
Screening Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The most effective security systems stop attacks by the mere threat of consequences rather than through physical screening so maybe airport security works."
"It's all credit to just a good screen, understanding the nuance of who you're screening for."
"The animation was so bad and jarring for audiences at a test screening that even though the film was almost completed, it was outright cancelled."
"Post at least one nude on OnlyFans, and if your prospective date or partner is offended by that, that's a litmus test they failed. You can just move on to the next person. Dodged a bullet. This is a great litmus test for dating, actually."
"The coronary artery calcium scan is the best initial screening test that we have."
"You literally have to screen the right people for if they qualify into your life or not."
"They're playing at the Grove every 15 minutes. Damn, they're playing in multiple screens so you're not gonna miss it."
"Authenticity is the number one way to screen for a healthy relationship."
"Governments and organizations use EyeDetect to screen potential or existing employees for serious crimes such as espionage, sabotage, terrorism, drug use, even unethical behaviors can be monitored."
"Prevention and screening have to be our main strategies today. I think the treatment landscape is still kind of lacking relative to cardiovascular disease, though it's further ahead than neurodegenerative disease."
"If you're getting an annual exam and you're getting blood drawn anyway, yes I would definitely would [screen for diabetes]."
"it's just another way to make sure that the stuff that's getting in the packet is seed and good seed only."
"Screening colonoscopy, which we recommend for everybody over the age of 50, is the gold standard."
"I'm with the cervical smear test I am doing something to care for my health."
"I don't think any of my daughters are available, so I get a lot of applications. Last time around, some I threw right out. Just one that's available. But you got to get past me."
"Thanks to COVID, new screening paradigms are being employed and patients' expectations have changed. We should take advantage of this shift and expand where STD screening can be done."
"If you do have family history genetically related with fatty liver, you got to ask your doctor to get you screened for fatty liver disease."
"I think our bigger concern is how we screen officers, frankly. I mean we have had, I mean you just look at the papers across the board, I mean we have had a lot of reliefs for things that just shouldn't have happened."
"CRISPR screens can be used to study any biological process with a screenable phenotype."
"Our criteria for whether or not you should proceed for the library is basically if you have over 70% of the guide RNAs are perfectly matching to the library and less than 0.5 percent undetected guides and the skew ratio of less than 10."
"Filter the applications. While it may be difficult to filter applications, it's something that you have to do. Instead, do extensive research on your applicants. Go through their resumes and check work samples."
"If you've just had a baby, it's also important to get your thyroid screened. Postpartum thyroiditis impacts one in 12 women worldwide."
"The time is overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today."
"A new prostate cancer screening initiative has been called a pivotal moment that could save thousands of lives."
"It's super important to vet your tenants."
"Screening is incredibly important. Mammography, the gold standard for breast cancer screening, is associated with improvements in overall survival and can detect breast cancers early."
"Prostate cancer screening by measuring PSA is a useful tool, particularly for high-risk populations like African-American populations."
"SMA has been added to the recommended Universal screening panel for babies across the United States."
"Because of fear, women are not screening as much. In fact, the stats prove that compared to pre-COVID numbers screening is down 62 percent, genetic consults down 26 percent, breast surgery down 21 percent."
"Welcome to the world of screen tests on the Bond home media formats."
"The importance of screening for hepatocellular carcinoma cannot be overstated."
"Logical reasoning test is a type of aptitude and psychometric tests that helps employers to screen candidates in a recruitment process."
"Men should be screened with PSA early."
"Providers should screen for use of tobacco and cessation at every visit."
"Given that depression is a leading cause of disability in the United States, the USPSTF recommends screening for depression in the general adult population."
"Extremely fast and accurate predictions of materials properties made possible by artificial intelligence means that we can screen for new materials across vast compositional and microstructural space."
"I'm so excited. Warner Brothers is sending us to see the new Flash movie in our screening before it officially comes out."
"Why should we do screening? Because disease pathology with high incidence... but other pathology... are associated to long-term disabilities."
"The last major second trimester screening test is the glucose challenge test, also called the one-hour glucose test."
"Very important to do screening for breeding animals for the patient's sake."
"Screening for Peripheral arterial disease with ABI is recommended for individuals with diabetes more than 10 years."
"We're missing many people with Barrett's esophagus, and reflux alone is not sufficient for detection."
"To conclude, we really need a better screening method."
"The solution here is we've got to move towards more aggressive screening earlier in certain populations to identify these cancers early and deal with it."
"Pre-diabetes and diabetes screening universally was advised and that age was brought down from 45 to 35."
"We have started doing a lot of calcium score as a screening process because it gives us very good idea of a plaque burden that the patient may have."
"Mammography has been shown to perform as one of the best screening modalities which can be deployed across population to detect cancers and prevent cancer-related deaths as much as possible."
"We screen all women for postpartum depression."
"We often see the health belief model used in addressing screening behaviors because we know how important screening can be."
"Pap smear is used to screen for cervical cancer... starts at age 21, every five years age 30 every five years which is with HPV testing."
"For autism, they're going to be screened at 18 months and 24 months with M-CHAT."
"We should put in place stronger screening for those who come to America without a visa."
"Screening is looking at healthy members of the population for early signs of disease in order to prevent disease."
"Chest X-ray is probably the most useful screening test for patients with sarcoidosis."
"We should be self-aware enough to do a screening."
"Everyone who's eligible needs some type of colon cancer screening."
"Dentists cannot officially diagnose obstructive sleep apnea, but we can screen for it and then refer to a physician or sleep specialist for an official diagnosis."
"We also check the nuchal translucency, the anechoic gap between the neck skin and the spine."
"It's a brief self-screening tool designed for adults in a primary care setting to assess their risk for opioid abuse."
"What are the benefits of detecting disease early through screening?"
"Increasing sensitivity, or minimizing false negatives, is generally good for screening tests."
"The vision here, as she articulated in a now-famous TED talk, is a future in which patients are routinely screening themselves for scores of conditions long before they present any symptoms."
"Sequencing projects have read the genomes of a wide range of organisms like humans and this provides opportunities to screen DNA to identify potential medical problems."
"The immunogenicity aspect has the screening, confirmation, and titer assay that is in general an immunoassay."
"Why don't we create screening tests or tools to be able to screen for at least the most common ones that people suffer from?"
"The risk of colon cancer is greatly reduced by proper preventative measures, like colonoscopy starting at the appropriate age, which is generally age 50."
"Screening mammography fits the bill; it is cost-effective, improves morbidity and mortality, and is safe."
"We can do screening, it is very important, but I think it's far more important you are working on hypothesis driven research."
"He's a great screener too, good off ball, obviously can play the five, and if you need him to be a volume scorer, he can be a go-to bucket too."
"At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to perform a comprehensive screening exam for hamstring injury in the athlete."
"It is extremely reasonable for patients who are high-risk individuals to be screened by their clinicians."
"We also have virtual ligand screening on the cloud."
"If we found a gene mutation that was associated with colon cancer risk like Lynch syndrome, that's going to inform the frequency."
"The most important thing is that people consider some form of screening."
"We can prevent cervical cancer by doing pap smear screening."
"We are going to first talk about the importance of routine delirium screening in the ICU."
"Failure to screen a patient for malnutrition may result in a change in overall health."
"Streptococcus bovis bacteremia or endocarditis should prompt a colon cancer screening."
"We should follow the evidence base to screen for things that we have good evidence for."
"Lung cancer screening chest CTs save lives."
"For the love of God, if you are at risk, if you are of age, get screened."
"We us ladies need to make sure we go on a screen and get tested."
"Some funds screen for stocks based on consistency of dividends paid."
"Drug discovery involves screening large numbers of compounds and this requires assays that can be processed quickly and automated."
"Screening for sleep apnea is essential because treatment improves their quality of life."
"The event will feature a cheering screening of the One-Piece film red anime on the first day."
"High-throughput SPR screening and characterization can be accomplished in the same step, which streamlines the drug discovery workflow."
"Screening with naturotic peptides... resulted in significant reduction in MACE endpoints and prevention of future heart failure development."
"If you want to protect your loved one, screening is important."
"We'll repeat the malnutrition universal screening tool again in one week's time."
"I would like to screen this in Los Angeles for a group of animation scholars."
"Applications of otoacoustic emissions... are used mainly for infant hearing screening."
"Screening is basically a technique of looking to see who is at high risk for whatever your outcome is."
"I've never had an experience before sitting in a room with Executives from a network where you screen a pilot for the first time and it just takes your breath away."
"Screening for liver cancer with ultrasound and alpha-fetoprotein every six months is really also important."