
Squash Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Sweet potatoes and squash: the nutritious duo."
"You know, the best thing about playing squash is the beer afterwards."
"I love knowing that all I have to do is grab one or several squash, split it open, and bake it for an easy meal that works with any sauce, meat, or veggies I have on hand."
"I started some squash. This is Alexandria squash or zucchini. It's a hybrid, one of the very few that I will actually grow in my garden and promote because it withstands diseases here like amazing, the pests, everything, and it is super super productive."
"Look at our little baby acorn squash coming in, aren't they precious?"
"The best way I found to cook Patty pan squash is to slice it long ways through it and just fry it."
"I love squash, I like the green zucchini and I also like the yellow."
"That'd be great, squash Rooney's brilliant."
"In the Northeast, you'll find more dishes made with butternut squash."
"That's a lovely shot, though, front right-hand corner."
"That's a brilliant shot from El Shorbagy, so, so tight."
"Hopefully today we can see a clean, free-flowing game of squash."
"She's got all three reacting, creating a lot more cross courts."
"Moving the ball around the court, using a sort of subtle little changes of height to create chances to the front."
"He's come back from the dead to win a major PSA title."
"This is Egypt's premier squash event involving 56 of the world's best players from 22 countries."
"He's a former world champion, former world number one, and he is probably the favorite here tonight."
"Squashes are so good for you, they're nourishing and just like that perfect comfort food."
"Look at my sunflowers, so they're taller than me now, but look at that, that's a squash coming up through there."
"The weight of shot is obviously really important in squash."
"It's really important in squash to be able to recognize openings, there's an angle, and then be able to execute that shot."
"Heather McKay went on to consecutively win the next 15 British Opens."
"I am actually using squash tonight for dinner."
"Strength and endurance, speed and agility are vital to top-class squash players."
"A good serve many players underestimate its value; it's not merely a method of starting a rally and putting the ball into play."
"The volley is a shot hit before the ball bounces, is valuable both for taking the initiative and keeping it; it's the basis of an attacking game."
"Squash should be played in these four corners; how do you do that? The front wall will give you the right answer."
"Even when John got into a little bit of trouble, he was getting back into the points with some very patient shots down the wall."
"He's probably playing the most classic, the best classic squash out of all the squash players right now."
"This is incredible squash from John White, so much pressure."
"The great luxury of squash is that they're able to put these glass courts anywhere in the world."
"It's such an exciting game of squash, isn't it? It's like lifted the crowd."
"It's been a brilliant game of squash so far."
"A lot of squash is about endurance."
"I forgot how amazing butternut squash is and how well it goes in a nice creamy pasta sauce."
"It's the ability that he has to suddenly flip that on its head and play some of the squash that we're seeing."
"A wonderful attacking boast on the backhand."
"The cut on the volley drop is very important because it takes the pace off the ball."
"Just look how tight these volley drops are."
"All of the squash that I'm about to show you are super good winter storage squash."
"Wonderful sportsmanship from Nick Matthew."
"She is the PSA World Tour Finals champion."
"She's the best woman squash player that's ever played this type of level."
"She's known as the Terminator on the PSA World Tour."
"A phenomenal comeback from Camille Serm."
"She's done it, she's done it, has held her nerves, she's closed. What a game, unbelievable!"
"She held a nerve at the end there, converted the match point after having saved five match balls."
"You are an unbelievably impressive player executing a very very tough game plan."
"What a match, what a match, crowd thoroughly getting into it."
"Terrific for international squash."