
Superfood Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Moringa is often called a superfood for very good reasons, because moringa is edible."
"Moringa: the vitamin tree, a miracle food. Easy to grow, nutrient-dense, changing the game."
"Liver is the most nutrient-dense superfood on the planet."
"The most nutrient-dense food on the planet is probably liver."
"Chaga, arguably the most nutrient-dense superfood on the planet."
"If there is a superfood, red meat is it. It's not kale, it's not acai berry, it's not celery shakes. Something that you can not only survive on but thrive on is red meat."
"Amla is pretty sure it's the single highest antioxidant food in existence."
"Eat way more eggs... eggs are a superfood."
"Microgreens are the most nutrient-dense food on the planet."
"The real problem...with the superfood strategy is that it distracts people from what's actually important about brain food."
"Turmeric might be one of the most anti-inflammatory foods on the planet."
"Good quality liver is an absolute superfood when it comes to feeding babies really high quality, again, grass-fed beef, grass-fed lamb."
"Spirulina powder is a health nut's best friend. It's packed with protein and it's one of the known plant sources of vitamin B12."
"What if I told you that there was an incredible superfood just growing in almost every hedgerow across the majority of the world?"
"Dragon fruit has stuff like antioxidants, high in fiber, you know, anti-aging antioxidants."
"Indeed, spirulina is one of the original superfoods because of its unique nutritional profile."
"Their chocolate protein superfood powder that I add to my morning smoothies after a workout it's designed using a blend of mostly South American roots and seeds traditionally used for energy strength stamina and resilience."
"Garlic is one of nature's super foods."
"Seaweed is by far the most concentrated and awesomest source."
"Micro greens are high in antioxidants and phytonutrients."
"A radish micro green acquires 40 times more nutrients per serving than a serving of regularly grown radish."
"Liver is a superfood, especially if it's organic liver."
"...avocados...powerhouses when it comes to fighting inflammation."
"Blueberries are the king of fruits."
"From its antioxidant capabilities, reducing inflammation, cleansing the liver, to enhancing immune function."
"Garlic truly is a superfood that we should not overlook."
"The world's only superfood... It's the only food that is that nutrient dense."
"Amla berries are the single most powerful antioxidant-rich containing food ever discovered by humans."
"Avocado is a nutrient powerhouse."
"Eggs are just a super food, especially if they're pastured."
"One thing about sweet potatoes is they are a superfood."
"Marine phytoplankton makes a great alkaline and mineralizing superfood when fasting or partaking in a detox regimen."
"...eggs are fantastic, they're like a superfood that has all the building blocks of nutrients that you need to form a new life."
"Quinoa is tiny but mighty, containing all eight essential amino acids."
"Seaweed is another superfood, a Korean study showed the daily consumption of gim drops breast cancer by over 50%."
"Spinach is brilliant for losing weight, full of speed, and I feel like it's a really good... I guess you could class it as a superfood."
"Chia seeds, once a staple of Aztec and Mayan diets, are now celebrated for their versatility and health benefits."
"The asai berry contains anywhere from 10 to 30 times the amount of antioxidants as contained in red wine."
"The GOI Berry has 500 times more vitamin C than an orange."
"Kale is considered to be the most nutritionally dense food that there is."
"It's called the miracle fruit, this has so many antioxidants."
"Chia seeds have more antioxidants than blueberries, more calcium than milk, and more omega-3 fats than salmon."
"I love spirulina, it's definitely an acquired taste."
"Liver is a superfood; it is nutrient-dense."
"Acai berry powder has shown promising results on the effectiveness of pregnancy outcomes for women undergoing IVF."
"The ancient Aztec identified chia seed as a superfood."
"Macadamias are a delicious superfood, sustainably sourced directly from farmers."
"Liver is definitely one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the entire planet."
"I love to eat avocado, it has really great fats and it is also one of those superfoods."
"Cacao is so insanely good for you."
"Avocado is one of those superfoods, actually it's packed with micronutrients, very important."
"Blueberries are packed with nutrients and one of the best sources of antioxidants you can eat."
"Honey is the best food in the world."
"Broccoli is power food; it's a superfood."
"Classified among the top Ayurvedic herbs, it is a powerful antioxidant-rich superfood."
"Chia seeds... they look like little dinosaur eggs and they're just like a really cool superfood."
"The success of camel's milk as a new superfood depends on two things."
"Secondly, people have actually got to like the taste of it."
"We're done, this is like a digestive superfood mix here."
"Flax seed is a superfood that can help you improve your digestion, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduce inflammation."
"Flax seed, one of the most versatile and nutritious foods you can add to your diet."
"There's no one superfood that can provide us with all the nutrients our body needs."
"Goji berries are very well known for their nutritional benefits and high antioxidant properties."
"Like the name implies, Rejuvelac is rejuvenating and is a super sprout drink made from these concentrated energizing compounds."
"Garlic is so healthy for you; it is a superfood if there ever was one."
"You're getting the best of both worlds in one superfood."
"Chaga has one of the highest ORAC values in the world, like higher than acai berries, which are known to be a really powerful antioxidant."
"Chia seeds are going into everything I eat these days."
"I'm really excited because I got their new superfood protein and I can't wait to try this out."
"Berries are very often seen as super foods or foods that are very high in vitamin content, and blackberries are really no exception to that."
"Papa Smurf was right, blueberries really are a superfood."
"Moringa is referred to as a wonder tree because of its high concentration of lipids, proteins, carotenoids, vitamin C, iron, and potassium."
"Blueberries is a superfood even for dogs."
"The food is gonna be fabulous, my secret spices, we've got more than food, you got superfood."
"Our fifth superfood is turmeric, which has been shown to help with a variety of conditions."
"It's being touted all over as sort of a super healthy thing to add to your diet."
"Take an avocado, superfood, super nutrient-rich to begin with."
"Eggs are such a superfood, they're filled with bunch of nutrients."
"Sea kelp, dulce, all of these kind of seaweeds are rich in a lot of micronutrients because they're essentially green vegetables under the sea."
"Beef organs are more nutrient-dense than kale, spinach, and blueberries combined; that's why they're called Nature's multivitamin."
"Chia seeds are tiny nutritional giants; they pack a powerful punch of essential nutrients relative to their size."
"It's live cultures, y'all, this stuff is supposed to be super, a superfood that does a lot for your body."
"Spinach is considered a superfood because per calorie it has a lot of nutrients in it."
"Avocado is incredible, just incredible, good source of fat, good source of energy, just a phenomenal superfood."
"Bananas are among maybe one of the world's best fruits."
"Pomegranates are still one of the most nutritious foods on the entire planet."
"Bone broth is an absolute superfood for healthy hair."
"Bee pollen is also one of the most complete foods on the planet anyway."
"Guacamole makes the list because, in my opinion, it is a powerhouse, it is a superfood."
"Manuka Honey is actually like a super honey."
"Great for a healthy gut, your immune system, like it is a superfood."
"Chia seeds actually contain protein, amino acids; they're really good."
"Pistachios are by far the highest melatonin created food there is."
"It's super thick, super rich, you can feel the superfood."
"High quality organic grass-fed butter is like a superfood."
"It is the most nutrient-dense substance on earth."
"Garlic is an incredible superfood for most people."
"Spirulina itself is a superfood and believe it or not, it's the number one protein source per calorie in the world."
"Honestly, it's one of the healthiest foods on the planet."
"Seaweed is a superfood. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and the benefits are endless."
"There are a lot of nutritional benefits to Moringa too, right? People say it's a superfood."
"I've added some acai powder to this."
"Blueberries are such a superfood."
"Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet; it's Nature's multivitamin."
"Manuka Honey is at another level, this is a superfood, a super honey and one of those miracles of nature."
"Algae has 1,000 times more nutrients than any other fruit or vegetable."
"One gram of algae has the equivalent nutrition of 1000 grams of vegetables."
"Algae is the most nutrient-dense food in the world, a sustainable crop."
"Algae has the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world, a thousand times more than greens."
"Microgreens are young vegetable sprouts, renowned by chefs and health food lovers alike as a flavored superfood."
"Miracle Food is just what it says."
"We all know eggs are healthy, one of the only natural superfoods loaded with protein, essential fats, and nutrients."
"Eating raw liver is the literal ultimate superfood multivitamin in the universe."
"This is literally one of the most nutritious terrestrial plants in the world."
"Chickpeas are what some people would consider a superfood."