
Dinosaur Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"The dinosaur who left the footprint behind was about eight feet long."
"You gotta capture that! Let's take a Stegosaurus lease back."
"Let's release our very first dinosaur that we incubated. Boom!"
"Spinosaurus egypticus: An aquatic hunter rewriting dinosaur history."
"The fact that we got a dinosaur, we got some destruction, when we see the Jeeps, the signs were really good, the immersion like the floral and the decorations are all very Jurassic Park."
"A dinosaur very similar to the almighty T-Rex has been discovered in Thailand. They have named it the Siam Raptor, which literally means robber from Thailand."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex had the most powerful bite attack in the history of the game."
"Sonic then notices that he's somehow stumbled onto Jurassic Park and squares off the giant robot T-Rex which is incredibly easy to destroy but long neck mode really saves the entire thing."
"Parasaurolophus is one of my favorite dinosaur designs in this game because it's really been updated to reflect our modern understanding of what the animal looked like."
"Every dinosaur is in with a pretty decent chance to become victorious."
"David Anders has the power to transform into a giant red Tyrannosaurus rex when he's too bored or indifferent, David and Dinosaurus are the equivalent of Jekyll and Hyde but crossed with Jurassic Park."
"Recent studies have found evidence that the T-Rex was more agile than we think."
"The Spinosaurus could not only swim well but also dive deep into the water."
"The teeth of a Tyrannosaurus Rex were widely known for their pickaxe shape and small serrated edges."
"Tyrannosaurus skull... solid block... enormous strength."
"Danger to the guests, we have a dinosaur on the rampage!"
"The biggest dinosaur ever... making the Tyrannosaurus Rex look like a baby chicken."
"...at over 20 feet long you guys can see it's a dinosaur skeleton..."
"The ceratopsia such as Triceratops needs a little introduction though it may surprise you to learn that the earlier members of the group were hornless, frilledless, and bipedal."
"probably the best known of all dinosaurs"
"The incredible preservation of these stomach contents means that this is actually one of the best and most detailed looks at the direct evidence of a plant-eating dinosaur's diet."
"If Dr. Cow is correct, there are less adult predatory dinosaurs during the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous than once thought, instead, the chicks filled this niche just as they would later go on to fill the niches of medium size and then apex predator."
"Dilophosaurus could grow to be around 7 m or 23 ft in length, making it a pretty slender medium-sized carnivorous dinosaur living approximately 196 to 193 million years ago."
"Giganotosaurus was certainly massive, but just how massive was it?"
"...the mbebe could be proof of a lingering dinosaur that missed the memo about going extinct."
"The Spinosaurus roughly translates to spined reptile or spine lizard."
"T-Rex was a more brutal and capable fighter."
"T-Rex could see motionless objects. Its eyesight was 13 times better than humans, and its sense of smell was excellent."
"A rusty old T-rex creeping behind the tree."
"Spinosaurus egyptic is one of the world's most beloved theropod dinosaurs."
"They're going to kill the dinosaur but keeping a boss."
"The tracks of small predator dinosaurs called Troodon tids are the most sensational find."
"Once you start delving into the details, you realize just how sophisticated this dinosaur was."
"Its name means giant Southern lizard and it lived in Argentina during the late Cretaceous, roughly 99 million years ago."
"It lived in Argentina during the late Cretaceous, roughly 80 million years ago."
"Tyrannosaurus was a particularly widespread theropod across its range in what is now North America."
"...Ford's attempt at reclaiming top dinosaur in the off-road truck realm."
"Here he is, the Carnotaurus from the new one. He's pretty cool."
"Some have speculated that it was the first hybrid dinosaur not just an impure that needed to fill in the gaps hybrid."
"Every single release they have done of this dinosaur, they seem to nail it every time."
"The Tyrannosaurus main choice of Weaponry was its jaws."
"Biomechanical Studies have provided support that the Tyrannosaurus was capable of closing its jaws with the bone destroying bite of 8,000 to 61,000 newtons."
"The Tyrannosaurus Rex exhibited Superior eyesight."
"The Giganotosaurus evolved to take on some of the most dangerous pror ever evolved."
"The winner of this battle and still reigning King of the dinosaur is the Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"The Tyrannosaurus Rex, also known as the T-Rex, was known as the apex predator of North America during its time."
"The dinosaur hunting license... basically a couple years ago there was this rumor that you could get a dinosaur hunting license in Utah."
"Surprise, meet our new baby Parasaurolophus!"
"Oh, look, it's a myosaura, or better known as a good mother lizard."
"This bite and fight T-rex is awesome."
"Acrocanthosaurus was a formidable predator."
"The dreadnoughtus had a neck 37 feet long, supporting its immense bulk."
"The Allosaurus was one of the first dinosaurs ever discovered, prevalent in what is now Utah."
"Being bipedal, not quadrupedal, was quite unusual for an armored dinosaur, and it is the only known bipedal thyreophoran Scutellosaurus."
"Tyrannosaurus rex, the king of the predators, armed with massive jaws and razor-sharp teeth."
"Triceratops, with its three horns and protective bony frill, was a formidable opponent for any predator."
"Velociraptor, known for its intelligence and hunting behavior, was a formidable opponent for any creature."
"Allosaurus is probably the most common dinosaur found as far as meteors go in the Jurassic."
"Stygimoloch, suspected as a juvenile form of Pachycephalosaurus, had extraordinary spikes and horns on its skull."
"Allows the user to transform into a dinosaur that is the Pachycephalosaurus, a bipedal reptile with a hardened skull that it can use to headbutt targets into submission."
"Edmontosaurus is an incredibly underrated dinosaur."
"Wow, what a great Stegosaurus. Very colorful!"
"Own dino, own shop, my gosh, that's so cool."
"You guys should be pumped for the dino, I am so pumped for the dino."
"This T-Rex had teeth like murder bananas."
"Which creature's name comes from the Greek word 'denos' meaning terrible and 'sorus' meaning lizard? The answer is dinosaur."
"That's the Raptor, oh man, she's quick."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex is easily one of the biggest, beefiest bipedal animals to ever live."
"In the end, it turns out that Tyrannosaurus was a fast walker, not a speedy runner."
"Watch out, there's a dinosaur behind you!"
"Triceratops were really big dinosaurs, they could weigh as much as a truck, that's over 5 tons!"
"The movie was very touching and is one of the best anime I've seen and best dinosaur movies ever."
"Albertosaurus sarcophagus, or flesh-eating lizard from Alberta, is one of the most well-known Tyrannosaurs."
"I didn't want to miss the arrival of The Magnificent Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"This is a camarosaurus, a long neck dinosaur that lived in the Jurassic period."
"The dinosaur evolved and grew a pair of wings, an extremely rare sight that few people had witnessed."
"Here's our big boy, we got our Tyrannosaurus Rex, you can see from the front, got the jaw wide open and that looks really good."
"Giganotosaurus, or the giant threat Giganotosaurus."
"Carnotaurus, the meat-eating bull, incredibly intimidating but relatively compact."
"Gigantosaurus was one of the largest therapod dinosaurs, rivaling even Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"It's a miniature scale dinosaur, that is so cool actually."
"It would really revolutionize the way we look at the animal in a pretty big way."
"Not only was he a transforming robot, but he changed into a dinosaur, making him pretty much the perfect toy."
"The largest known dinosaur, Brachiosaurus altithorax."
"Brachiosaurus lungs would have provided a high concentration of oxygen at a constant rate."
"Brachiosaurus had very large eyes which almost filled its eye sockets, giving it good eyesight and low light vision."
"Despite the humor derived from the idea of an animal weighing as much as seven elephants having a brain that could fit into your hand, sauropods weren't really as dumb as they are portrayed."
"Brachiosaurus remains a true giant; it reached high using its neck in an unusual direction for sauropods."
"Have you seen this dinosaur? Please return to Dr. Seeker."
"That's pretty fast, very cool, I'm liking this dinosaur."
"This Pyroraptor is just covered in feathers."
"Jurassic Park... there's just so many movies."
"Final thoughts on this new Spinosaurus, I think it's a great toy."
"The exceptionally well-preserved body of a borealopelta markmitchelli was found in Alberta, Canada."
"The dinosaur had a long and flexible neck, almost like a serpent was attached to its body."
"We have a dinosaur-themed party tomorrow."
"It's Dorothy the Dinosaur's birthday party, she's five!"
"Did you know that Velociraptor means 'Speedy robber'? How cool is that!"
"Spinosaurus was the largest meat-eating dinosaur."
"This figure is absolutely incredible, the best T-Rex figure in my opinion currently on the market."
"He's a big, large, beautiful dinosaur that's decided he's gonna be my friend."
"Australia's largest dinosaur... measured 25 to 30 meters in length."
"In reality, Ankylosaurus had osteoderms that were across the back, but they were just embedded in the skin."
"That's a dinosaur, a literal dinosaur."
"...clearly this spino was accomplished and Powerful..."
"...it was definitely more robust than people give it credit for..."
"...although not the fastest, SN was capable of moving at around 43 km an hour..."
"...it's reasonable just to assume that he had a moderate level of intelligence..."
"...the spinosaurus had an understanding on how to take on these other therapods..."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex, one of the most popular dinosaurs of all time."
"Stegosaurus, another iconic dinosaur, one of people's favorites."
"Spinosaurus is recognized by a huge sail that comes across the back."
"Indominus Rex... makes for a great villain in the movies."
"A dinosaur ghost would be sweet, that would be awesome."
"Gertie would then use her mouth to lift her master up, place him on her back, and walk away."
"They really truly are an urban dinosaur."
"I love this ride, this is my dinosaur of Universal, every time I ride this, I'm like, I'm here, I love it."
"Barney the Dinosaur is a beloved children's television show that first aired in 1992."
"Stegosaurus is the best dinosaur. It's got armor and spikes."
"Velociraptor has curved 15 cm razor-sharp claws on each hand and they're one of the smaller dinosaurs, not to be taken lightly."
"There is our dinosaur using some crazy proportion shapes at the beginning to give us a really cool character design."
"It's a dinosaur," Alice Levin said, shaking her head. "Look at it, it's very clear: big head, long neck, stands on its hind legs, thick tail."
"The brain of a dinosaur works like a light switch. There's an on and there's an off. They only think of one thing at a time. They live in the very moment they're in."
"Concavenator was a medium-sized theropod dinosaur which is notable for multiple reasons."
"The appearance of Spinosaurus has changed drastically since it was first discovered."
"Triceratops does have a solid frill, and it’s one ceratopsian that might really have used its frill as a defensive shield."
"Triceratops was one of the largest ceratopsians."
"115 million years ago, there was a creature feared above all others, the raptor Dinonicus."
"It was 11 feet long and weighed up to 220 pounds but could run at super speeds for hours."
"What we're going to do is I figured that I'll bring you a drawing of Blue the Velociraptor running, just to make it a little bit more interesting than just Blue standing still."
"The Troodon, the title of world's smartest dinosaur."
"Insanely realistic looking inside of the mouth for the dinosaurs."
"This is definitely one of the most impressive visuals I have ever seen when it comes to a dinosaur toy."
"This is definitely my favorite version, not just of this sculpt, but this might be my favorite Tyrannosaurus of all time."
"The kind of Jurassic Park Rexy sort of paint scheme."
"The red Rex, aka the novel version, is absolutely incredible."
"The word dinosaur was coined by British paleontologist Richard Owen in 1842; it is Greek, meaning 'terrible lizard'."
"The Stegosaurus had the smallest brain for its body size of any known dinosaur."
"We have ourselves the newest release from Nanmu of their Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"I'm not sure how I can say this without sounding insane, but it was a dinosaur."
"Vertebrae of 98 million-year-old dinosaur is unearthed in Egypt."
"It's a T-Rex, yeah. Wow, look at that!"
"It's a dinosaur, and that's not one of ours from the park."
"Spinosaurus is easily one of the most talked about dinosaurs ever discovered."
"I would not want to bet on winning a race against an Alamosaurus."
"Oh wow, how old are you, Tango? A Tango is actually a five-month-old velociraptor."
"A brand new study lit up the three-dimensional networks of blood vessels that ate its way through the face of Sue the Tyrannosaurus."
"It's one of my most unique T-Rexes in the collection."
"It's a creature walking around on three-toed feet and occasionally putting a five-fingered forefoot to the ground. Not a bird, my dear Roxton, a reptile; it's a dinosaur."
"What are they?" asked Lord John. "Iguanodons," said Summerlee. "They're vegetarian dinosaurs."
"I found a dino egg and I'm incubating it."
"Arguably one of the most interesting dinosaurs discovered this year is Spike camellus afer, an armored species that had large spikes protruding from its ribs."
"It could prove to be the biggest dinosaur ever on Earth."
"Allosaurus was surely one of the most spectacular animals ever to walk the Mesozoic Earth."
"I'm a dinosaur, facts, I'm a T-Rex."
"We've got ourselves a really nice looking Tyrannosaurus AKA Fang."
"The sculpt has definitely captured the overall feel of the Giganotosaurus from Dominion."
"Elvis here, what an absolutely amazing animal, I always say he is like my pet dinosaur."
"The evolution of the brains in dinosaurs is really unique."
"The baby T-Rex we're talking about is a T-Rex dinosaur that is cracking out of an egg."
"Well, well, well, look at this. This is a Tyrannosaurus Rex, the king amongst kings."
"The Concavenator is fantastic; it's probably my favorite out of all of these newer minis."
"The T-Rex is incredible too, it's got a ton of articulation."
"The giraffe ostrich Dino in Mississippi... likely the fastest dinosaur that ever lived."
"The dinosaur mummy... still had some of its skin."
"The footprints of a titanosaur... the first traces of huge herbivore dinosaurs preserved in a natural cavity."
"It's been hailed as the best preserved dinosaur body ever found."
"Now here's the biggest dinosaur mold Lego ever gave us, the Giganotosaurus."
"The pentaceratops had one of the largest skulls of any dinosaur that has ever lived on the planet."
"The Misty ceratops skull was large, measuring 1.75 meters or 5.7 feet long."
"The Beak was huge, blunt, and slightly recurved."
"A parasaurolophus roar doesn't sound like a roar at all, in fact, it sounds like a horn."
"That Amargasaurus right there is just absolutely beautiful."
"Definitely a beautiful minifigure Kentrosaurus and a really nice entry into the line."
"I'm super psyched to have an Oranosaurus in the minifigure line."
"Absolutely awesome looking Therizinosaurus."
"I love the legacy T-Rex mold, I think it's fantastic."
"I'm just going to do some brief rendering, but it looks like more or less we have ourselves an Indominus rex."
"It truly looks like it has life to it; it genuinely looks like a real, living, breathing dinosaur's head right here in front of me."
"Wow, this one's a sweetheart, cute little Edmontosaurus."
"Cassowaries are just dinosaurs, they are just raptors effectively."
"The idea of prehistoric life was inconceivable; the word dinosaur did not yet exist."
"Pachycephalosaurus, Elliot, it's a plant-eater, not a predator. The only thing this guy's creeping up on is a nice dewy leaf."
"The best feature of this T-Rex is how adjustable it is; you can bend its elbows, you can adjust its neck in all directions."
"The biggest feature of this T-Rex is the button on its back that lifts its head up for roaring."
"I am a Brachiosaurus, a long-necked dinosaur."
"I absolutely love the coloration of this new tyrannosaur."
"It probably would have been one of my favorite Mattel tyrannosaurus yet."
"The dinosaur here really is the hero of the story."
"Tyrannosaurus rex had by far the strongest bite of any meat-eating dinosaurs."
"It's a pretty creative and quite interesting take on this dinosaur."
"It definitely looks like a very cool, very crocodilian-like appearance for this dinosaur."
"Definitely a gorgeous version of a Jurassic style Triceratops."
"Easily the best version of a Triceratops that we've had from Mattel so far."
"This brand new Mattel Jurassic Park Hammond Collection Triceratops is another awesome addition to this line."
"Here is Dreadnoughtus fully assembled in all its glory; this figure is absolutely massive."
"Tyrannosaurus rex means 'king of the terrible lizards', and for good reason."
"This Giganotosaurus is a very confrontational dinosaur."
"Just a beautiful looking Velociraptor figurine."
"Dilophosaurus seems to have quite the long narrow head."