
Audio Fidelity Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Some vinyl enthusiasts argue that this smooth continuous reproduction of sound from analog to analog is more faithful than digital music."
"Features that allow for extreme fidelity with low noise and high efficiency all while maintaining a compact footprint."
"The Dana Fripps Terminator Plus DAC... sounds more like a 10-11,000 DAC."
"A lack of digital footprint, very good resolution, and a big sound is exactly what this CD player delivers."
"You might seriously think about spending 2x3x5x the amount you spend on speakers on your power amp so you can really hear what your speakers are capable of doing."
"...zero tracking error...tracks the grooves perfectly."
"The whole tone arm mechanism is floating...to track the grooves with as least resistance as possible."
"Detail retrieval exceeding that of most other products."
"In theory, what that means is a purer sound with less distortion and overall it should be a better listening experience."
"These speakers sound amazingly natural and neutral, and you can tune them to the room with the back panel."
"These speakers really make you feel like you're inside the music."
"Perfect reconstruction is our goal; we would love to be able to take our original samples and get back exactly the original time domain signal."
"The increased fidelity and sonic texture that you can explore with 808s and other kind of bass sounds in Atmos."
"It's not overly compressed or distorted, it's that great old school sound."
"It's just presenting you the music."
"The mid-range... doesn't matter what you throw at it, it's produced very realistically, very faithfully."
"Each and every move made on this speaker is done so to better fidelity and get you closer to the sound that you're looking for."
"If neutrality is what you're looking for, if you just want to hear music for long periods of time and hear it neutral and naturally as possible, as close as the artist intended, then this is probably the speaker."
"The high frequency is neutral, balanced, and detailed at the same time without being bright."
"Music unleashed and free of almost all errors made by the amplifier."
"The level of precision, detail reproduction, resolution in these is just insane."
"When you listen to acoustic instruments through the elites, they represent those sounds probably better than anything else I've heard."
"The separation quality is still fantastic and right up there with the very best of them."
"The speakers are really the most important point; they are what's going to be reproducing that sound."
"When I listen to radio broadcast, I like to have a little bit of fidelity there; I don't want it to be totally cut to communications quality."
"The attempt is to get the head as close as possible to playing back as close to a perfect signal as possible."
"It just sounds more like the original track."
"I do appreciate the better vocal intelligibility and just overall more accurate, clearer highs."
"Base fidelity on the TX is phenomenally good."
"For home theater purposes and music, this speaker is perfect."
"An amplifier's job is not to editorialize or change the sound of your favorite music in any way."
"There was zero coloration heard with any of our speakers throughout the mid-range."
"Good sound stage, good imaging, good sense of air, sounds great, detail control on the bass."
"They're all about detail and speed, dynamics, and spaciousness to my sound."
"We didn't add any EQ to that; it's just neutral."
"The Sound Stage is wider, vocals are really clear and forward, and the treble isn't as rolled off and mellow."
"The balance is really nice as well, definitely feels good."
"This is the best iteration of the room correction yet, and it does keep everything at 96 kilohertz sampling rate if you have high-resolution signals."
"The sound quality has a very good presence, very open soundstage, it's very crisp, it's very clean, it's punchy, it's very well balanced with the highs, the mids, and the bass."
"You get that big HiFiMAN sound, you get good timbre over the whole frequency range, you get excellent detail retrieval for the price."
"They have an incredible dynamic response; they capture the low low bass, they capture the high high treble."
"Beautiful master level quality audio just sitting on these old discs waiting to be unleashed."
"It captures the quietest of passages to the most dynamic peaks."
"The mid-range manages to strike a perfect balance between sounding lush and providing intricate details."
"I'm tube amping these, the accuracy of these, and then you throw a tube on them, and then you hear everything the tube is doing."
"They're excellent reference headphones and allow you to hear a lot of the nuances in your music."
"This subwoofer absolutely does perform with clean, tight, and powerful bass from a surprisingly small package and driver."
"It's a very high fidelity listen."
"It sounds kind of neutral, it sounds kind of right, it sounds kind of like the original music original track."
"Audio quality is very important to me."
"Real to real is better than vinyl, it's better than CDs, better than streaming, is better than YouTube compression."
"If you compare your work against something that's distorted and it's therefore altered the tone, you've kind of doubled up the artifact."
"It just maintains this beautiful neutral and flat sound."
"I prefer lossless music so anything CD quality or better, but after that, I don't think anybody really needs to concern themselves about the resolution of the music."
"You're going to get better channel separation, you're also going to get lower noise, and overall you're just going to get better reliability through time."
"The tonearm here is a 3D printed tonearm, so it's basically in one piece right to avoid any vibrations."
"A higher sample rate will result in a higher file size but will sound closer to the original."
"For me, where I'm pursuing more of a natural lifelike presentation, I think that Timeless absolutely nails it."
"The Martin Logans are kind of known to be maybe unforgiving on certain recordings because they can extract enough detail where you might hear a bad recording."
"The Diablo 300 is going to give you very much the sound you put into it coming out of it without imparting any of its own sonic signature on that sound."
"If something sounds good to you on here it's probably going to sound pretty decent on a very wide variety of speakers and sound systems."
"It provides dynamic sound and focused, accurate reproduction."
"If you care about maximizing the sound from your turntable purchase, then it's your job to finish what the manufacturer has only just begun."
"Even having an infinite damping factor, we are not able to fully control the speaker."
"They are probably the flattest headphone I've heard just about across the board."
"They kept - not only the original track design... but they brought that into a 5.1 environment retaining full dynamic range."
"I highly recommend it to all those who are after a pure, natural, uncolored, faithful, honest sound."
"The quality for quality music, nothing like undistorted Class A amplification."
"Everything just sounds correct and natural."