
Clean Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"It feels fresh, it feels new, and at the same time, it's very crisp, it's very clean."
"I've been clean 16 months now, 16 months I've been clean, 16 months, though."
"It's fresh clean vanilla not too sweet not too strong."
"Everything they do is just simple, nothing crazy flashy, just clean and pretty."
"Clean ingredients you can feel good about."
"I won't do what you tell me is actually clean comedy because I spent so much of my life thinking that if I didn't swear and was nice I was holy."
"It's just so beautifully calm and clean line and simple."
"While nuclear energy has risks, it is also primarily 'clean, safe, and hugely efficient.'"
"This bike is clean. It's OEM. There's no distasteful modifications done to it. I'm loving what I'm seeing here."
"I'm obsessed with them they're so simple and like they feel so clean"
"Virginia tobaccos: the cleanest, purest smoke in the American tobacco industry."
"It's a clean formula, it's totally traceable, it's also vegan friendly."
"Now I would like to, while this truck is running, I can just enjoy it, drive it, just be a good-looking clean truck."
"Our process is as clean as our ingredients."
"I really like the UI for this. I think it's very clean, I think it's easy to use."
"It's very minimalistic. It's very clean looking. Obviously, there's no date on the watch."
"My first impressions of Japan is that it is clean organized polite and convene."
"He finally broke his silence and revealed that he had been clean for almost six years now."
"You can never go wrong with clean and fresh fragrances. They just scream luxury."
"These are a pair of linen shorts."
"I love this, makes me feel calm... clean, it's clean."
"This gives us a really nice clean platform from where to start."
"That was clean as you can come, and both guys were riding hard."
"I never drank alcohol in my life, never been high a day of my life."
"There's just something about that two-man clean that I just... Man, when it's even when it's not totally clean, it's breaking up a little bit, there's something about that sweet spot that I just love."
"Stayed clean, kept the ball in play."
"It's just such a clean and fresh look."
"This is lean, clean food that doesn't stick to you."
"Make it good, make it delicious, keep it clean."
"...a really clean safe and inoffensive fragrance that's perfect for the spring and summer time."
"Super clean so it's going to be on the high end."
"We're not going to get down and go against them. We're going to end up getting clean, all of us."
"If you want to smell just clean and fresh, bright, uplifting, this is definitely the fragrance to go with."
"Knowledge is a dusty mirror that you just clean."
"It's clean, it's fresh, it's a white floral scent, it's very aquatic and I completely love this scent."
"I feel like I'm in the Zen mood. I love it. It's just so clean and crisp."
"This is a really nice clean way of finishing this."
"The transformation is amazing. It looks clean, it looks neat."
"It makes me three and a half years clean."
"This is honestly one of the cleanest S15s, if not the cleanest I've seen in the US."
"Bringing you weekly content on all things green, clean, and non-toxic beauty."
"It's very classic, it's very clean, beautiful."
"It's super fun, it's polished, it's clean."
"It's such a lovely, lovely perfume, the best way I could describe it is kind of fresh and clean smelling."
"It's fresh, it's clean, it smells like salty sea breeze."
"It's a smooth, clean fragrance with a nice woodsy base."
"It's very clean and uncluttered, just a few buttons, and so especially these days it's really rare to have so few buttons and so it's pretty refreshing."
"Fusion is significantly cleaner than fission; there is almost no nuclear waste to speak of."
"It's a clean and charming park with a lovely entrance."
"I really love the clean, minimal look; it really helps me when I want to design each page to just start with a fresh palette."
"This does not smell bad to me, this combination, it just smells very fragrant and clean, it smells soapy."
"Native deodorants are not sticky and they apply dry."
"It's a soapy bath time super clean fragrance."
"Natural gas is the cleanest-burning fossil fuel."
"We lose the bad: no parabens, no silicone, no sulfates, no formaldehyde."
"If you prefer cleaner, simpler compositions, you prefer people dressed in suits and just a very smart type of feel, then you can't go wrong with Canary Wharf, More London."
"The system doesn't come with any bloatware, as you expect."
"Wind power is clean and it's renewable."
"I think it looks classic and clean and fresh and just bright and pretty."
"This is a very fresh and clean perfume, it's safe to wear to work."
"It's a beautiful everyday fresh, fruity, clean fragrance that you just smell good."
"Everything is recessed cleanly into the wall; it looks really clean."