
Version Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"It really is a super impressive version of the game."
"These are the Phase One version, obviously really cool."
"And soon, tons of fans had seen the version of 'Return of the Joker' that was meant to be seen, whether WB wanted them to or not."
"Zack Snyder's version being infinitely better."
"3.5 is King. 3.53 by far is boosted."
"...all of this should work even if you're using version 3.0 so don't worry too much about that."
"They went for the PG-13 rating only because they wanted more people to see it, but there is an unrated version."
"...the SLR 101 was introduced, it was a low cap milled receiver version."
"The black and white version gave it such authenticity."
"I think it's the best version of Pillow Talk."
"Poe's actions in my version achieve this."
"This brand new refresh should live on for a while as well as the awesome seat e6v version that they've confirmed as well is coming later this year."
"...the least expensive MagnaCut folder you can get from Spyderco is actually their assault version of the UK pen knife."
"Just the version of the song they did was this odd choice, honestly. Super Queens."
"...it works so well, all the different versions of the song totally slap..."
"I love the way it looks on other people so I figured out basically my version of it and this is it."
"I mean, previously I felt like the Fans Toys Willis was the best version of Hound that we've ever gotten, and until this came out, that was."
"The fans coming out and forced to demand a new version, that was groovy."
"The alpha is the very first version of a product ready to be experienced."
"Naruto's potential is through the roofs in this version."
"This is my version and I hope everyone is as enthusiastic about this one as I was back in the day for the original."
"A properly sporty hot hatch version."
"...this to me is a very strong version of the original."
"This is an absolutely perfect version of this character."
"I'm watching the theatrical cut. I did a poll and everybody was like, watch the theatrical cut. I did not know there were so many cuts to this movie."
"10-minute version, Taylor's version."
"The mp version is a lot darker and... I do actually prefer the lighter color scheme."
"The 20/20 version is just better."
"If you want to put it back and do the final version... which is the best, clearly, of the symphony, that's okay too. It really is."
"I hope you guys like this new version."
"Watch the widescreen version of the film, but if you feel compelled to, there are a number of special effects scenes exclusive to the American cut that are absent from the Japanese version."
"That's a definitely huge improvement over the 3.0, I think it's much better."
"This version is basically the same except cland room has been corrected to manora."
"You'll need a copy of Ableton Live, even down to Ableton Live Intro or a free version."
"This is the long-wheelbase version of the vehicle."
"It's Discovery's version rather than the prime version."
"This version of Creed just doesn't have that level of flare."
"Weight-wise maybe the original v1 is a little heavier."
"We got that new version 2.5 engine in him."
"The me is the base version with a single motor."
"...the version that I'm using is 2.19.0, which as I record this video, this happens to be the latest version."
"I think this new version of what we've got is so much better."
"The little details too, yeah, like that should be the version on the album. It was just so good."
"Some of them are unique to this version of it."
"Big step up from the original version."
"The assembly cut is better overall, it's more complete."
"It's a more modern version, it's so exciting and really thrilling."
"This is like the best version of both of these characters."
"But 2.0 is basically going to be, I think, better. It's in line with this whole notion of people appreciate more explicitness when things are clear."
"Now they get to have, frankly, a better version."
"It's really the ultimate version of the Megazord."
"The new version is quite changed, quite different."
"This is the best version of it in terms of performance."
"There's just lots and lots of different features and this is a really enhanced version."
"Make sure you upgrade to the latest version."
"I really love this version. It is so beautiful."