
"Running 20 minutes late, singing 'Margaritaville' and minding my own early manner."
"I'm sorry, I want the world to know that I was late, and I'm sorry."
"It's my senior B with y'all and we're late like usual, but it's okay cuz we're going to get there at least."
"Waking up knowing that you're 30 minutes late to class but got nine hours of sleep."
"Now all I know is that we're late for our lesson thanks to someone."
"Sorry I'm late, I would have skipped class but..."
"I'm running so late, it's not even funny."
"This is easily like 17 years too late."
"I would want probably like teleportation or something because I am always late."
"It's kind of getting late, she think it's kinda getting late, true, true, true."
"Literally me for me. I'm late to everything. I hate that, but you just never know here."
"You're late for start. It's just like a day out."
"We're gonna be so late, so so late."
"The pumpkin cream cold brew was the reason why I was late in high school, really."
"Is it cool if I roll in late like a cool guy?"
"Hey Coley was about 45 minutes late for this matchup because he overshot his train."
"It's a lot later than I expected."
"Deena ended up arriving home past her curfew."
"Look who finally came two and a half hours later."
"It's actually like very late right now by the time I pulled myself together to film this."
"It just fills me with joy and I go, 'Look what it's like to be late, Teresa.'"
"I always went by and I didn't realize I fell asleep on my desk. Oh my God, I'm late!"
"So it turns out that Megan thought it was two, but it's actually three, so she's like really, really late."
"We finally made it here to the freaking Christmas party and y'all we are like how many hours late two two 2 hours late."
"Sleeping," because, really, who wouldn't be late if they were asleep?
"I'm always late so I'm going to be like 40 minutes late today."
"Clearly, this is where the video is going to end and it's super late."
"I'm going to be so freaking late, it's already 8:00... I'm like, 'What?' I woke up so late."
"Every morning I tell myself, like when I wake up late, I be like, 'Dang, I woke up late. Okay, tomorrow I'm going to do better.' Next day come, dang, I woke up late. Alright, tomorrow I'm going to do better. Like, bro, it just don't get better."
"I don't know if you saw this, but that couple was late, as usual, and they weren't there to benefit from Chris's sincere apology."
"Sarah and I are all home now. It is super late."
"We're an hour late to brunch. Will they even take us anymore? Probably not."
"At least the first two times you can remember him being late."
"I now understand that they didn’t know the truth until it was too late."
"I'll try not to be too late, but the talks go on into the night. Don't wait up for me."
"It's about time you called. I'm running late."
"Time happens, I suppose, to people. Everything becomes too late finally."
"I'm sorry, I was late to rescue you."
"It's getting really late, plus I think we were all a little more creeped out than we wanted to admit."
"We came to warn you of an attack, but it seems we are too late," Marin replied.
"It's a long story. I'm gonna end up missing the last bus. Sorry, Nadia."
"I know I'm late to the party, but there's a story, so stay tuned."
"Our plan was to go thrifting for gifts; however, the party has officially started 15 minutes ago."
"Let's sleep now; we'll discuss it tomorrow, it's already too late."
"It's so great to have summer here, even if it's a little bit late."
"It was already late by this time and the guests began to take their leave one after the other."
"Thanks for showing up, I know it's late."
"One minute late or two hours late, you are just as late."
"I almost died, that was later than my school bus."
"It's getting pretty late for you, isn't it?"
"Ma sorry I'm late, I got lost on the road of life."
"Dad, where have you been? It's 2:00 in the morning."
"It's so late and it's raining outside. Why did you still come?"
"We're too late probably for Halloween, but we can still make pumpkin pie."
"It was great, but Dad and I got home really late."
"Hello everyone and welcome, welcome to a slightly late but I think it's okay."