
Demolition Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"A bridge over a highway in southern Georgia was demolished after a truck slammed into it, causing the bridge to shift six feet."
"Talking about a little bit about Demolition, let's go over the settings."
"This is temporary, this is gonna get torn down."
"Think of your favorite red truck. Mine is the one that Top Gear put on the top of a block of flats and demolished."
"The collapse of the Twin Towers is fully compatible with a controlled demolition."
"They're trying to put out the fire, no, guys, we're going to demolish this entire building, you need to step back right now."
"On a scale of 1 to 10, he's a 10, as far as his skills, his abilities go to bring a building down."
"A cloud of white dust came out of the second floor, enveloping the building. The crowd whooped."
"Let's knock this other wall down here. Come on, wall, you're coming down!"
"This is the world's smallest remote control demolition robot. No need for sledgehammers, we can stand back at a safe distance while he does all the whacking."
"This place is getting demolished because this used to be owned by hardcore drug dealers."
"Why hasn't it been demolished yet with all its history and everything going on?"
"Buildings are built to be torn down within maybe 10 or 20 years."
"We're not excited about the demolishing the old house, we want the new one."
"When I see properties like this of such quality, the size, and you know, it's only 30 years old being demolished, it's absolutely disgusting."
"The uncovering of gold and silver coins commenced on June 8th, 1985 during the demolition of a building for a local telephone exchange."
"When a demolition doesn't go as planned, it can be a letdown."
"Despite all indications suggesting a successful demolition, the structure simply refused to collapse as expected."
"An old silo's demolition takes an unexpected turn."
"After the brutal mass murder no one wanted to buy Brigade house and it was eventually demolished."
"In the name of peace, I tear down this wall."
"...the park would have required constant maintenance and refurbishments in some pictures that I've seen the shark really does look beaten up and in bad condition."
"They're going to do it, they're going to pull down the structure."
"It's a shame it's going to be demolished, but not every house is for another person."
"It's a very large shame that it's going to be knocked down."
"The excavator is an efficient and cost-effective method for demolition, allowing for the rapid removal of large structures with minimal manual labor."
"I think it was demolished around about the late 60s early 70s from what I've read. I will show you a picture of how it used to look."
"Renovating a house requires a demo day. You have to tear some things down, it's necessary in order to build something back up."
"To me, every demolition is a work of art."
"Once again, it's a victory for the demolition industry and the professionals whose flawless work makes me proud to profess I am their biggest fan."
"It can take a lot of skill and courage to safely navigate a demolition through its most difficult and dangerous moments."
"If imploding one building wasn't enough, they had Double the Trouble."
"That thing was crazy. I remember seeing that in that movie and being like that's probably not real. That's real, yeah. Uh, in November it was determined it would be too dangerous to repair the aged observatory and would have to be demolished."
"On November 4th, 1996, almost a full year after Model's announcement that the Browns would be leaving, the demolition of Municipal Stadium began and was completed by early 1997."
"We are demolishing our old vacation home after ripping down the outside walls we found out that our bathroom was inside this old Ford Transit we had no idea."
"Demolition is always fun so get creative and have some fun with it."
"Next time there should be more demolition and getting our hands dirty."
"In the years to come, the Bell Witch continued to haunt the Bell farmhouse. Meanwhile, more and more people traveled from near and far to visit the cursed dwelling, until authorities had to demolish it in the later part of the 1800s for safety purposes."
"The building's superstructure was eventually demolished before being completely cleared away, removing all trace of the hospital once and for all along with its sinister and mysterious past."
"In 2017, despite local protests, the Fort Qu’Appelle Sanatorium was demolished, undergoing what is the inevitable fate of all abandoned hospitals in Canada."
"The building's singular purpose is ultimately what led to its demolition. Once it had served that purpose, the family eventually were able to move forward with their lives and then moved on from the house."
"Four months after Homer and Langley were found dead inside of their maze of trash, their mansion was declared a fire hazard and demolished."
"You want to turn up on demolition day, that's when the hammer is gonna be useful."
"We are gonna demolish this wood chip pile and we are going to do all the landscaping."
"...the house that was used for Bill's Garage was torn down and sadly pretty recently I want to say like within the last five or six years if you go to Google and you look at the street view it still looks like the house that was used in the movie."
"So here we are pretty much at the end of our demolition."
"With the fate as shaky as the old sideline bleachers, it was decided in 2019 that RFK would be demolished."
"The demolition phase is always the funnest."
"...a couple of homeowners demolished a historic house that's been around for over two centuries... as they were tearing the house down they made a shocking Discovery."
"Ed reckons he can knock the entire wall down in 5 minutes."
"Arsenal demolish West Ham United."
"He completely demolished Justin Gagey."
"Demolition was a heck of a tag team."
"If you ever get the opportunity to legally blow something up, I recommend it."
"The first step of this process is personally my favorite: the demo day."
"When you see a site like that being demolished, I think about all the memories that have been wrapped up in that place."
"The implosion was a meticulously planned operation, explosive charges strategically placed throughout the structure."
"The demolition of the Georgia Dome in Atlanta 2017 was a remarkable engineering and demolition project that drew significant attention."
"All right, crisis averted, time for demolition."
"Armed with colossal hydraulic pliers, orchestrates the controlled demolition of a house with calculated precision."
"The tools of our trade are not for marketing or manipulation; they are for demolishing the entire massively corrupt culture."
"The demolition ball attached to the Mink M152 produces a powerful smashing force, making the demolition of rigid structures efficient and quick."
"That's my favorite time, demo time."
"True freedom is more like demolition; it's like you're open."
"Everyone thinks demolition is easy, but I'd say demolition is sometimes harder than building something new."
"I've always said that if I didn't make it on YouTube, I'd be a Demolition Man."
"Demolition is just unlike anything else, it's so fun, so therapeutic."
"Bring it to the city and have them demolish the house once and for all. My family will be able to rest."
"Everything's gone, they tear down everything in Toronto."
"People found the wall with hammers and soon with the help of bulldozers it was pulled down."
"It only took me 30 minutes to get this wall down, that's not bad, right?"
"People like to see the smash in their cars, it's awesome, it's thrilling."
"It's fun to blow things up and do it in the water."
"The fire was stopped at last by blowing up houses everywhere to arrest its progress."
"A big part of demolition that most people do not consider is that there's a science in bringing down a structure that isn't meant to fall over."
"This is historic, baby! This is the type of demolition that you really want to take in and behold on a weekend."
"Any day with controlled demolition is a good day."
"One of the best ways to spend an afternoon is if you can find a bar that faces a building getting demolished, sit down, have some beers, watch the guys with the jackhammers on the end of excavators work."
"The Detroit incinerator was demolished in 2023, signaling the end of a toxic era within the city of Detroit."
"We could tear a house down in a heartbeat."