
Garment Construction Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I much prefer attaching the collar to a garment when it can be laid flat."
"We are avoiding any kind of shaping that would create a lower back neckline, so we need to split for the two fronts."
"How do you know where the hip is on the back? ...measure up from the hem of the skirt."
"It’s always a good idea to press your seams as you go."
"It helps to keep the pocket staying inside the garment."
"Once you learn decreases and increases, you're pretty much set to make pretty much any garment."
"The beauty of a muslin is that you can get pretty aggressive with the garment. You can make marks on the garment, you can really tug and pull at the fabric and try a lot of different things, and clip into the fabric, because you're not so worried about destroying the fabric."
"When I'm referring to front or back panel, you need the length of basically half the sweater."
"You get to decide how big or small, tight fitting, loose fitting that you might want it to be based on the finished garment measurements."
"Things like this start to appear to you as you learn more about sewing and garment construction."
"...when you sew the sleeve on just make sure that this is going to be on the underside and that way when you wear it you won't be able to see the seam as obviously."
"It's the same for the front and the back."
"The first thing that we're going to need to do is to make sure that the sleeve head fits into the armhole of our garment."
"Once you put all the pieces together, there's really not very many of them, and it's a pretty easy dress to adjust to other sizes as well."
"Next up, we've got the construction of the garment; this is going to be the fabric, the build quality."
"Their priorities, like you can see, are fabric, fit, and details."
"Stabilize the shoulder seams...it's absolutely crucial to do that to get good results with knit and Jersey fabrics."
"Now's the time to try it on, see how it's fitting you, and see how long you want your arms to be."
"So you should be able to create lace swatches so that you can work out garments in the same way that we create a standard swatch."
"Under all that, there's a foundation, and it's a bustier, and we usually bone it, and what that does, it keeps the shape of this beautiful bodice."
"I really encourage people to understand how sweaters are constructed so you can make them fit you."
"I'll never not be excited about top-down raglines and how this works."
"Fabric woven for the purposes of making garments should be firmly set and properly washed."
"The true bias can either be your best friend or your worst enemy."
"Slopers are the foundation for pretty much every single garment that will exist here in the program and also this is true in the real world."
"I just gonna cut the yarn and leave about 15 inches tail, just enough to sew the front panel to the back panel."
"The hood stitches come together on the needle, and then there's some shaping that happens in the hood."
"If you understand also a little bit about garment construction, it'll make the final result a lot more finished looking."
"A cover stitch is not a construction machine; it's all about the finishing of the garment."
"She not only makes beautiful garments, she's very interested in garment construction and modifications."
"You're going to need to begin by sewing the garment together so that you can actually attach your facing."
"Stay stitching helps to stabilize the neckline and to prevent it from stretching."
"If you have a lined garment or a checked garment or something, you have to absolutely line up to, there is always the option of laser alignment on the machine."
"Let's go over all of the cut pattern pieces that you need to make this bomber jacket."
"We also talked about something super, super key, which is the finished garment measurements."
"These are all of the patterns I'm going to be needing for the top or the shirt of the pajama."
"We're going to begin at the neckline, so it's a top-down sweater."
"I want the balloon to be really full, I'm going to make this sleeve 26 inches long."
"You want to place the center front line either on a dominant vertical line or in between two dominant vertical lines."
"The reason I'm drafting the back first is because we are going to use the measurement of what we have on the back to create the front neckline."