
Trick Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"I don't know if that's like a known trick and then it's like I'd have this massively high words per minute and only one error but I bet I can't get away with that here."
"The best trick is you get a glass, a see-through glass, and a piece of paper."
"This is one of the coolest skips in the game, if not the coolest."
"That trick that he just unleashed, that was special."
"The secret box amazing magic trick, this trick is so deceptive, it will fool magicians."
"I thought it was rum or something, and then he did a fun little trick to make him catch on fire."
"He might have been going for the 360 Flip front feeble. Also, I think so. That's what it looked like, at least."
"This is a cool trick that you can do for very, very little money."
"The backflip that kept the sport alive."
"Wanda sneaks up on agatha and pulls the same trick she did on tony stark."
"The coolest part about the suspension is not the road, it's a trick that it does when it's standing still."
"It's just the ultimate trick for like a very beautiful soft no makeup makeup look."
"It's a great trick to have. It's fun. It's just like who doesn't want to do a front flip? They're awesome."
"Look at the mechanics in that trick! Flying, spinning, flipping, grabbing, landing—hopefully."
"I love this cake and I also think it's a really fun trick."
"I love that. That's like the funnest trick in skateboard history."
"This is a great trick, a Japanese guy invented it."
"My brother is one of those people that when you try and show a trick, they'll try and tell you how it's done."
"We've stumbled upon a trick to life."
"I the great shippadoodle will perform the magic rope trick."
"Big Michael Chuck the off axis backside 540."
"Crazy spot though control yeah this 50 50 shove was just don't do that I don't know it's just I don't see that trick too often when I do I I'm not I'm not a fan of it but he made it look really nice."
"He's got this trick crazy good, the fakie front heel. I don't know anyone else really doing that, especially down stuff."
"For my final trick, I'm gonna need your keys."
"Everything that you have seen in my theater is an illusion, it's a trick."
"This whole video was just a trick to get you to watch Sorry to Bother You. I win."
"This gentleman has two Great Danes both over 130 pounds. My trick is to wrap the pill in a slice of chicken or ham and they eat it right up."
"I want a trick which you don't need to remember, which is not tedious, and which is very easy to use."
"Excel trick: Using tilde (~) to remove wildcard power."
"Straight into that whip to invert that was so sick."
"Once you learn a good backside air, give that trick a try."
"The trick is no matter how you rotate the square words appear both horizontally and vertically, this tying directly into the inversion time travel concept of the film."
"And the final trick is the kickflip, go ahead and give us a kickflip dude, so good."
"This trick is based on making mistakes."
"It's a treat but it's the trick as well."
"Trick is an STD, it's not a bacteria, virus, or fungus."
"...use that glue trick I've been using... makes you look like a genius even if you're not."
"...slide your fingers out and there is your magic ring."
"I want to show you guys a trick that I learned on Tick Tock for boiling eggs and having them peel very easy."
"I start by just getting into the trick, like literally a stall."
"Shout out to axle stalls, you know what, last time we skated, I did many, many axle stalls so [ __ ] Slam City Jam, I'm back."
"Somewhere in this there's a trick I can feel it."
"That doing backside nose grind come out in the middle like in the middle, yeah, fish so hard."
"I never really figured out switch back twos to regular, very technical trick to do it every time in a run, even though it's a gap trick is [ __ ] insane."
"While we are recording a video, you actually can move your finger up and down to zoom in and out. Really neat little trick that I even recently found out."
"All right, here's how it's done, I'm about to reveal the secret to this trick, it's really simple."
"So many of you commented saying how much you love the trick."
"This has been described as the greatest card trick ever by an 80-year-old gentleman at a restaurant."
"So sorry you know what, I'm going to tell you a little trick."
"I should be pretty much pained to suppose you thought me capable of playing you such a trick," Granderson Chase said.
"This is a trick that I have used for more than 25 years. Every time I show it to somebody, they're amazed."
"Such a simple trick, and back under the shade we go."
"I love a good no slide on a rail. Should've gone to fakie."
"The trick isn't necessarily to come up with creative content, the trick is to create content that you can do every single day, consistent. That is the trick."
"Pop shove it into a 50/50 grind with a late flip on the landing. Yeah, sick move!"
"It's a pretty easy trick to push far."
"This is gonna be another method you can use to pull out of your bag of tricks when friends come over."
"The ollie is one of the first skateboard tricks and it's certainly the first trick where you bring your board up into the air and it's vital to all other tricks so it's very important to learn it well."
"...fading clips and I use that trick all the time..."
"They are trying to trick her with a fake since it has turned to its."
"She's gone I definitely scared her off are those Oreos on sunglasses now that's a stylish trick"
"He chuckled, it was an old trick I learned from my mom."
"Amazing, this is the kid that did switch 270 front blunt down the Clipper ledge."
"This is a very straightforward, simple, effective trick."
"The frontside smith grind is my favorite one."
"The backside overcrook is so cool."
"My goal is to fool you with a simple acrobatic card trick that'll make you believe in magic."
"It's a nice trick to build up your lashes but not add heaviness to your eye."
"I swear if you're gonna sneeze, pinch your nose and say banana as fast as you can; it works."
"Once you know how this trick works, it's genius."
"Watch closely because it's a pretty cool little trick."
"Going for that 360 flip and stomps it clean."
"She's got tricks like that, beautiful kickflip frontside boardslide."
"A nice little trick is to create a new sky."
"That was really nice, thank you, feels so good to fakie."
"He did that proper tre flip revert, such a cool trick."
"This nollie heel big is perfect, wow, absolutely."
"It's going to be a pretty epic trick and if you have the time to do it, you're not going to want to miss it."
"One of the only guys in the world doing that trick."
"If you hold the remote up to your chin, it will use your skull as an antenna to lengthen the signal."
"It allows me more time to work on the banana wipe, that's probably my favorite flip."
"It's a very interesting and very effective trick and for the most part, yeah, I think it totally works."
"Life hack: If you just cover your glue with whipped cream, your teacher will never know where it's at."
"The trick will work, sure as shooting."
"You didn't know the thing about the Box? That's a super quick little trick."
"Take the coin, place it up against your pants, pull the material up, a little yank, and it's gone."
"This little trick here is something that is not in every single math book."
"A single trick that revolutionized my skin."
"Hey guys, I'm going to show you a little trick, one of my little secrets."
"This trick is very, very unusual; it's extremely clever."
"That crazy 5050, people are gonna be watching that all weekend."
"I found a trick that works so well, and I think you guys are really going to like this trick."
"How many fingers am I holding behind my back? None, it's my foot."
"Before I go ahead, let me just show you guys a quick trick."
"And you're gonna love me for this trick especially if you like music and you know mixing and things like that."
"This is like a very cool, stylish trick."
"Are you looking to make a quick, visually pleasing escape? Use this tip I picked up from a magician."
"I love this guy, look at this, you fill the bowl with candy and when they reach in for the candy, he jumps up and scares them."
"I'm going to show you guys a nice little trick."
"Put it in the box, then twist from left to right, then knock on wood, and open wide, and pop! It's out of sight."
"That's huge, you got a double whip tail tap."
"I learned this trick a long time ago, and it's fabulous."
"I'm going to show you another trick that I think you're gonna like."
"Super stylish 360 tail right there."
"Oh my wow, caveman to late bar spin off of the highest railing on the course."
"It's probably the best trick I've ever released."
"It looks like the champion of our best trick competition will be none other than the high-flying Alan Fenstermaker."
"That is as good as you can do a backside big spin."
"Yes, you too can access the hallowed halls of the Ministry of Magic with this one simple trick."
"That was impressive, that's the point of the trick."
"That's a brilliant trick that you use with mirrors."
"He's got big combos like that gap double peg grind and 180 out."
"She drinks from the fourth glass, which turns out to be water."
"This is a way of kind of tricking your subconscious mind to allowing that idea to get back there while you're still in a positive state."
"Clever little trick, Prince. I like it."
"This is a really cool little trick to bring out the most powerful side of you."
"You do that one little trick, the little trick, it does make a big difference."
"There's this little trick that people don't seem to know very well."
"This is the perfect summery makeup trick."