
Conditionality Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Relationships are conditional, and I think that's actually as they should be."
"If the user has selected all accounts, then the result is blank; otherwise, the general journal equals before."
"Russia will be coming to your rescue and treating you nicely if you guys play by the rules."
"Prophecy in the ancient near East or Israelite culture is often conditional."
"Virgo will not love you unconditionally."
"This Promise does not apply to absolutely everyone. There is a precondition that must be met before The Promise works for you."
"God, I'm only going to move if XYZ happens because XYZ makes it the most comfortable for me."
"Your God's love is not unconditional."
"Ultimate reality is beyond all the conditionality that defines ordinary reality for us externally."
"None of us are alone, and when you're in a community that is taught to love conditionally, it's scary to think about the possibility of even knowing what real love is."
"Your love for me is conditional. It's conditional on my performance."
"Unconditional love is merely a response to the conditional experience of the individual. When that falls away, it's obvious that there isn't any condition to love."
"When people feel that love is conditional, they're actually less likely to change."
"Men are only loved under the condition they provide something."
"Unconditional love for kids is the biggest myth facing parents today. In truth, my son only loves me when I get him dinosaurs. Right, when he loves me most."
"There are certain prophecies that are conditional."
"Forgiveness is a good thing, though what I've learned about myself is my kindness is rare and my forgiveness is incredibly conditional."
"If she heals me, it's conditional."
"... if you want to know if your love is conditional try differentiating from what your loved one wants or expects from you and you'll see how unconditional the love is."
"If you're good, I'm going to give you my love. If you're bad, I'm going to remove it."
"The deepest teaching is that conditionality... this arises dependent on that."
"Man's love will always be conditional. We have been trained to have conditions from the beginning."
"I value friendship above all. I think it's the... you know, it's fantastic because love is unconditional. You have to love certain people, but friendship is... is conditional."
"God's love is completely unconditional, but His promises to move are highly conditional."
"The reception of God's mercy is conditioned, dependent upon our willingness to repent and turn away from sin."
"Because that condition shouldn't have existed."
"I trust my people until they give me a reason not to trust them."
"The fittest is a very conditional status."
"The virtual is very real, very much conditioned; it only presents itself through a finite number of possibilities at any given time but it does guarantee the opening of new possibilities."
"Conditional probability is the probability of an event A, given that event B has already occurred."
"Here you are," he said, "but mind, if I think you don't deserve it, back it comes."
"Whether enlightened ones arise or do not arise, this law remains, this structuring principle of phenomena that all compounded things come into being in dependence on their conditions."
"There's no forgiveness given by God to the person who does not repent of the sin."
"We believe strongly in eternal security; we simply believe it is conditional on faith in Jesus Christ."
"All conditions are impermanent, and in their cessation is peace."
"It's easy to love me now. Would you love me if I was down and out? Would you still have love for me?"
"Conditional probabilities deal with how probabilities change given other events occur."
"An exclusive OR gate works is that our output will only be on if only one of the buttons are pushed."
"What is polymorphism? Same code does something different depending upon condition."
"But if you withhold forgiveness from others, your Father withholds forgiveness from you."
"This is just Wald's equality with this condition thrown into it."
"You can't live in unconditional love if your heart brings anger."
"Even Brahma Gyana, the realization of Brahman, you're making it conditional, dependent, related to one miserable little body."
"It's only really valid to do the matrix multiplication in the condition where the number of columns on the left-hand side is equal to the number of rows on the right-hand side."
"He forgives Young, who is very happy, but under one condition."
"For better or for worse, conditionals are an integral part of the game."
"Consciousness is peaceful, the conditions that you create are not peaceful."
"The joint between x and y given z can be factored as the conditional for x given z times the conditional for y given z."
"Would you still love me if I were a worm?"
"...love is something you have to earn and is never unconditional..."
"Conditional probability means the probability of a particular event happening given some other event has already occurred."
"If someone is authenticated, I'll show them this; if they're not authenticated, then I'm going to show them this instead."
"It depends should always be followed by what it depends on."
"A conditional probability is the probability of one event given that another event has occurred."
"Love is unconditional and not transactional."
"Whenever there is such a must condition, in that case, we multiply the probabilities."
"The prophecies of doom are conditional."
"The message that God forgives has a condition: that we forgive those who have injured us."
"It only works if the spider's radioactive."
"If the condition is true, it becomes false; if it's false, it becomes true."
"This is the probability of something happening given the fact that something else has already happened."
"All the horseshoe claims is that you're going to get either a false antecedent or else a true consequent."
"Freedom at last, but it was not total freedom, it was a conditional release because the case is still hanging."
"Everything in the universe is causality; there's no inherent existence of things. It exists because of conditions, because of causality."
"A conditional statement is not necessarily equivalent to its converse or its inverse, but it is necessarily equivalent to its contrapositive."
"Okay. But one condition: you help me, I help you."
"We need to conditionally before we changed anything, we need to check to see if it's been edited before by checking the value of was edited."
"A biconditional is a two-directional implication."
"You operate out of unconditional love."