
Amplifiers Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"In the case of a j2, for example, you're running those Toshiba unobtainium JFETs along with the Semi South unobtainium JFETs. You can't even duplicate that amplifier in the marketplace at this point."
"It transforms the rev heads into essentially limitlessly customizable combo amps in the virtual space."
"The number one thing I think about old four-hole Marshalls in particular super lead style JMP style Marshalls."
"It's less about the master volume and a little bit more about how much gain the amplifier has."
"When you have amplifiers and speakers, what you want to do is try to keep the cables from the amplifiers to the speakers as short as you can."
"Why do I want to use two amps? To get a richer tonal palette."
"Valve amplifiers have a raw sound that will drive into distortion easily."
"The mothership connection was loud and backed by the strongest amplifiers in the world."
"Now you see the differences between the power amps of these three amps and why slaving can make a massive difference in your overall tone."
"Everyone loves overdrives and ODS are great, but if you've got a good amp that you can push, I think you should probably lean more towards a boost in most cases."
"...just because an amplifier sports a valve doesn't mean it's any good... most cheap valve amplifiers are pretty poorly built and designed and sound... yucky."
"...this is one of the best low-cost amplifiers on the market."
"...it's big, it's bold, and it weighs a ton... there is no doubt the Avid is an exceptional amplifier."
"Arguably the best bang for your buck amplifier."
"The most underrated amps at their price point."
"Hand wired, checks all the boxes, an absolute amazing amp."
"During that time, its valve-based amplifiers were highly regarded and remain legendary."
"The AA334 amplifiers provide ripple-free power under full load conditions due to their multiple filter stages and energy storage capabilities."
"Leo's tweed amplifiers are considered by many the best amps ever made."
"Dumbbell amplifiers are probably some of the most notorious in all of guitar world."
"Here are the four artists that have been so synonymous with the JTM amplifier over the years: Jimi Hendrix, Angus Young, Joe Bonamassa, Gary Moore."
"An agreement from, I'm going to say 40 years ago or 45 years ago, a standard, a practice was that an amplifier would have enough gain so that one volt on the input caused clip on the output or was right on the edge of clip."
"Let us know which amp is your favorite tonally."
"Probably one of the heaviest amplifiers for the wattage that I've seen to date."
"The tones are amazing. There's just such a wide variety of amplifiers and then combined all the different effects, um, there's just so much here that you've got tone for years."
"What the heck is a choke and why do we use them in tube amplifiers?"
"Peregrine's ultra CMOS process is used for 28 gigahertz power amplifiers."
"Overall, I am incredibly pleased with this amp and it far exceeded my expectations. It's super versatile and sounds incredible."
"...the power that I chose for this amplifier is 25 Watts..."
"Serious amps is doing some builds... that's cool."
"The ab-165 with a few little tweaks is up there. It's one of the god good God amps of all time."
"I love the projection and the power of an amplifier...when you're shifting air through a cabinet and it's filling the room, that's a really, really satisfying experience."
"We're not talking about wet dry specifically, we are comparing some amps."
"Marshall's have always been my favorite amps. I love them to bits, they're just... they're just great, they're iconic, they're British."
"I think they are criminally underrated amplifiers."
"A powerful amplifier cannot inject or create sound out of thin air that isn't already present in the signal. It can only amplify what it's given."
"For 40 dollars more you're getting so much more amplifier for your money."
"This may be what changed my perspective on amplifiers and what they're capable of in 2021."
"You might seriously think about spending 2x3x5x the amount you spend on speakers on your power amp so you can really hear what your speakers are capable of doing."
"One of the best amps on the market in my personal opinion."
"I love how these Gibson sound so much, they're like some of my favorite amps ever."
"Princeton or Deluxe Reverb? I love both, absolutely love both."
"The Princeton is about the only practice amp I can think of that is so pro-level that you would see it on stage."
"Amplifiers are going from old style analog class A amplifiers, which is grossly inefficient, to digital switching amps with built-in digital signal processing."
"This is like 789 THX amplifiers, ding, 100 watt per channel THX amps."
"The Grand Meisters sound nothing short of awesome."
"If you're a metal player, especially if you're into modern metal tones, this is the amp for you."
"The Mini Rectifier has had a much bigger impact on our industry than a lot of people realize."
"The Marshall DSL20 is a fantastic option."
"Quilter Labs have fast earned a reputation for being amongst some of the greatest solid state amps on the market today."
"I'm really a Super Reverb guy, to tell you the truth, number one favorite amp in all the world."
"Welcome back to the channel; today we're going to discuss some of my favorite vintage Fender amplifiers colloquially known as the brown panel amps."
"For many players, the Deluxe is a perfect combo; at 15 watts, it's loud enough for club gigs and it breaks up easily."
"Finally, Marshall have released a range of British made amplifiers designed to bridge that price gap."
"Hughes and Kettner amps have such a unique High Fidelity voice."
"This just may be one of my favorite amps of all time."
"It is very powerful, there are two 35 watt class D high efficiency digital amps inside here."
"This is going to be a great one for any amplifier platform."
"So without further Ado, let's dive into the world of the top 5 best car subwoofers with built-in amplifiers and discover the ideal solution to elevate your car audio experience with powerful Bass."
"We are delighted to have Simon Jarrett from Kingsley Amplifiers on the show today."
"My pleasure in listening to very low powered amplifiers continues to surprise me how much you can get out of just a handful of watts."
"It's actually the sound of overdriving amps that we like the most."
"The relationship between a guitar player, a guitar, and an amplifier is unmatched by any digital technology."
"Everyone should own a tube amp definitely because tubes have this magic."
"The finiter series of amplifiers are really, really exceptional solid state amplifiers in my mind and they've been very popular in the community."
"So as guitar players, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to the amazing range of amplifiers that are available to us on the market today."
"No compromise whatsoever; they just wanted to build the best amp designs that they could."
"There's a lot of really cool amps in here."
"Well greetings from Stuart at Berkshire Guitar Amplifier Repairs."
"These are great little amps and they're very reasonably priced if you can get hold of one."
"I'm going to be looking at this amp live, I haven't even turned it on yet."
"It had a body to it like I didn't remember other amps having."
"One of the most critical things in high power amplifiers is the heat and getting rid of the heat."
"You need to check this out if you're looking at any kind of amp modeling software."
"Those old amps are amazing... they covered the stage of the Grand Ole Opry for 20-some years, and so there's something definitely to them."
"Amplifiers don't work like that; you can have a beautiful, sweet, singing clean tone almost, and then hit the strings really hard and it explodes into overdrive."
"It has all the qualities of modern sounding amps and can drive both vintage and modern speakers, no problem."