
Hibernation Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"You don't need to feed them, hibernating ants really just hibernate."
"I'd be a black bear and sleep through the winter slow down the old heartbeat and body temp and hibernate."
"They can sleep for 6 years which given their lifespan is like a human being asleep for 48 years."
"I love falling into autumn in such a way that I feel like I'm going to start hibernating."
"Hibernation for bears simply means they don't need to eat or drink and rarely urinate or defecate... or not at all. For literally seven months. That's a long time."
"I think it's interesting to note that a lot of reptile species actually benefit from a sort of winter cooling or dormancy."
"...they go into...hibernation...they stop acting, they stop moving, they stop feeding, and they just sit there..."
"I'm on a mission to basically run to the kitchen, grab an ice pole, grab any packet of crisps, and hibernate in my room."
"Hibernation for now, to terrorize tomorrow."
"As we get more into fall and winter, it's so much easier to not want to leave because it gets darker so much earlier."
"Bears prepare for hibernation by eating a lot of food to store fat, finding a warm den, and slowing down their metabolism."
"With modern research, we now know that you shouldn't hibernate your tortoise for longer than three months if it's a healthy adult."
"Come back again and wake me up at about, um, half-past May."
"I started hibernating as best I could in mid-June of 2000. I was 24 years old."
"This is actually my favorite time of the year. I love mid to late September throughout November, and then after that, I don't care, I just want to hibernate."
"Hibernating sounds fun though, just like a good ass sleep."
"The hibernation period for brown bears usually lasts from November through late spring."
"It's January feeling so far for you, it's very restful because everything about the country and the weather makes you feel like just hibernating."
"Fatness like a sign of power in bears, isn't that a good thing? They want to be fat for hibernation."
"That's when bears slow down in the winter and rest, kind of like a bunch of long naps."
"Frogs can go for months without eating by achieving a state called torpor."
"Sleep well, Tiddles. Tiddles has gone to sleep for the winter. He will wake again in the springtime."
"I just want to be in hibernation mode, which means wearing lots of cozy loungewear."
"Winter slumbering in the open air, wears on its smiling face a dream of spring."
"Winter is actually wonderful because things close down and it feels like your little family can go into hibernation."
"Hibernation is when an animal goes into a resting state of inactivity with a slower heartbeat, no eating or drinking, and a lower body temperature."
"A snail can sleep for three years."
"Grizzly bears hibernate for five to seven months each year."
"Hyperphagia... causes them to forage more vigorously to help them pack on needed fat for hibernation."
"Snails... take the longest naps, one nap can last up to three years."
"Snails can sleep for three years without eating; of course, at the end of it, they are dead."
"Researchers found indications that each year they fell into a hibernation-like state, probably conserving their energy and waiting out the brutal winter."
"This is a proper Cheese Fest, alright, this will make you hibernate till New Year."
"Animals often hibernate through the winter to save their energy and eat less food."
"Humans are mammals, right? And it's time to hibernate this time of year, and extra rest is totally fine."
"People often think that when bears go into hibernation, they just sit there and sleep until spring, which is not the case."
"Until vernal warmth returns again, the wetland and its creatures will rest for five months."
"I am literally rolling out of my hole of hibernation from summer and I'm coming alive."
"It's really important if you can show people, hey, you can hibernate your turtles, you don't need to be afraid of it."
"Time of the year, you just kind of get a little... you know, you'd be like, 'I wanna hibernate.'"
"Imagine you could simply freeze yourself solid during the cold winter days; that's what frogs can do."
"During hibernation, turtles breathe through their extremely vascular anus."
"What is the name of the long sleep some animals go through during the entire winter? Hibernation."
"Winter in the North American heartland, dozens of enormous ships lie in repose, huddled together, locked by ice into their winter births."
"Tortoises do something called brumating. That's when they sleep longer in the winter months."
"Hibernation is actually good from a breeding standpoint because it kind of resets the animals each year."
"During hibernation, a bat's metabolic rate drops drastically, with its body temperature often lowering to near freezing."
"We're just gonna stay safe, hibernate, and spend it together."
"These butterflies spend the winter in the UK as adults, seeking out places under bark or in tree cavities and crevices in which to hibernate."
"When groundhogs are hibernating, their heart slows down to five beats a minute."
"Monarch butterflies hibernate in a tree through the winter. And when spring comes, they fly away, filling the sky!"
"Hibernate puts it into a sleep mode where all of the user environment settings are stored in a file."
"These animals are literally able to shut down their life functions for months at a time."