
Depiction Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Nazis are bad, showing them in a negative light makes sense because Nazis are bad."
"Now, players who claim to see the aliens claim that they were surprisingly not aggressive and wouldn't attack the player, and were the typical depiction of aliens with them being slender and grey with big eyes."
"But his vibrant worlds actually provide us with vivid depictions of what it is like to feel terminally out of place, with the sense of loneliness and loss that comes with the simple passage of time."
"This long-running and much-enjoyed detective show painted the modern-day British countryside to look like a picturesque postcard."
"There's a fine line between demonstrating that particular aspect of hell and engaging with it."
"If you're looking for a snapshot of what Earth would look like after a zombie apocalypse."
"God damn it, movie, this is like the best depiction of awkward sibling communication."
"I love this character. I love this depiction of Catwoman."
"My office right now is an amazing depiction of my mental state."
"Vincent's last paintings were vibrant depictions of country life."
"I feel like this book gives a pretty good in-depth accounting of how sick he was."
"That is a pretty accurate depiction of Neville."
"Honestly, that's a pretty good depiction of her. She's beautiful, the red hair is perfect, the age is pretty good too."
"...the world that the photos show us is also often surprisingly colorful."
"Most of the characters with the exception of jao whose father was a successful recording artist don't have the means and living a particularly lavish lifestyle."
"...this is an incredibly accurate film when it comes to hacking."
"It accurately depicted the hacking tools and the scene of the time."
"They make me feel feels both because she's not real and I can't have her, but also because the expertly depicted pained expressions she wears tell the same story that the cute [ __ ] stickers do."
"It's almost a child's drawing of a train."
"Bloody scenes of absolute chaos on board the ship, and this is completely accurate."
"Anime isn’t afraid to show anything, girls have boobs, guys have dongs, robots are rad, people fall in love and do horrible things."
"That's the reality of war captured in the best-selling book 'Across the Fence.'"
"The depiction of sex is quite healthy. It's consensual, it's usually very playful and the participants enjoy themselves."
"The depiction of sex is quite healthy, consensual, and tastefully done."
"It's one of the best post-apocalyptic movies ever made or at least one of the best depictions of what the world might look like."
"Robotech's depiction of war and death was far more mature than any other cartoon on television at that time."
"Attack on Titan is a war story for the most part and it often depicts war as horrific."
"Monk was a master at capturing the last moments of life."
"The way that they portrayed the cities of Japan in rubble post-war, the way that they portrayed that was just amazing."
"God just kind of looked like an atomic, like a bomb had gone off."
"The film's flashback structure vividly captures the sense of a world broken by war."
"He seems to capture people's souls when he paints."
"The film has been hailed as an anti-war masterpiece and one of the most harrowing and disturbing depictions of war ever put to screen."
"Nolan does a fantastic job depicting how expendable even a great and special genius like Oppenheimer can be once their usefulness to power has exhausted itself."
"It's like the perfect depiction of aliens trying to be human."
"This is what true despair looks like."
"Maybe none more so than a depiction of religion as a whole."
"...this version here is almost pixel accurate to what we actually saw within that movie."
"The way this world is depicted is so creative, it's so unique."
"It's warm to me, despite being a depiction of a cool winter landscape."
"It's a depiction of real communities who are impoverished."
"Now seriously, show me a movie that portrays someone in a casino in Las Vegas where they are smoking and there's ashtrays full of ash next to them. That is true, I've never seen that."
"One of the most brutal depictions of War I think I've ever seen"
"...what I was trying to show was something that the war film really hasn't dared to show..."
"It's a solid depiction of grief, the isolation, the pent-up frustration in battling one's own inner demons in a Twilight Zone/Creep Show ESC way."
"The movie even does one of the most cliche things possible in order to show it. Her briefcase opens up and a bunch of papers go all over the floor, something that we've seen a hundred times before."
"...this film also really puts in the war in Star Wars showing the full extent of the Clone Wars seen on screen."
"Graphic combat. If it's graphic, all combat's supposed to be graphic."
"...much like his tripods Alvin kaheo's images are now one of the most iconic depictions of the War of the Worlds."
"If it's like, you're just showing someone get cut open and you're like staying on it."
"Gabimaru's battle against Tensen is nothing short of intense, with every step and defensive move depicted clearly."
"Style is not just how you draw something, but also what you choose to depict in your artwork."
"I really like how they did the fight. It was really good."
"Why wouldn't you want a cartoon to show something like that?"
"It's just it's just the best depiction of war, in my opinion, I think like it really gives it to you how it is."
"What did you think of the way of life depicted here?"
"The scene depicts Moses preparing for the seventh plague."
"Depictions of the Velociraptor often portray them as pack hunters, which isn't accurate."
"A masterful depiction of how much is said in the silence."
"This shows Harry Potter with his parents, Dumbledore holding a pair of socks, Ron holding the Quidditch Cup, and Quirrell holding the Sorcerer's Stone."
"...creates this little image of the burial, so that's what you're seeing down in the bottom."
"The aspect of the film that I don't hear talked about very much is how human fear is depicted."
"That's funny. That's just so... I've never seen such an accurate depiction."
"John is often depicted as a very beautiful youth, beardless, long-haired, often with really almost feminine features."
"Sadness comes with an emotion or the feeling of pain."
"One way or another, just like Dazai, Yozo presents us with a painfully accurate depiction of mental illness."
"That really is hell. The Grim Reaper here to take you to hell. But I am actually hell, 'cuz I'm Jesus Christ. God, look at the lines. Oh no, it looks like I've drawn this. I have zero drawing skills. This looks like something that I have drawn. First prize. Wow."
"...seeing the depiction of Matthew that's that prompted a ton of questions starting with like why where did that come from where in where in your life were you like I need to write this into this thing."
"These characters were so natural, so generic, and real in their depiction of everyday life."
"One of my favorite depictions of any Marvel character, very emotional."
"At the end of the day, everything I've been depicting can happen in reality."
"It just blows me away how they've managed to depict Jesus with a beard this whole time and simultaneously demonize them so heavily."
"Jesus never moved into the world of fantasy, but the closest He came as His depiction of the real world when He talked about the rich man in torment and Lazarus in the presence of God."
"La Trek depicted his subjects in a style bordering on caricature."
"God is depicted in a very unique way. He's a commanding presence but also very soothing and comforting."
"There's a tendency in this film to depict British soldiers almost as Nazi-like as these sadistic predators."
"I'd say it's one of the most brutally honest depictions of a real relationship."
"It was about as close to reality as you could get it is."
"...I later learned it was much worse than that more PG version in the movies."
"This is the best depiction of King Ghidorah ever put on the screen."
"...one of the most sincere and powerful depictions of what love can be that I've seen in fiction in a while."
"Excellent depiction of that, really good showcasing just how far and deep the damage will go."
"Super fun movie and a really fun depiction of the Bronx in the mid 90s."
"It's just an amazing depiction of like the city psyche."
"Sometimes real life depictions are the most helpful to understand real scenarios."
"People began to figure out... we can actually depict things somewhat more simply and somewhat more clearly."
"...it just captures a place and a period in history very very well."
"This is an excellent picture of what modern slavery really looks like."
"St Nicholas's real face right here that's how I pictured him it's how you pictured him that's it."
"Pain really is the best at depicting depression and sadness."
"And I truly believe that Insomniac understands this and that they're on track to give us some of the best depictions of Spider-Man's rogues that we've ever seen."
"I wanted to make him look like he was in the snow."
"I really liked their depiction of the fold in the show; it felt menacing and was really well described."
"It's a wonderful picture of life in Coach Niagara."
"That is literally the perfect depiction of history repeating itself."
"The idea of erasing memories perhaps has never been depicted in any movie as well as it was in the 2004 film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
"It's so visceral the way that the zombies are drawn; they are a living virus themselves."
"This whole series depicts the multiverse as shards of broken glass."
"It probably depicts the banyan fig, Ficus benghalensis, tree with rope-like air roots."
"...the series absolutely nailed the whole lizard aspect of mosasaurs... their patterning, their facial features, and their somewhat frequent tongue flicking just scream lizard."
"Now not everything has to be fantastical; we can, for example, just depict a hotel lobby."
"It's just a really accurate depiction of, well, society."
"It's the craziest depiction of Haki we've seen in the story."
"A really interesting mix of elements and characters which is really well depicted."
"The Fukinuki Yatai, or 'blown off a roof,' an odd angle of perspective, not only seamlessly depicts indoor and outdoor activities but also provides a better view of the space."
"Every one of the pillars is depicted with scenes from historical and religious events."
"...a very realistic depiction of what this could look like..."
"It's such an incredible depiction of a subtly abusive relationship."
"They really frame the way those lions are depicted... everything is hidden and quiet and in the grass."
"The Gospel of Peter actually gives you Jesus coming out of the tomb live right there."
"Developing a real, believable, dependable rendition of a human face for your portfolio."
"It's one of the finest depictions of men in combat."
"What exactly did Jesus look like, both as a child and then as an adult? It's a question that's been asked for centuries."
"It did a really good job just showing us what this world is like."
"He's an awesome character, at least from how he's depicted."
"I am loving this Rogue One prequel series for its grounded depiction of the Star Wars Universe."
"It's a tight depiction of love and it's timeless."
"The way they depicted the lawyers and the courtrooms... was spot on."
"Absolute artistic bull's-eyes in terms of depiction."