
Cardiovascular Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Without inflammation and damage to the vessel walls... you can have circulating cargo ships filled with triglycerides and cholesterol that never offload."
"The higher unsaturated fat you have in your diet, the less likely these are going to get plaques developing in your arteries."
"Hypertension is not only a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, it's also a very important risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease."
"Cardiovascular activities can make you lose muscle tissue."
"It's not an evil molecule. The question is how healthy are your arteries."
"Exercise obviously, but I do think for most people, you're gonna want some kind of cardiovascular activity."
"Having a high A1C and high triglycerides is like having a shotgun pointed at your heart. Having high total cholesterol and high LDL is like having a BB gun pointed at your heart."
"You can expect artery disease to stabilize and reverse and the symptoms to go away."
"The cardiovascular system needs to be able to sustain consistent work output over a minimum of 30 minutes with no break."
"Large buoyant LDL is cardiovascularly neutral."
"Physical fitness equals cardiovascular fitness because there's actually a lot of other facets to physical fitness."
"Regular exercise is one of my top recommendations for your cardiovascular and metabolic health."
"A Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil and nuts reduces cardiovascular risk by 30%."
"Higher levels of apob were associated with lower lifespan, heart disease, and stroke."
"An increase in blood volume increases what's called the end diastolic volume, and the end diastolic volume is referred to as the volume of blood that's within the heart before the ventricles pump."
"Once the sounds completely dissipate or disappear... that last point... is called the diastolic blood pressure."
"There are medications that can impact and slow down the heart rate."
"Promoting long-term exposure to EPA and DHA is key to reaping their benefits for cardio-metabolic health."
"Aortic regurgitation causes steep aortic pressure changes and a wide pulse pressure."
"Adding this to the diet will reduce heart attack stroke and cardiovascular death and so I mean it's also you know these are delicious foods when you get used to eating them."
"Exercise is essential to maintaining health throughout life. Exercise helps keep the cardiovascular system healthy by stimulating the heart to pump blood more effectively."
"Omega-3 fats help with cardiac function and circulation."
"So overall so if you're looking for cardiovascular safety and actually benefit so all these drugs that have a neutral effect they're safe to give."
"For every patient that has any cardiovascular risk, or there's any cardiovascular disease, then you also have to add sglt2 inhibitors."
"Decrease the venous return and that is going to decrease the actual what the cardiac output."
"Walking faster increases the heart rate more and seems to be better for reducing blood pressure over the long term."
"Thirty minutes of stationary cycling each day can increase your heart rate, get the lungs working, and help reduce body weight."
"Shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease."
"The biggest issue... is people who aren't necessarily... like, you look at them and you're like, that's an obese person. They just don't have cardiovascular baselines."
"It's such a full body movement that my heart is what fatigues first on the assault bike."
"Just remember, if your velocity is greater than roughly 250 cm/s or 2 1/2 m/s, then that's likely indicative of aortic stenosis."
"Strength training that raises your heart rate."
"Strength training that raises your heart rate, slow and methodical."
"Restricting carbohydrates improves cardiovascular risk factors."
"GG also plays a role in heart health."
"People who exercise a lot actually get larger diameter [coronary] arteries."
"Weight training can get your heart rate up just as much, if not more, than our cardio."
"Erectile dysfunction is literally the canary in the coal mine telling you that you have cardiovascular issues."
"That's what you love about weight training; it can be cardiovascular as well."
"Vitamin D3 and K2 work together to improve your cardiovascular health."
"Sauna bathing is associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality and improves risk prediction in men and women."
"The CF type products do come in direct contact with the cardiovascular system of the body."
"A high intake of menaquinone, Vitamin K2-7, could protect against cardiovascular disease."
"Nitric oxide was the molecule of the year because it's such an important signaling molecule when it comes to our cardiovascular health."
"Health as a whole is very important, and especially making sure your cardiovascular health is on point is probably the most important of all."
"Cardiovascular is the main focus of your longevity."
"Cardiovascular fitness, there's great changes for heart health that can occur."
"Strength production, through effective strength training, provides all of the cardiovascular benefits a person needs plus strength."
"Swapping calories from animal protein for calories in plant protein reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease and even premature death."
"When you're swapping calories from saturated fat for polyunsaturated fats you reduce your risk of having a cardiovascular event by 20-21%."
"If you have had COVID-19, whether you're asymptomatic or you've been hospitalized, or you've required ICU level of care, you have an increased risk of cardiovascular outcomes."
"You want to make sure that you dedicate plenty of time and attention to the heart, the cardiovascular structure, so that you don't miss anything."
"After dinner every night, going on a brisk walk is going to help get your cardiovascular system going."
"Jumping rope... it activates many of your muscle groups while giving you a cardiovascular effect."
"It is excellent for the heart as well."
"Strength training for your heart, cardiovascular endurance right here."
"It's been shown in studies to decrease total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, and increase HDLs, so it balances out your lipids."
"Cardio is not bad, it's literally improving your cardiovascular health."
"Dates play an important role in promoting cardiovascular health."
"You ever do a 20 or 30 rep set of barbell squats? Yeah, it feels like cardio."
"Garlic has been shown to help with blood pressure, cholesterol as well."
"Posture brings health; posture is essential for cardiovascular network flow."
"Heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary emboli are all caused by the formation of blood clots within blood vessels."
"If we can improve our erection health, we also probably will improve our cardiovascular health."
"Cardiovascular disease is an inflammatory process, not just about cholesterol."
"Exercise is great for maintaining healthy blood vessels, heart, and cholesterol."
"High frequency blood donation is protective against cardiovascular disease."
"Apple cider vinegar has been shown to lower triglycerides, which are the fats that contribute to arterial plaque."
"Cardiovascular risk being a dominant factor."
"Ideal cardiovascular health is really defined by seven factors in health behaviors."
"Cardio is the most important because we have to look at cardiovascular health, cognitive, endothelial cells."
"I think just going in being in shape, having a little bit of cardiovascular strength really helps starting out."
"Hypertension is higher than normal blood pressure, and it usually happens when we have a buildup of plaque."
"Owning a pet, owning a dog can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease."
"It's never going to be bad to have a better cardiovascular system."
"Good oral hygiene seems to be associated with reduced rates of cardiovascular disease."
"It's the marriage for the heart and lungs; they're working together."
"This was a trial designed to rule out a 15% reduction in cardiovascular mortality."
"The sulfate that is produced in response to sunlight also benefits your heart and cardiovascular system."
"My area of greatest interest was the cardiovascular system, the heart and the blood vessels."
"Atherosclerosis is the major cause of cardiovascular disease."
"Fasting is beneficial in lowering cardiovascular risk of a population."
"Over 100,000 excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions in England since February 2020."
"Plant-based diet is healthy because you want to decrease your risk of dying of hardening of the arteries."
"Maintaining a healthy blood pressure is crucial for good cardiovascular health."
"The stronger we are in our heart, the more cardiovascular strength we have, the overall stronger and healthier you will be."
"It would probably be a good idea to do something that would allow them to increase their cardiovascular capacity."
"Cardiovascular health, that's very, very important."
"They seem to have excellent cardiovascular health."
"The more you exercise, the stronger your heart is."
"Estrogen reduces also the plaque development because it reduces the oxidation of LDL."
"Heart disease, the vast majority of heart disease is prevented with a fit and healthy lifestyle."
"Walking 30 minutes on most days of the week has been shown to positively impact not only kidney health but cardiovascular health and health in general."
"The aorta is the largest artery in the body and experiences the highest blood pressure anywhere in the cardiovascular system."
"Alpha linolenic acid (ALA) has been shown to have cardiovascular protection."
"It increases our heart muscles, our core muscles, our legs, our arms."
"This is making you fitter; it's challenging your heart and that increases fitness."
"Cardiovascular training is obviously good for the heart, lungs, and the muscles that assist with breathing."
"The blood-thinning quality of garlic may also be helpful in preventing heart attacks and strokes."
"Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles."
"Cardio is for losers? No, it's really good for your heart and your cardiovascular health."
"A glass of red wine a day or every couple of days has beneficial cardiovascular effects."