
Registration Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"Spread the word, makeamericansfreeagain.com is where you register to become part of our movement."
"All the inventors of terrific hacks need to have applied and cleared a few registration hurdles before showing us all their wonderful ideas."
"Registration is the first step to confiscation and confiscation is the first step to them having complete control over the citizenry in every way."
"Your vote matters and if you're not registered, go and register to vote."
"CM Punk is moving on. CM Punk is one of my favorites of all time."
"Please don't whine to me about how hard it is to sign up somewhere else."
"It doesn't cost anything and it takes but a few seconds to sign up."
"California has just confirmed that there are now 1.3 million plug-in Vehicles registered with the state."
"Time is running out so register for your free seat today."
"To register for future live auctions, go to auctionnetwork.com."
"Your username has to be unique to you. This is one of a kind type of a name."
"Only registered at the end of 2023 but still feels absolutely brand spanking new."
"I've already registered with the previous Guild."
"I understand that there are some technical difficulties for some of you trying to access the live stream so we apologize for that hopefully that has been corrected and again thank you for for taking time out not only to TuneIn but also to to register."
"You'll have to create an account, but it's free."
"Once we had four-wheel drive back, we could get the truck dyno tested and registered."
"We're going to click on the 'join for free' button."
"You're leaving so much money on the table if you don't [register your releases]."
"...signing up took me all of three seconds."
"Now there are certain exemptions available under 33. There are certain exemptions available, meaning certain safe harbors where if I do it the proper way, I'm not going to have to make a registration statement."
"The watch register is literally just a database to type in any serial number to see it's been involved with theft loss fraud."
"I never had issues for a month when I registered at the AKC insurance for what it's just that that's just the way."
"If somebody simply detaches the weapon from the brace and keeps them apart, they do not have to register anything."
"It doesn't cost anything to register but we do charge for the run."
"You can register you can pre-register on uh no namenationals.com."
"...why this is not just any bike actually it's not even considered a bike at all it's actually registered as a tractor but it's not just any bike..."
"Register in SAM, get it out of the way. Don't let it hinder you."
"This thing doesn't have a tag right now, I had to figure out how to get it registered."
"Don't be confused by this or worried about it. You are going to have to sign up for BandLab in the process, but it's not going to cost you anything, and they're not going to nag you for money. There's no hidden extras, there's no tricks."
"There should be registration, automatic registration turning 18. You get a driver's license. Whatever you do you automatically are registered."
"When you first sign up for a PDGA membership, you're given a PDGA number."
"We got to go get this thing registered so we can take it to town."
"...perhaps in a way the craziest part about the car is actually those Rego plates..."
"Everyone who registers for a Nazi TV webinar receives a video recording."
"It's entirely free to get started so you can add one or all of your properties right at the outset without having to pay anything."
"So let's continue working on the user registration API."
"Let's first sign up for the free course."
"I don't need you to tell me to register to vote... I've been registered to vote since I was 18."
"Nonetheless, so uh, you scroll down, there's a clickable link to register."
"This sets you on the path to registration that matches with the assistance you're looking to secure."
"It's been a few weeks since classes started but they said it's not too late to register. Hero, if I could have only one superpower right now, it would be the ability to crawl through this camera and give you a big hug."
"Make yourself an account here right, that's going to be the big First Step."
"At this point, your software is completely registered and activated on your computer. You're good to go."
"Once you pass this exam, you are registered as a doctor or in German they call it you get your approbation which is nothing but a permanent registration."
"Standard pathway, competent Authority pathway, and specialist registration pathway."
"... we need to register an app that will have access to the REST API."
"Can I register please to have a delivery service?"
"Do you allow women and men not to register that they are female or male?"
"We are doing a fall registration right now, so there's some bonuses."
"It's completely free to sign up and you don't have to provide any payment information."
"Remember, if you're already registered, check it again."
"You must register by 3:00 today, alright, so if you're on the fence, you just seen how easy it is to work with our fonts, don't walk, run, over, get in there."
"Before we get to this Orwellian state where everybody's registered and regimented, I think China will have a very long way to go."
"You can register a new battery. This is huge. BMW charges $142 to $260 to register a battery, not including the batteries. So this is something you can just do yourself and in a couple seconds you press register a new battery and that's it."
"While the class selection does look pretty hefty from the front end, what you come to quickly realize is that unless you are buying VIP plus passes with Early Access to classes there is a high likelihood that the classes that you want are going to be gone."
"There's 7 million people who have come across in three years, just walk across and then they're registered."
"The next step after we make the fragment is we're going to perform registration."
"That's exactly what we want, we had that nice registration now."
"Be sure that you're on active voter registration list or voter list whatever you call it for your state."
"You can actually choose to register their faces in here, and then if there's a group, the camera will know to prioritize focusing on those registered faces."
"We're working urgently with them to do just that and to make sure those who registered today and who registered last night will be able to vote in the EU referendum."
"Staying on top of vehicle registration, maintenance, and just general vehicle upkeep is incredibly important."
"If you register the light within six months of buying it, you get an additional two years warranty, bringing you up to five years warranty for free."
"I highly recommend that you register with your state so that you are established as a business."
"Thank you for signing up on our site. Please verify your email with the one-time passcode."
"Once you've registered the device, it's then recognized by the server."
"All clinical trials have to be registered."
"You just have to create an account with no cost, you just put in your email, password on steam.com, and then you have an account."
"If you register the tool within 30 days of purchase, you're going to get a lifetime warranty."
"The signup process is really easy."
"We had trouble registering our people... I thought, 'This won't happen again'."
"You will get all updates for free if you download it and just register with your email address."
"Unquestionably, there are a lot of challenges and battles being associated with land registration in Ghana."
"I've officially signed up for my Iron Man."
"How could you register her with that mutant control agency as if she were some sort of criminal?"
"If you want to have a decentralized identifier, we need to register it in a decentralized system."
"We can use any email, doesn't matter, and then we're going to give it a password and then we register."
"You have successfully registered, welcome!"
"We want to flash up a little message that says you've been registered successfully."
"We got baby Nyla registered today, so she's officially official."
"Success! The user has registered for the product and can now access all of the member related features."
"And we are registered as a nonprofit organization."
"We continue to attract large numbers, we have over 1,100 people registered from around the globe."
"You can see that we have the join now and if someone clicks on the join now, they will be brought to a registration page."
"It is legitimately going to be a Lamborghini, that's what the VIN number is going to say, that's what's going to be registered as and insured as."
"Thanks for signing up, confirming your email address, and activating your account."
"This registration is a flag of convenience, allowing the owners to hire sailors under the working rules and conditions of the ship's registration country."
"Your account has been registered successfully."
"You are registered to work as a midwife in the UK."
"If you're interested in that class, you could register on our webpage."
"Building an event registration website."
"Right now, we have nine people registered for the October hackathon."
"Registration is officially open, go ahead and post that in the chat."
"We got pretty much everything we needed for the MVP for at least having people the ability to register."
"I think we're good, let's see, 70 people registered, awesome."
"We intend for BlockFi Yield to be a new SEC registered crypto interest-bearing security."
"The very first feature I'd like to touch base on is the ability to register user accounts within our platform."
"To create a portfolio, the first thing you need to do is register."
"You can register your company here in Canada, and for you to register a company, you don't need even to be a Canadian or a permanent resident."
"The quadcopter will weigh in at 570 grams with the battery, so it will need to be registered."
"Hotels come, they register their account, and then they can list their hotels and their rooms."
"You are now officially registered to take the exams."
"As a new Google email user, I want to register for a Google email account so that I can draft new email."
"Given Rama is the user, when he clicks on registration link, then Google registration page should open successfully."
"Pay attention to when your time ticket is... Time tickets tell you when you're allowed to start registering."
"Your account has been created; you may now log in."
"Thank you for registering on our site."
"Don't have an account? Register instead."
"This tournament sells out real quick, and my advice would be if you want to play in the August event, get your entry in as soon as possible."
"The registration is the first procedure the UE performs after power on."
"The registration procedure is the first step that the UE does when it tries to access the network."
"So now we have an account, and we can go ahead and sign in."
"For schedules and registration for the 2020 season, please look us up at nationalwalleyetour.com."
"If you appoint someone to give you immigration assistance, they must be a registered migration agent, a legal practitioner, or an exempt person."
"Now that we've finished configuring our database, the next feature we'll be adding is a little bit more housekeeping, and that is by creating a page that can register new user accounts to our platform."
"Legal fees can be covered by the infringer if you've registered your work."
"After you sign up, you'll get a confirmation email with your server details in it."
"Don't have an account? Register here."
"When a user actually registers and creates their account, we're going to create a profile for them straight away."
"Thank you for signing up. You will receive an email with instructions for accessing the database."
"We are now successfully registering the user."
"Standard space represents an average anatomy which we use in order to register lots of different individuals to that."
"It's crucial for us to be able to move things between spaces and that's where registration is used."
"We successfully created an email configuration-based user registration."
"Creating an account is free, and no payment or payment info is captured at this point."
"Registration is an optimization problem."
"Thank you for registering with us, please follow the link below to complete your registration."
"Please be mindful about what fences you happen to register."
"He's officially registered, which now means we can get him a passport."
"Please remind everyone ASAP that they are properly registered to vote."
"When it comes to trademark registration, you can fix some of the problems sometimes."
"We're going to be able to sign in and sign up using an email and a password."
"Register now to get the most out of Windows 95."
"Registration and attendance to this conference is completely free."
"The fee for the registration process is still only $10 this year; it will increase to $215 next year."
"So it's a very simple registration process."
"Under membership, you can decide whether anyone should be able to register for an account on your site."
"By default, it is set to public, meaning anyone on the internet can view the registration page and sign up."
"The event access section is used to determine who can register for this webinar."
"Once you've done all your due diligence... you should proceed to register the land immediately."
"Dying to know more? You can register now."
"...some of the questions it asks you when you sign up are very, very weird."
"All together, 180 teams registered from all over the country, including Canada and overseas."
"Do we want to send a user a success message, maybe 'Thank you for registering' or something like that?"
"Every time we register to a social media, we don't go again to the login; we are already redirected inside of our account."
"Make sure to check if you're registered."
"We're now an SEC registered investment adviser."
"Congratulations, you have been successfully registered."
"We should have automatic registration electoral reform."
"User has been registered successfully."
"The good news is this is basically free, although you do have to create an account on the Xilinx website."
"Now I have register working, now I want to work on login."
"You'll be given a registration form which you'll have to show to the teacher when you have your first class."
"I don't want a user with the same email address to accidentally register twice."
"Register today at Be Well for Life."
"There's no extra charge for this event, but you do have to sign up online."
"Don't let your children, when they come of age, and their children's friends, when they come of age, to make sure they're registered to vote."
"Welcome, you have successfully signed up."