
Occultism Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Occult knowledge is self-explanatory; it's just having knowledge on all of these types of things."
"The very first occult beachhead in America was Rosicrucian."
"If you really want to get a more robust idea of what's going into making the lesser key of Solomon or the goisha you're going to want to dive into that playlist."
"Indeed, this text has gone on to deeply influence the religion Crowley founded, Thelema, and continues to inspire occultists to this very day."
"The concept of the holy guardian angel has also gone on to great fame in modern occultism, especially in the Thelemic religion that's developed by Aleister Crowley."
"The apparent goal of the ritual is to converse with one's holy guardian angel, thereby learning further magical secrets, being corrected upon one's personal failures, and in modern occultism, learning one's true will."
"The book of Abalin the Mage is an ancient grimoire of magic, a Tome that said to hold all kinds of secret and Forbidden Knowledge."
"The idea of a dark baptism, signing your name in the book of the Beast, and being anointed in blood isn't something they pulled out of thin air."
"So, for a magic circle, you take the alphabet and you just draw a circle around it, and then you loop the alphabet."
"Occultism has been attempted to be utilized around this definition. It does have something to do with it, but we shouldn't make the mistake of demonizing a whole group of people."
"Most of the people that I've dealt with that have been demonic, that have probably been demonized, that have practiced occult practices, that's what we've had to do is deliver them."
"The ideas of chaos magic seem to have a widespread influence on how we regard and practice magic and occultism in the developed world."
"Ghouls have an attraction to churches and cemeteries and if we include the site of the dun witch borers where occult activity was happening and relabel this classification as a general Supernatural one then the total would be 10."
"The hyper sigil is a dynamic miniature model of the magician's Universe, a hologram microcosm, or a voodoo doll."
"The Eight Immortals are viewed as ascended masters, personifications of occult powers."
"For the occultist, this fact is visible in the aura."
"Some of you who live in communities or in families... because you don't know the agreements, the allegiance, the covenants that they have made in secrecy with evil altars."
"Occult practices are a major open door."
"There's a direct correlation between the percentage of the population involved in the occult and the percentage of the population that's having these UFO encounters."
"The rise of the esoteric and the occult, and the romantic, was a counter to the Enlightenment and the creeping assault of what the Daedalus described as consensus."
"In 1942, a man by the name of Jack Parsons took over the California branch of the OTO, the Agape Lodge."
"Tarot is just a great little universal symbolic key for the occult traditions."
"Magicians like John Dee and Aleister Crowley took incredibly detailed notes of everything they did."
"Even hardcore underground Satanism, if you know about it, it's a surface level. But there's three different layers into that, and they correspond to three demonic levels as well."
"...some of the biggest obeah workers sitting right in your church."
"The Sephirot continue to be the source of intense meditation, speculation, magical practice, and have long since entered into the occult and hermetic imagination of Western esotericism more generally."
"Toxic family dynamic that do black magic now that makes a lot of sense."
"I'd like to suggest an explanation for their domestication using occult knowledge instead of standard mainstream science. I think cats habituated themselves to people because cats serve as a repository for the souls of the dead."
"Joseph Smith was considered a necromancer because he not only saw the location of buried Treasures in his seer Stone but also the spirits guarding them." - Dan Vogel
"One of the most widely published stories of Crowley is the time he and this man McGregor went into a hotel room in Paris to pentagram and invoke the devil."
"The kind of occultism that the Western world has produced, from the Renaissance to the present, has been based on the same principles of science."
"The occult offers a counterfeit, insufficient version of what God is promising us through obedience to him in eternal life."
"People go into the occult because they want... and that's the pride... the American way is like I want, I want this, I'm going to get it."
"The occult or esoteric religions in general are extremely syncretistic... there's no real cohesive doctrine like you have in Christianity."
"Demons of the Lesser key of Solomon: the ARs goisha is the most famous of these containing 72 demon names their powers as well as giving instructions on how to summon them."
"...you're going to want to incubate in your mind and spend a lot of time and effort producing all the details of this servitor before you go through any sort of activation."
"...if you're wanting to have a long-term servitor in my opinion I think it really actually does it justice to spend a good amount of time hashing out all the details for this servitor."
"...you do want to continue feeding it and when you do want to call that servitor forth say there is a specific moment in time where you want to work with that servitor for whatever reason."
"There are some servitors that I've had in the past that did not really bring me that great of results."
"...anything connected to the occult... astrology... Tarot... psychotherapy... you may have a gift for being able to tune into people..."
"Sigil magic is super accessible. Anyone can do it."
"Occultism... Superstition... astrology... spiritism... necromancy... fertility Cults..."
"People are often getting involved in the occult, opening themselves to the entrance of demon entities."
"John Dee was an intellectual. He intellectualized the occult, heavily identifying with mind, which can be a double-edged sword."
"...the original Golden Dawn LBRP as described in great detail by Israel Regardi in his book 'The Middle Pillar' works very well."
"The earliest necromantic manuals describe the use of sahab oil."
"People who were champions of secularism actually were very deeply interested in the occult and in paganism."
"The Darkhold is an ancient compendium of magic and occult knowledge, an esoteric preternatural text formed by the demon Cathon."
"In Freemasonry, the occultist has something very remarkable, something unprecedented, but it has something primeval in its foundation."
"Simultaneously with this, I came to the conclusion that whatever the name of the school occult esoteric or yogi they should exist on the ordinary earthly plane like any other kind of school."
"How man meets with death and with Lucifer, and how the pupil in occultism comes into a hopeless and desolate situation from which he can only be released if he is able to retain a memory of the thought of the 'I'."
"Kabbalah is ubiquitous in modern occultism. Without kabbalah, we wouldn't have the system we have today."
"Discordianism is both a joke religion, a political satire, and an occult technology."
"The recovery of works from the late classical world... would come together to form the core of Renaissance and early modern occultism."
"The seven Ray energies correspond to many Septenaries which provide the basic building blocks of occultism."
"It is essential for the occultist to come to an understanding of this seven-fold man if he is to raise himself in a right way to the level of a higher consciousness."
"Crowley has however a remarkable insight into the philosophy of occultism and when he expounds this, he is most illuminating writer."
"The occultist speaks of different states of consciousness; in reality, they are different worlds."
"Intelligent testing is the one and only way to find confirmation of the results obtained in occultism."
"The family of my mother is a special one, full of people who were fascinated by occultism, witchcraft, magic, and paranormal things."
"He has a commitment to a version of occultism that isn't about reducing himself to the mereness of the thing, the thingification to mediumship, right, to being a receptacle for some other spirit."
"...offering a different version of occultism than the one that Casanova would allow for..."