
Online Etiquette Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Please try not to make the comment section vile."
"Treat each other with kindness. My chat is not a place where I want any fighting at all."
"Please keep your opinions respectful in the comments."
"If you're not bold enough to go say that to somebody's face then you probably shouldn't tweet it."
"Always leave nice comments for the creators."
"I think everyone who leaks stuff needs to take a chill pill and realize no one is maliciously stealing your info."
"Thank you in advance for being respectful to each other down in the comment section below."
"Leave a comment, but be nice and respectful."
"Be cool to each other in the chat please and thank you."
"Let's not fight in the comments, it's a safe place here."
"You don't post DMs, dude. Also, it's Kevin Garnett."
"Remember, people coming from this video, you are guests in that community. So, be kind and be nice."
"Stop yelling at children on Twitter, you dumb monsters."
"Don't go around harassing people over a goddamn video game."
"Keep it cute in the comments. Don't do too much."
"If you cannot say something in person to a person's face, then don't dare to say it online."
"Be careful what you say to people on social media. Be thankful to your followers and supporters."
"Keep it respectful to everybody else or you probably will be muted."
"You shouldn't feed the trolls you shouldn't attack trolls and you should not engage."
"Please don't send hate to these people. Criticism is okay, hate not okay."
"Please don't yell at us in the comments if you do, yell friendly things because it's much nicer to see."
"Just think before you type and just be nice to everybody spread positivity."
"Civil conversation is encouraged in the chat, key word here being civil."
"Do the women on Instagram bother you? The pictures are slightly inappropriate."
"Let's make sure we keep it positive in the comments and let's make sure we all, you know, respect people's opinions."
"Respect the privacy of others. Think before you type."
"I even clean up my comments. I have a huge filtered list inside of YouTube where I remove profanity, I remove hate speech and racist comments. I remove all of that stuff and I try to keep my comments as brand friendly and as PC friendly as possible."
"Let's all just make a promise right now not to flame up in the comments too hard, okay?"
"You don't mess with people's platforms like that willy-nilly. You don't just tell your audience to report people's content and get it taken down because you're upset by it. That's not how this [__] works."
"Even in spoken conversation, I like to say 'never mind' a lot if it looks like I'm sliding into arguing with a rando on the net."
"There's tone, there's ways of talking to people online and otherwise in person that is more kind and safe."
"Darling, this video is not for you. You will be blocked immediately. Now remember to keep it cute, keep it mute, or get the boot."
"There are some things that just do not need to be said online."
"I actually the way you went about this was brilliant. If you're being called out online by someone when it's completely just not factual, then you're well within your rights to do exactly what you did in this situation."
"Remember so please please be respectful and think of it before you leave a comment."
"Please be nice in the comments, don't go too hard on me."
"You shouldn't read them, nah, don't read the comments, bro."
"Be respectful in the comments, don't go too crazy."
"Take good care of yourself, and each other on YouTube, and speak nicely, in the comment section."
"Please, if you can be kind in the comments section, please do not go to these people's channels and leave them mean-spirited, negative, discouraging, disparaging comments."
"Just a reminder to be kind in the comments."
"Be kind to each other in the comments."
"Remember, it's nice to be nice in YouTube."
"Please post respectfully, even if you have differences of opinion."
"Maintain your dignity while you're using this site."
"Be nice in the comments, you know, be constructive."
"Everyone on the Internet, just as a PSA, if you are into jiu-jitsu and you have the urge to say something on people's posts, think about if you would say it if you're in class with them."
"You could disagree respectfully and strongly, but when you get disrespectful, just block them."
"If you have nothing nice to say, I recommend to just keep scrolling."
"Don't be a mean girl on the internet."
"All we ask is you subscribe and that you keep it classy in the chat as well in the comments."
"Let's try to keep it as respectful as we can in the chat."
"Friends can agree to disagree, but honestly, just try to be kind online."