
Workout Motivation Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Music is an integral part of working out for many people."
"When you get to those reps and sets and it gets to be kind of painful, often times I remind myself, 'This is exactly where I need to be.'"
"Friday is the best day to work out because everybody drops new music. It's just the best day."
"The only thing stopping you from succeeding is the number of reps and your fear of failure."
"Listen to your favorite music during every workout. Many studies show that simply putting on some headphones and listening to your favorite songs can actually improve athletic performance."
"If you put in 100%, you get 100% results back."
"Remember, you are gonna feel amazing afterwards."
"Just getting into the gym, that's the hard part. Once I'm warmed up, the session's not bad. So nothing to it but to do it."
"If you don't have the motivation hit a hard workout I'm telling you you'll feel better after and that is the motivation to continue."
"When you feel cute in the gym, you lift heavier weights."
"Gratitude, positivity, thankfulness. I want you to have something positive to take away from this workout."
"Honestly I think a lot of people just get bored man and they just don't want to train in a way that's optimal."
"Learn to love that burn that's a feeling of accomplishment right there."
"Think about it in terms of gratitude; thank you for this workout that's pushing me to my limits."
"You're never going to go wrong going hard on a set."
"I'm proud of myself because after each workout I prove to myself I can do more than I thought I could. That's a good feeling."
"I still one of my favorite songs to work out to for the rest of time is fireman by Lil Wayne."
"Don't worry about weight yet, 'bout we get it."
"When you have fun, you forget you're working out."
"10 seconds with working out, do your best to forget the rest. It doesn't have to be perfect, you're just here and you're moving."
"Working out has the word work built right into it."
"Even at my age, I go in to try something new... The workouts get stale, you gotta change it up."
"I cannot express enough how amazing it feels to get in your workouts, so get it in!"
"It's damn near all gone girl, and that's because I had to get that energy up so I can complete the workout."
"Remember, each workout is only an opportunity to get stronger."
"I'm gonna finish up my pre-workout meal I've got some oatmeal and protein over here and an apple I'm gonna have some pre-workout and we're gonna crush this leg workout look super excited to get in I'll check in with you guys over at the key."
"This is your time, this is your workout, I want you to get the most out of it."
"Thanks for finishing this 35 minute workout with me and the awesome Minnesota Beef team!"
"If your workout partner calls you and says, 'I don't want to work out anymore,' and you stop working out, that means there's a problem."
"You can see your potential when you get a good pump."
"If you really want to do anything in between sets, whatever you're working on, picture that muscle, imagine it growing and firing and connecting in between sets, that's what the data shows."
"No pain, no gain. Push your body. Don't forget to keep hydrating."
"You know that's something I always say, it's your workout."
"Thank you so much for joining me for this split strong 35 legs and chest workout, I hope you feel strong after this and I hope you feel motivated."
"Remember, this is not a competition. This is a workout designed to make you look and feel better."
"One rep at a time, you got this, 10 more seconds here, yes you can."
"Remember, the burn is good. When your body is burning, it means it's working. So you want to keep going."
"Remember why you came for this workout, it was not to take it easy, it was to work hard."
"15 minutes non-stop insanity workout, come on, let's go, move, move, move!"
"Not only are we gonna get stronger in our core, but mentally I'm gonna challenge you to really push yourself throughout the workout."
"Hey there everybody, it's another great day for a workout here on Jess Smith TV."
"Make this time worth it; be proud of yourself at the end of this workout, not for being perfect, but for pushing."
"What it is that motivates you, what brought you here to this workout."
"Those last couple of reps when you feel like you can't go anymore but you know deep down in your heart that your body can take a couple more reps, and you decide not to, if you actually do those reps, that's when your body's going to really grow."
"Once you start getting results, you really enjoy your abdominal workout."
"Remember, if you only worked out when you feel good, you wouldn't get very far."
"The music is good, it's got a good beat, and it really makes the time go by quickly."
"If your best workouts are workout three and four, you're 100% going to make it."
"It's all about the energy and the atmosphere in the gym."
"Once you start working out, you find that it makes you feel better."
"All you need for this workout is just one kettlebell. Are you ready? Let's do it!"
"Remember, the hardest part about working out is showing up."
"Everything about this workout is finding what feels good for you."
"Whatever your intention for this workout, give it all you got."
"You guys are awesome, I'm so happy you worked out with me."
"Thanks for working out with me guys, I love you guys, keep it up."
"The days that you don't feel like going are the days that make you stronger."
"It's not about being perfect, it's just about doing your best, getting a little bit better every single workout."
"We're only getting stronger. We can tell that every single workout, we're gonna sweat a little bit more, we're going to push where we can, we'll pull back when we need to, that's what it's all about."
"There's no such thing as a bad workout."
"All that matters is that you are here, that you showed up for this workout."
"It's a good workout to burn off all the amazing food we're gonna eat tonight."
"You killed this workout today, I'm so proud of you."
"By the end of those reps, you're feeling pretty fatigued, but man, is there anything more beautiful than a bicep pump, especially near the end of the workout?"
"I go into each and every session literally on fire."
"Promise yourself right now you're not going to skip it, and you're not going to go halfway. I want you to do your best."
"Smile, know that you are gonna get through this workout no matter what."
"That pain becomes fun; you enjoy the pain because you know what's coming afterwards."
"Every minute is mighty, pushing through it."
"My best training cycles have always been when I've had the most fun in the gym."
"Everything that was negative in my life, I made it into a positive, and I used that to fuel my workouts."
"Last set, best set, this set we're taking her to failure."
"With every single rep, you are giving yourself love, you are giving yourself positivity."
"Shreddy is the reason why I fell in love with working out."