
Service Delivery Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"That's what you want, and that's what we've got."
"They want to hear how this Administration is delivering for them."
"What made them different is that they were just offering it to everyone."
"Getting it done is the thing. It don't matter. Sometimes they don't care about the cost. Just do what you say you're going to do."
"Doordash is now delivering at-home Covid test kits, how awesome is that?"
"There's not a single person of right sound mind and body if you could build a Tesla Model 3 online and get it delivered in 30 60 or 90 days."
"How do we sync and how do we serve our customers?"
"Because we want to be close to the users that we're serving."
"And that's where the drive-thru really delivers."
"If you're charging money for something, you need to give them what they paid for."
"Only sell products or services that you can deliver an end result."
"They have done an unbelievable job in delivering."
"It gave us exactly what was promised. A real treat."
"When you've set the reasonable expectation that's gonna happen and you're an industry professional I believe you should deliver on it."
"It's almost less of a transfer of ownership and more of a pre-completed service."
"These large heavily bureaucratic Health Care authorities don't seem to be very good at delivering Frontline care."
"You're not an agency, you're an expert. You just chose to package your expertise in the form of laborious services and you have the option to package them in another way." - Alan Weiss
"If you understand what your customer needs better than they can, they will assume that you have the answer."
"It's better to under promise and over deliver than to over promise and under deliver."
"With ServiceNow, you make service delivery more efficient for HR and provide fast personalized employee service."
"Minimum viable service delivery: how to deliver amazing service to your clients, keep them for the long haul, and really run your consulting business."
"Efficiency of service delivery: the key word is maintenance, trying to keep social order, trying to keep balance."
"You have to figure out what their customers want, what is that voice of the customer, and then be able to figure out how to deliver that consistently."
"At the end of the day we believe we have to deliver value to you every day, every week, every month, every year, otherwise you shouldn't be a member."
"You can deploy with confidence if the only promises you've made about your service are encoded in those tests."
"Hospitality is the positive emotional response elicited in our guests while service is being delivered."
"Business continuity is the capability of an organization to continue the delivery of products and services within acceptable time frames at predefined capacity during a disruption."
"It's the done for you versus the do-it-yourself model."
"Customers don't want the journey, they want an experience."
"Software as a service is basically they have applications that can be hosted in the cloud service."
"The goal of a service delivery manager is to have a longer-term relationship with the customer and be more proactive."
"We are trying to increase the network credibility, reducing risk, and enable faster service delivery."
"Cleveland Clinic Community Care is focused on rethinking health care delivery."
"It's all about delivering additional value at each and every touch point."
"Service value chain has a set of interconnected activities that an organization performs to deliver a valuable product or services to its consumers."
"The real measure of HR effectiveness are service deliverables and the extent to which it helps meet business objectives."
"Setting expectations moves the needle forward more than anything else when it comes to getting client results."
"Ask your customers what's important to them and then deliver that."
"Accelerating the delivery of new high-quality services with CI/CD."
"We want to bring that back into the way in which we deliver services."
"They delivered, they gave you something worthy of talking about."
"It creates greater transparency between what the business needs and what we're delivering."
"You create this infrastructure, this architecture that simply provides the services that your users need through multiple different ways."
"The name of the game with Microsoft 365 Lighthouse is going to be efficiency."
"The better that we understand our customers and their needs and frustrations, the better we are equipped to deliver a product or service that is going to satisfy and meet those needs."
"A cloud computing is a delivery of computing services... to offer faster innovation, flexibility, resources, and economics of scale."
"There's way more things that go into a business than just being good at the actual service delivery."
"Capturing those topics is extremely important to us and is how we try to deliver a personalized service."
"I'd rather you have too many clients and then worry about how to serve those clients than the opposite way around."
"Coupang's reimagining the commerce experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment the order's delivered."
"It's important we look at how we actually deliver it to our clients."