
Off-grid Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Life off-grid: making the most of what you have."
"Living off-grid is a way to go save the planet."
"Follow our journey from the very beginning as we document the whole process of creating an off-grid home."
"A forested patch of eco-land equipped with greenhouses, small buildings, and all the whimsical off-grid contraptions."
"I've always looked at off-grid living as a shortcut, as long as you're willing to sweat and learn."
"Off-grid living is definitely not a lie, but the title was a little clickbaity."
"Last summer, my girlfriend and I decided to spend about a month completely off the grid. We left our cell phones and credit cards in a lockbox at my mother's house and started walking right off her back porch and into the Colorado wilderness."
"Designed Clyde to be off-grid for three weeks if we want to."
"My goal with this space is to make it completely off-grid and sustainable wherever you go."
"We're going to figure it out, and that goes back to what I was just going to say about people being sort of taken aback that we're not living off-grid."
"Living off-grid in the RV in the middle of the Canadian woods, with winter finally here, staying warm has been more of a challenge than expected."
"We kind of fell in love with this idea of like boondocking and camping off-grid."
"You can basically live a normal life off-grid... and not even think about it 90% of the time."
"With the solar panel mounted and the solix X1 system installed, we are one step closer to having a fully self-sufficient off-grid tiny home."
"We throw around the term boondocking a lot and it's really just a fancy way of saying that we camp off grid without any sewer water or electric hookups but it allows us to stay in some incredible locations and it's all free."
"In the last few years, we've traveled all the way up through Northern Canada, all around Alaska, back down throughout the western United States, and multiple trips down into the Baja Peninsula of Mexico, completely off-grid."
"So, if you're working off site, you're working off grid, you're living off grid, your power goes out, wait until you see this power generator slash inverter."
"If you like to get off the beaten path, then solar is a really great option for you."
"The trailer comes equipped with a 1080 amp hours of lithium battery and 1240 Watts on the roof this is standard there's no other options so it's fully loaded with power battery and solar it's pretty unbelievable."
"Power solutions for off-grid adventures: solar panels and power stations for endless possibilities."
"It's kind of amazing: hot meals with no electricity whatsoever."
"A premium home base for all of your off-grid experiences."
"The Camp 365 is the perfect off-grid solar-powered camper for all your adventure needs."
"We tend to meet people traveling off grid and as we said it suits that style of travel the best."
"We're gonna go Beach to Bush and across the nullarbor the off-grid way."
"It's amazing the difference as far as when you are off grid camping what solar does for you."
"Our hope is to use harvest hosts to do some one-night off-grid stays here and there but at really fun locations."
"This thing can run for days and days without being plugged in, without being at a campground, without being anywhere. This is meant to be totally self-contained and self-sufficient."
"Let's put an AC unit into this window. I've never been a huge fan of window units, but I think this would be a perfect fit out here since it's super off grid."
"This off-grid mountain cabin offers plenty of bang for your buck."
"Our solar and battery setup because it allows us to go off-grid."
"These next five campsites we're going to show you, well, they're our favorites, so sit back, grab a beer or a wine, and come with us as we show you our top five off-grid camps of 2022."
"People want to know what it's like to live off grid man this is training."
"It's going to help keep you off grid should you need to be."
"It's all off the grid as well, so there's solar on the roof."
"A battery like this could be very useful where a motorhome or camper van might not be used for days or weeks on end."
"It's important to remember we do this all the time. We're not just a turnkey bus conversion company. We service school buses, we install off-grid solar, and I want to start sharing that aspect of our business more with you."
"I grew up kind of off grid and I had so much fun as a child."
"...I cannot tell you how wonderful this luxury is to just be completely off grid you come off of a mountain knackered desperate for a plop and a shower put on some hot water and you're cleaning."
"Perfect for off-grid and RV installations!"
"I truly believe it is the best offline navigation app for off-grid overlanding, camping, off-roading adventures."
"I'm on a mission to take my house completely off grid."
"This is our off-grid cabin that we built in 2020."
"The great thing about this is because we have that solar system, you can be out dry camping, if you guys buy a 12 volt television, you can plug it in, be able to watch TV or the news or whatever at night."
"So it's really well set up for full fully self-contained off-grid camping."
"When you set yourself up for off-grid and self-sufficient travel, it's actually far less stressful."
"This phrase of off-grid, it's really quite this buzzword at the moment and it means different things to different people and there's no real one definition for off-grid."
"I've got over 6,000 Watt hours of power to live off-grid for a very, very long time."
"Living off-grid is not hard, it's just an adjustment. You learn how to manage it all."
"...it's even more taxing if you're off grid and you're not plugged in and you're strictly relying on your batteries and possibly solar to help that Electric System rejuvenate."
"For those of you doing those long distance trips that are off-grid, it'll pay for itself in the long run."
"We are building an off-grid homestead from scratch here in North Idaho."
"It gives you so many options and allows you to have a lot of fun, and really it takes you off the grid so you don't have to stay on the road, you don't have to stay in a park."
"It is a little cabin, 620 square feet, completely off the grid."
"Experience the incredible marine life, unspoiled beauty, and off-grid lifestyle."
"You know it doesn't matter how many auxiliary batteries you have, the key to staying out in the bush for longer is solar."
"Living off-grid, never pay another electric bill again."
"Living off-grid isn't without its challenges and responsibilities."
"This system is set up to be completely off-grid, meaning that you don't need to plug it in anywhere, it can run off the sun through the solar panel on the top."
"I live on an almost 40-acre off-grid homestead with my husband Dutch and three daughters."
"Leaving city life, escaping to off-grid freedom to pursue our dreams."
"The show is not about who stole your diary, the show is about intentional communities, like off-grid living, like this whole movement."
"The good part about boondocking and living off-grid is you can find much cheaper camping."
"The AC can run for 15 to 16 hours off the grid."
"The TV setup, the DVD player, all of that runs off of 12 volts, so you don't have to start your generator if it's a rainy day and you just want to hang out and watch a movie."
"If we go boondocking for a couple of days, then the batteries will kick in and keep us self-sustained."
"I work five days a week. I have one day a week which is a protected day where I just go off-grid."
"Welcome to our small footprint; we are a family of eight who live off-grid in Australia."
"The two things that it needed to have is it needed to be off-grid and off-road."
"Hi everyone, some time ago in a caravan far, far away, I made a video about going off-grid."
"It's pretty sweet, so we're going to be off-grid, no paying power bills from the power company."
"If you're interested in being able to send messages and tracking location through radio in areas where you may not have cell coverage, this may be the video for you."
"Being able to get solar charge when the weather isn't so great means that we can go off-grid for longer over the year."
"It was nice being off grid, shake down, testing all of those features."
"It's a four cubic foot refrigerator, a 12 volt refrigerator which makes this unit perfect for camping off the grid."
"This is well suited for going off the grid and that allows you to keep that battery charged."
"Go off-grid with GoSun Solar Table which can keep the power bank charged indefinitely."
"Living off-grid in the mountains can come with its challenges."
"These Sprinter vans have become incredibly popular for camping, traveling, and living off the grid."
"An off-roader that's also a mobile hotel room with all the accoutrement you'll want for off-grid living."
"Living off-grid here in Hawaii for over 20 years."
"We're really going to dive into the nitty-gritty of living off-grid, what that looks like, how to go about it."
"It's great for places and locations that are off-grid or that you have no power."
"Water is everything when you are living off-grid."
"A rocket stove is a really good alternative way to cook off-grid."
"Make sure you have a way to communicate when you're off-grid. You should never rely on your cell phone or cell phone service as there are so many spots that don't have reception."
"Making our own power gave us a sense of freedom on the road."
"We've been off-grid and living off the land long enough to know that great things can be accomplished."
"Burr, it's gonna be 17 degrees tonight, and I live full time off-grid in my RV."
"24 volt systems are always cheaper when building off-grid solar power systems."
"Feeling pretty proud of our first official off-grid structure that we've built."
"One of our big hopes with the off-grid challenge was that we would spend time outside working and playing with our kids."
"So for all you off-grid dreamers, it's good to have big dreams. Just make sure they're based in hard realities."
"I'm over 60 years old and if I was young and with a partner, I would be off-grid hands down."
"You could completely live off the grid in something like this if you love to travel."
"We're looking for a rig that we're going to be able to go out and do some adventuring off-grid, get into the backcountry a little bit more, have more spontaneous trips."
"It's pretty impressive... this thing has been sitting up here for four years... it's literally hands-off, no maintenance, nothing to do."
"Hello, look where we are. We are in the wilderness. We have finally made it off-grid."
"When you're off the grid, your diesel lasts longer for running your primary engines."
"Very pleased to be having a chance to live off-grid at the moment."
"My task for this year is to do more boondocking and become more available to go off-grid."
"What's your goal? For my particular example, I want to be able to remain off-grid indefinitely should I choose."
"Can the GATT system be off-grid? The short answer is it sure can."
"We're completely off-grid here, we have all of our own utilities."
"Our biggest goal with all the upgrades and changes that we want to do the boat is that we want to get it off grid ready."
"We want to make it safer for the ocean crossings and better for off grid. All the aesthetics are secondary."
"We're totally off the grid, living off rainwater, living off solar, everything we use is all solar powered."
"We live a hundred percent off of rainwater."
"We've lived off-grid for 14 years, no public utilities, and no solar power up until just a few months ago."
"We're talking about living off-grid."
"Over the last four years, we've made huge strides in building our own home and putting in place systems to make our home function off the grid."
"Being off-grid means that we have to rely on ourselves for all of our own power and all of our own water."
"We are not connected to the utility grid, so we need to be able to just live off the land."
"We kick off our Outback adventures in Charleville, staying at an awesome off-grid bush camp."
"The homestead was an off-grid cabin set up in a deep Pine Forest."
"Alaska is relatively cheap compared to other places when it comes to off-grid living."
"You've been following us through our off-grid lifestyle."
"I've got everything I need to survive off-grid."
"When I get my property, I want the option so I could live off-grid if I have to."
"My wife Brooke and I lived for 10 years without running water or indoor plumbing in cabins that we built with our own hands in interior Alaska."
"I hope this video has been entertaining and informative, and I hope that you've picked up some of those bits and pieces of information that you've been looking for to build your own off-grid cabin."
"We're going to be off-grid most of the time."
"It's off grid; we're not beholden to anybody. We are the owners of our communication."
"Slab City is an entirely off-grid community."
"Living off the grid, it's been an amazing journey just kind of learning and doing our thing up there."
"If you're truly bugged out somewhere, if you're truly off-grid, camping, hiking up a mountain somewhere, you want something that's going to be able to be charged without a regular 110 plug in the wall."
"We wanted to take a little bit of our time today and just show you some things about the off-grid cabin that we like and some lessons that we've learned."
"We really, really want to buy a bit of land; we just want to live off-grid."
"Originally we had really started looking into going off-grid and just becoming fully sustainable."
"It wasn't until we moved off-grid that Theo had to really get to grips with taking things apart when they stopped working."
"A Powerhouse that redefines off-grid power solutions."
"As long as there is a sunny day, we just can stay endlessly on places like this, off-grid and remote."
"I needed something more off the grid, something I could buy cheap and build multiple units."
"The first reason I can think of that I decided to move off-grid stems all the way back to when I was about 5 years old."
"We're going to develop it; it's going to be an off-grid community."
"Between the 100 watt solar panel on the roof and the thousand watt inverter, you can camp off the grid and have lots of options."
"Ibex is known for giving you lots of extra features for going off the grid."
"Welcome to Southern Utah and our off-grid experience."
"What exactly does it cost to live off-grid? We're gonna do our best to answer that question right now."
"We are looking to eventually be as self-sufficient as we can be, taking care of all of our needs on our property here off-grid."
"Together we are a married couple living completely off the grid here in Southern Arizona."
"Having the ability to live off-grid is a pretty amazing feeling."
"We're trying to build an off-grid homestead."
"If you ever thought about living off-grid, then just do it. Unplug from the system as much as you can."
"I live off-grid as in no physical connection to any public utilities."
"We're very remote; we're back in the middle of a national forest."
"It's more than a shed, it's also a place where we store our batteries because we are completely off-grid here in Arizona."
"It's a beautiful thing to be off-grid and to not be grid tied and to be able to be as self-sufficient as you can be."