
Rule-making Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Everyone out there knows it's as simple as that: you make the rules, you follow the rules."
"Elections matter to choose the executive branch matters because the executive branch puts all these appointees in who sign these rules at the end of the day."
"Alphas help us make the rules because they have the ability to get people to follow whatever they lay out."
"Money is power and he who has the gold makes the rules."
"When we make the rules of a game, we are always making choices about what kind of competition we want to have."
"Bitcoin provides rules without rulers, allowing for global coordination."
"If you are not making your own rules, you are being ruled."
"Don't let that ever stop you from being outside of the box and making up the rules as you go along."
"Childhood is a time of exploration. It is a time to learn rules, to break rules, and to make new rules."
"If you don't make the rules you don't run the game."
"We shouldn't make rules we wouldn't want to live on the wrong side of."
"Embrace your own path, live life on your own terms, make your own rules..."
"Finding fair rules that work regardless of knowledge is the important thing."
"The last law is usually written by the first man who broke it."
"You make up your own rules and then you break them."
"The minority that's loudest are the ones that make the rules."
"Boys, you guys are the president, man. You guys make the rules."
"It's Dana White land. That's where it's a country where I make the rules."
"We just want you to support democracy, have fun, and come up with your own rules."
"You're gonna have to understand that at times you're gonna have to make up your own rules."
"Disney decided to create a new specific rule to address the courtesy issue."
"Regulators should not do regulation by enforcement to come up with the rule."
"We change the rules... from a million-page rule book full of rules to one important rule."
"Aquarius, you're going to be the one to write the rules."
"When we create rules, they will always be biased and give a set of directions."
"Rule over everything and change the rules."
"This rule gives the public, regardless of where you live, you own part of this public land."
"She who has the gold makes the rules."
"We're making the rules. We are making the rules. I guess a game changer."
"We may only get one chance to write the rules."
"You know what I do? I don't play by the rules. I make the rules."
"We departed radically from the classic two-step rulemaking model and instead had a multiple round rulemaking process to maximize dialogue."
"People had to be able to make some of their own rules and then adapt them over time."
"We are starting a new nation, we're starting a new country, we can make our own rules."
"Equity is the means by which a system of law balances out the need for certainty in rule-making with the need to achieve fair results in individual circumstances."
"The first rule of government is you don't make a rule that you can't enforce."
"If you have the gold, you make the rules."
"To the victor the spoils; whoever wins gets to make their own rules."
"As innovators, we dared to make new rules."
"We're the pioneers for it, we're making the rules as we go along."
"No school for anyone; it's the law because I am Queen Holly."
"All of the great things that can be done with Basel at the macro level depend on getting rules done right at the micro level."
"...the rules are still being written for this industry."
"I am the king of the mountain, I am the queen of the mountain, I make my own rules."
"It's kind of our job as the rule makers to acknowledge that and try to restrict people enough where you restore a more traditional aesthetic to the game."