
Referencing Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"When you’ve got referencing right, it can be the most invaluable tool at your disposal."
"We leaned into like if you're going to do a thing maybe it can reference a thing that happened."
"This is an extremely important concept to understand: cell referencing, especially when we're talking about relative and absolute."
"That first one is locked into the column, but this second spot here is relative to the row that I'm in."
"Always reference values in pivot tables using get pivot data."
"In Google Sheets, the way you would note this is you would type the first cell reference, so H2, and then instead of typing the word 'through,' you just use a colon."
"These are two tables that have a relationship, and that relationship is that show ID is referring to this actual ID here."
"I actually covered that in a previous video if you want to hear the full sorrow."
"Don't waste it with people's names when you do the references in bibliography."
"Harvard referencing is like a massive subject on its own."
"You do need to reference artists if you're going to be using their work."
"Never forget reference pages. Cite everything you've looked at, even if you're not quoting or using statistics from it. And if needed, buy an APA extension for Word if you suck at formatting. Do not forget references ever."
"Absolute versus relative referencing, really important concept."
"He's been [__] knocked around his whole life, and he's, you know, [__] you know the movie Bruno, no, yeah, so you say, so like if I say, that's a nice shirt, no Bruno."
"Referencing of course is extremely important if you're gonna do any bigger project because it kind of gives you like a base to fall back on in case you ever get lost in your scene."
"...it's fine to use the words but you need to make sure that in addition to those words you give the references to the statements earlier on that justify it."
"For the master username, I'm going to use the ref function to reference the parameter we created for it."
"Consider the trade-offs between embedding and referencing based on your application's use cases."
"Identify why you are using the reference."
"I'm gonna do a Dale Brown dude and start calling the cops."
"When the problem specifically tells you what concepts you should reference, be sure to explain what that concept or theory says and how it applies to this example."
"F4 key will apply absolute references."
"References will be your best friend."
"Reference... if you're using a word document you can literally just click the reference button and it'll do it."
"Referencing is one of the most important things that a mastering engineer will do in their day."
"If you have written a whole manuscript and you need to put in two references afterwards, it's such a hassle if you have to do it manually."
"You can give the references on where you got information from... it's a lot more precise."
"Referencing things from life is very, very important. If you don't know what it looks like, Google it."
"Many researchers find referencing difficult... the best practice is to recognize the source you got that idea from, and this is called referencing."
"A referencing manager like EndNote can help you to take care of all the hassles that are there with referencing."
"The process of referencing and writing is also made easier."
"Having your content referenced properly credited is the Right Way Forward."
"The reference list needs to be ordered in alphabetical order based on the last name of the authors."
"The biblical writers quote books that are outside the Bible all the time to make specific points."
"You no longer have to worry about referencing anymore, the software is going to do it for you."
"It is better to start from some sort of referencing."
"What's really cool with a relational database is... you can simply reference the customer ID and the part ID that you're talking about for the invoices."
"It's always good to cite it and then you can create a bibliography at the end."
"One thing you must do is refer to your tables in the text."
"Referencing is a huge aspect about what most, if not all, artists will do to be able to capture the aesthetic quality, the functional elements, the details that are not necessarily so easy to remember."
"It's all based on this dynamic referencing."
"Rome's block references allow you to cite the specific idea in line with whatever it is that you're writing."
"Referencing is just a really powerful tool for workflow that you should get used to using."
"The key to this is to avoid entering actual values in your formulas and instead reference cells elsewhere in your spreadsheet that contain those values."
"It's up to the reader to go back and reference the source to check your claim."