
Metal Detecting Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"It's the biggest ever metal detecting find... there's never been a chariot ever discovered by a metal detectorist."
"I was metal detecting a popular Pebble Beach when I got a loud signal I dug the Target and pulled out a chunky white gold men's wedding band."
"I was metal detecting at the world famous airplane Beach when I found a huge gemstone encrusted pendant."
"It's the biggest ever metal detecting find. As in, there's never been a chariot ever discovered by a metal detectorist."
"Found this 1829 silver half dime in the woods."
"A guy using a metal detector in his parents backyard in Finland discovered a broken up Bronze Age sword dating back to 1700 BC."
"You really never know what you're going to find when you head out into a field with a metal detector."
"That's sweet silver, baby, oh come to Papa."
"If you're not finding really deep silver coins then I would suggest just going back through the video and taking a look at every single item on the list."
"If you'd like to get more tips and secrets for metal detecting be sure to sign up for the cuta plug newsletter."
"Two more years' experience under my belt, got a new metal detector. I don't know, maybe we'll outdo last time."
"It's a good idea to use a coil cover, but I haven't been running mine lately."
"Roger says all I dig is low conductors, nickels, and quarter signals."
"Oh, here comes another shot shell base right in shot shell base alley. And this is a 15 signal, but that's not a shot shell. That's a silver."
"Epic metal detecting adventure, huge thanks to Chill Bill for inviting me and Daisy."
"I would say three or four rings in various beaches that I've found in areas where there is depression."
"The rule of sevens... it's a way that you can learn some of the pro tips and tricks for the Equinox 800 to get you out there in the field so you can find incredible things like these."
"If you're pinpointing more accurate and you can recover a target quicker than everybody else... at the end of the day you're going to probably have more digs and more finds in your pouch than the slower diggers."
"Unbelievable, a highlight of my metal detecting career."
"That's metal detecting for you. Trust me, it's not treasures all the time. You just gotta work away at it."
"If you have been metal detecting for some time and you're looking to change detectors, try the simplex. I don't think you'll be disappointed."
"You really can't go wrong don't overthink it get a metal detector."
"Multi-frequency is going to give you the best depth. You will get the best depth in multi-frequency."
"Great day of course, and if you guys want to have a great day, you gotta get yourself a metal detector."
"Half dollar Gary got out of here hours ago, dug some shoe buckle pieces, one button, a V nickel, an Indian, a barber quarter."
"Once you've been using the AT Pro in standard mode and you're really comfortable with it, you can jump over to pro mode."
"I am in France right now and I just became XP metal detector's second Ambassador."
"Building your own metal detector can be a fun and rewarding project."
"It can allow you to save significant money compared to what it costs to buy one on the market."
"Building your own metal detector can be a very challenging project."
"Nokta has created the best value in a multi-frequency detector."
"...I found pieces of gold a little bit smaller than that with the Nox 800 usually on bedrock and usually right at the top."
"Can't seem to go detecting these days without either finding a pocket watch, a piece of cutlery, or a doorknob."
"Well guys, that's it for this metal detecting video. I really hope you enjoyed. More videos on the way so stay tuned for that."
"The number one rule for success in metal detecting or anything is to show up."
"We don't do this necessarily for the treasure. I mean, we kind of do, but there's also the Zen aspect to metal detecting. It makes me feel good."
"You always dig all targets, two reasons: number one, you really don't know what it is, and secondly, there could be an ounce nugget underneath this."
"In total, we managed eight hours of detecting. This is the extent of my best finds."
"You can't not find something in south Louisiana with a metal detector."
"It's about quality, not quantity, so we get to hang out with the metal detectors more, so that's fine."
"Join us today as we use our Minelab GPZ 7000 detectors to find gold nuggets."
"It's made my heart beat a little bit faster, this is why we metal detect."
"What a day, what a day, this is why we detect."
"These early coils for pulse induction detectors... it was the best coil they ever used; it was very quiet and they go very, very deep."
"It's my hobby, this metal detector detects anything metal buried underground."
"Welcome to the 4am metal detecting club."
"The best part of going into the woods to metal detect is the peace and quiet."
"I'll tell you what, that machine will test your metal every single time."
"His oldest bottle, a Roman perfume bottle from the time of Roman occupation, was what sparked his interest in metal detecting."
"Thanks for watching folks, I hope you're able to get out and do some metal detecting, happy digging."
"I'm a metal detectorist. I enjoy the search, I enjoyed the hunt."
"He's finally not only got a coin, but he's got a silver."
"Accurate pinpointing of a target helps you to recover it quickly."
"For best detection results, keep your search coil at a constant height and parallel to the ground at all times."
"Detecting in saltwater is more challenging than detecting in freshwater to a metal detector."
"The Vanquish behind me, the 440, is equally at home on the land as it is on the beaches, shingle, and wet sand. It's a true all-terrain detector."
"This is a true switch on and go metal detector."
"It's a pickup and go machine, so anybody coming into the hobby for the first time and looking for a machine that's easy to use, really good performance, and you know, under 300 quid, it's a really smashing detector for its price."
"I cannot praise this detector high enough."
"Simplicity is a way forward in detecting still after all those years of detecting."
"Very difficult machine to beat for its money."
"Every day you go out with that detector trying again you will only get better."
"Always check in Scotland that it's not a scheduled monument. That's your responsibility as an honest and trustworthy metal detectorist."
"This could be gold, it could be silver, it could be copper; either way, it's a great sounding signal."
"After doing our research, we ended up finding a lot of gold nuggets with our metal detectors the previous day."
"I found something that I've never found before, that's what I like about metal detecting, you just never know what you're going to find."
"I'm loving this spot because I'm not digging no trash, so it's like every signal I'm getting is either a coin or something."
"Hey, what a good day though, I wasn't digging up nails, wasn't digging up trash all day."
"Well guys, it's gonna go ahead and conclude today's little metal detecting adventure."
"Cool thing about metal detecting is you got literal endless places to metal detect, it's like an endless hobby."
"If you're a beginner and thinking about getting a machine, you can't go wrong with an OCTA macro Simplex."
"If you're a bit more experienced and you want something of a top-level machine, the DS2 is just right up there with the best."
"This is so good though, we got that metal detector and I found this."
"Well, that's the biggest find worth absolutely nothing, and that's the joy of metal detecting."
"Metal detecting always on my mind."