
Reading Goals Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"I really want to read some more magical books this year."
"I'm just trying to make it my mission to not buy as many books for the second half of the year and just read the books that I already own."
"You just want to finish one book... That's a perfect goal."
"This is the year I'm finally gonna read this book."
"I want to finish the 'Folk of Air' trilogy before the next book comes out."
"I'm almost 99% sure I'll finish my entire TBR this month."
"However, if I have enough time to squeeze in a few other books, I have been meaning to read 'If We Were Villains,' as well as 'An Enchantment of Ravens.'"
"When she was little her mom remembers asking her how many books can you read in one year and she said from this bed to the roof."
"Definitely achieving some success with my reading goals today."
"Even though I didn't hit my reading goal, it's just such an accomplishment even to read like a couple books. I feel like I'm just really proud of myself."
"Comment down below what are your reading plans for 2021. I am dying to know what you guys are planning for the next year."
"I want to read at least 10 classics this year."
"My reading goal is to read 125 books this year."
"Let's set some qualitative reading goals together."
"2023 will be an even better year for reading where I'll discover even more favorites, read even more diversely learn about so many more experiences and just enjoy my favorite hobby."
"It's not about reading 100 books this year but about three that you can Master."
"I'm obviously hoping to read another two to three hundred more pages today... I am proud of myself for that."
"I read over 400 pages which was basically my goal and I completed a book and I got a good way through another part of a book both of which I really enjoyed."
"I finished it in about eight months more or less and then thereafter in 2008 I read it as starting January first and read one chapter a day."
"We can divide up the pages by the number of days in the month to tell you what you really need to read per day."
"I still really want to read more Dodie Smith I it doesn't look like any of her other novels are very famous."
"I want to read seven horror books and try and figure out what my taste is."
"It's a long way from a thousand books but I know that me and you can do it."
"Let me tell you, 'The Fifth Season' by NK Jemisin, I really do want to finish this. It's a really good book."
"I want to pick out the major classic authors and read at least one book of theirs."
"Another goal of mine is to read more Shakespeare in 2022."
"I also really want to read more of Chekhov's plays. Uncle Vanya, The Seagull, The Cherry Orchard are three of the major ones that I really want to read."
"I want to read books that I love this year."
"I want to read a lot more of this year is fantasy romance specifically Indie publish fantasy romance."
"I want to read 12 fiction and 12 non-fiction books this year."
"Happy New Year, guys! 15 books this year."
"With the new year coming up really soon, a common goal that I see people have is to read more books."
"This is definitely a record reading month for me."
"This will be my first book of 2023."
"I've already read 35 books this year."
"I'm wanting to read Little Women this month and I'm wanting to read some Jane Austen."
"I was also able to complete two entire books and start a third one, so from a TBR point of view, very very successful."
"I'm about to start reading again, my goal is to probably get to page 150 of the ebook tonight."
"For every five books I read from my physical TBR, I could add two tokens to my shelf."
"I'm going to buy five books; it will probably take me an entire year to read these five, but I'm excited to have a little to-be-read pile."
"My goal this year is to read 50 books."
"Focusing on quality and cutting down the amount of books you expect from yourself over the course of the year is great."
"A big goal of mine for 2024 is to cut down on my physical TBR."
"I really want to branch out this year, jump into new and different genres."
"I just want to have my best chances at incredible books."
"I mean this list sort of caught my eye because one of the books on it is Dune by Frank Herbert, which is a novel I talked about in a video I made about classic books that I want to read this year."
"I'm going to set my goal for 75 books for 2023."
"It's just so satisfying and a really nice way to visually see all the books that I've read."
"Skilled readers also set goals, in terms of how they will read a text."
"One of my goals for 2021 reading wise was to really start reading different things."
"I am really proud of myself because I started a couple of books in 2023 and... to already be a novel in for 2024... I read a novel and I am proud of myself."
"I am going to make a point in 2022 to lower that reading goal and maybe focus more on the types of things I'm reading, like put more goals in terms of the content rather than the quantity."
"Honestly, such a great book. Let's aim for a target of 200 more pages before the afternoon."
"I'm just gonna try and read as much as I can and more importantly, enjoy the books that I'm reading."
"I proudly read again and last year I actually finished 100 books, which is pretty amazing."
"I was able to really cut down on my TBR which is super exciting."
"I'm happy with that, so I hope that I can get to a good chunk of these."
"I've been wanting to read more nonfiction which I feel like I say every year but it still ends up being about ten percent of my readings."
"Reading a hundred pages every day seems to be a pretty attainable goal."
"My goal for 2021 is to check out a lot of older published fantasy series and a lot of ones that have helped define the fantasy genre."