
Tinkering Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"We have a tendency to kind of tinker and innovate."
"I've been tinkering with it in the same world."
"If you're good at tinkering like you're comfortable getting into Linux and doing SSH and things like that then Retro Arena can be a lot of fun."
"Like most everything I have, I don't know that it'll ever truly be 'finished.' It's kind of one of those things that you're always going to be tinkering on and working with, and there will always be more to do."
"...got these ones on as soon as I got home, rolled it off the trailer, and here it sits. So I'm gonna get the four-wheeler fired up and try to get this thing in the garage, and we're gonna monkey with it a little bit."
"I'm feeling... I just attach a wire here, a wire there, and then I turn this knob."
"He took any opportunity to break down a machine to its component parts and reassemble it to get a better understanding of how it worked."
"It's a set of ideas and suggestions, really, for how you might tackle some of the problems that um, that I face when I'm tinkering around in my workshop."
"The dots are there just to tell you what you can do. The idea here is to just explore and tinker and see what you like."
"It was more than just the urge to tinker; it was a deep-seated desire to protect, to nurture the fragile thing they'd built."
"From the time I was a little kid, I was building things and I was always trying to build something. My mother used to say, if it can be taken apart, Bill will take it apart 'cause that's what he does."
"Kids love technology and just tinkering with stuff and figuring shit out."
"As a kid, when he wasn't getting straight A's tinkering on projects with his engineer father or helping rebuild old Porsches in his neighbor's restoration shop, he was exploring the forests and the swamps of his extended backyard."
"I came to really respect the power of electricity at the same time, and I'd like to say that at some point these two paths met up because I was always playing with somebody was taking radios apart, and my family would bring me radios to fix."
"I'm finally at this stage and we can get the engine and gearbox in then I can Tinker about with all the wiring Plumbing in the cooling system the electrics and yeah just tinkering about."
"It's cool to be able to take it apart move it here put it all back together."
"I really appreciate you guys tagging along and watching me Tinker around with these boats"
"I'm gonna just go ahead and go to the garage and just go into full Land Rover world and start tinkering."
"If you like getting into the more nitty-gritty with neural networks and tinkering, I suggest you check out the Neural Networks from Scratch book."
"There are so many nice touches here that make this thing a pleasure to work on, troubleshoot, upgrade, and generally fart around with and have fun learning the ins and outs of early 90s arcade machines."
"If you go back and tinker with things too much then eventually you might lose more than you're gaining."
"I love tinkering with my tech and when it comes to my framework laptop it's been my trusty companion for the past two years."
"My father takes things apart to see why they don't go."
"I get really excited about putting printers together. It's one of my favorite parts to just mess with this type of tech and all these components and stuff so it's definitely going to be fun to take these out and try to get them running."
"I love to be able to take something apart and be able to put it back together and watch it work. That's what I like to do, Braden."
"For me personally, I'm the type of person that likes to tinker, that likes to have full control over their machines."
"Tinkering and testing, that's the number one thing I enjoy."
"We played with water, we lifted a whole car with a lever, and we tinkered around with some music and art. We did a lot."
"I love investigating things, I love tinkering with things, I love building things, and I love to dig deep through the evidence and find things."
"So interesting machine one that we tend to label as a mechanic special if you want to Tinker on something in the garage for a little bit this is an awesome platform to do it on."
"It's just so cool. It's getting to tinker and do the small stuff to your car that makes such a big difference to you that excites me."
"It is truly a neat algorithm I enjoyed kind of tinkering with it."
"That's what 3D printing is all about, just tinkering."
"As time progressed, obviously for me building it, there's no real labor charge other than my own time and I do enjoy it, I really do enjoy tinkering in the sunshine."
"I don't know much about building machines, but I have always loved taking things apart and trying to put them back together."
"Is it worth hacking and tinkering with? In my mind, absolutely yes."
"I don't think I'm actually going to try and redeem this device, but this little stepper motor and the driver board for it, I might do something with it."
"Things are created by tinkering, not by five-year plans. You just have the thing you have and you tinker upon it and you improve it and you make it better over time."
"More companies need to realize we need to have the ability to tear stuff apart and tinker with it."
"Once I actually start tinkering and messing with something, that's when I get the inspiration."
"The best advice for people who like to tinker with gadgets."
"It's more like a hobby, it's just fun. I like tinkering with things."
"If you're into puzzles, building models, or just like to tinker or create things with your hands, you really need to check out U-Gears."
"Making exists on a spectrum... tinkering... engineering... scientific way of thinking."
"Maybe this will encourage you to go out and pick up an older computer to learn how to tinker not only with the hardware but the software as well."
"Art was never really my passion. I came into it not because I wanted to express myself, but because I liked to tinker."
"It's the kind of thing that you'd expect to see on Peter Parker's desk that he's tinkering with."
"This is why I absolutely love tinkering with this stuff because I have learned something awesome."
"If you love tinkering with technology and you're willing to put the time into troubleshooting, then this thing is perfect for you."
"I am not an expert in any field; I just like to tinker and learn."
"I'm excited about because I love to tinker, this is going to be a great project."
"I'm not afraid to break things because let's be honest, I like working on these things; they're a lot of fun."
"You will have to tinker around and learn over time, which is why there's value in experience."
"I was never really taught by anybody, I just started kind of tinkering around with these locomotives and sort of figured it out."
"Thinking by Nature, Tinker by trade."
"Don't let your age deter you from that; the sooner you can start tinkering, the better you'll be."
"If you want to make it look really impressive and tinker with it, you're going to learn a lot."
"Hello and welcome back, I'm Alex, and this is the art of tinkering."
"I want to really encourage you to tinker around with pandoc."
"Was always that kind of child and took apart old electronics, weren't we all?"