
Arbitration Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Among other things, the agreement requires that any and all disputes, claims, or controversies of any kind or nature whatsoever between Miss Herman and Mr. Woods are to be resolved by confidential binding arbitration."
"None of those letters were remotely legible okay so what should have happened this is the correct call would have been for them to lose three points and we lose one point."
"Courts like arbitration because if you arbitrate a case it gets resolved quickly and outside the courtroom."
"Arbitration means it goes to a binding non-lawsuit process that is a more private process where a generally a retired judge but it can be another type of attorney that is the arbitrator or mediator will help you resolve the dispute."
"I do support the arbitration process when it comes to wages and benefits and things of that nature, but there are other parts of it that really just don't make sense."
"Intuitively, I think you build a better society by encouraging people to appeal to third-party dispassionate arbiters."
"Appeal to third-party dispassionate arbiters."
"Would you ever agree to a force arbitration clause for a crime of any kind? Absolutely not."
"The Lord will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples."
"So these people and the scariest part about it is only 2% of all arbitration cases are found for the complainant."
"The arbitrator used the word appalling when describing the landlord's behavior."
"Every insurer would have to be contractually obliged to submit itself and its clients to arbitration by an independent third party."
"The way the arbitration system is designed promotes this and pushes more and more teams to adopt a file and trial strategy."
"The god of Abraham, the god of Nahor, and the god of their fathers judge between us."
"Courts will interpret any ambiguity in an insurance contract through arbitration based on The Prudent person rule in favor of the insured."
"What's the difference between mediation and arbitration? Arbitration is binding upon the parties, where mediation is not."
"We have put in place arbitration arrangements which mirror arbitration arrangements that exist in other international treaties."
"The arbitral ruling is final, binding, and not subject to appeal."
"The centrality and validity of the permanent Court of Arbitration determination on the Philippines case."
"I think I'd be an extremely good arbitrator."
"Despite the conflict having been a clear Eritrean military victory, the PCA determined that most of the archipelago rightfully belonged to Yemen."
"The arbiter in all of this should be the truth."
"The Supreme Court has become in this nation the final arbiter of those issues that most deeply divide our people from one another."
"He will judge between the nations and arbitrate for many peoples."
"In contracts relating to public works or contracts concluded for administrative purposes, the state of Equatoriana or its entities can submit to arbitration only with consent of the respective Minister."
"Something has to be done to arbitrate these things."
"Grievance arbitration is a means by which a third party settles disputes arising from difficult or conflicting interpretations of a labor contract."
"Efficiency is often cited as one of the main advantages of arbitration over court litigation."
"Arbitration being hardly regulated at all and of course being a one-stop shop provides a lot of gains in time and cost."
"International commercial arbitration has changed into a global professional industry."
"The focus on efficiency as determinant cost have gained increasing focus and sometimes even singular focus in recent years."
"Due process paranoia is the idea that arbitrators are generally harboring exaggerated fears of their awards being successfully challenged."
"The tribunal does have jurisdiction as we have a valid arbitration agreement."
"Arbitration isn't supposed to be charging you with anything or finding you guilty or not guilty; it's just resolving a dispute between two parties."
"This year is also very special for us at ICC because it's the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the ICC Court International Court of arbitration."
"The New York Convention mandatorily requires all contracting states to recognize and enforce international arbitration agreements."
"The UNR model law on International commercial arbitration is fundamentally important to the enforceability of international arbitration agreements and awards."
"The arbitral award is for the most part final and binding."
"The arbitration agreement is presumptively separate and autonomous from the underlying commercial contract."
"The choice of the arbitral seat prescribes the procedural standards for the conduct of the arbitration."
"The principle of judicial non-interference defines what country's principle will apply and the relationship between national courts and the arbitral process."
"Parties' procedural autonomy is extremely important in the arbitral process."
"The arbitrators have discretion to adopt the procedures of the arbitration to the particular circumstances."
"All disputes shall be finally resolved by arbitration."
"Arbitration tends to be more confidential and private than national court litigation."
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 16th Vilom See this East International Commercial Arbitration Moot."
"Our job as a bank is not to arbitrate on who is right or wrong but rather to find common ground."
"Twitter will pay far more in attorney's fees and arbitration costs than it could possibly save in severance to our clients."
"Human rights potentially are extremely significant, extremely important as a component in the investor-state arbitration system."
"Arbitration... the arbitrator then makes a binding decision that is imposed on the parties."
"The obvious better solution in this case is arbitration."