
Listeners Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"How do we convert the listeners into changing their lives?"
"We challenge our listeners to use critical thinking."
"Thank you for listening if you made it this long... you're wonderful."
"If you've listened this far, we salute you, we appreciate you."
"Hey deserving listeners, it's time to continue our journey."
"Thank you to everyone who has been listening to the old shows recently."
"Been well received by listeners during this time."
"Even with the mystery, he is still able to connect with listeners on a deeply emotional level."
"I have something exciting for you which is that we have voicemails from our listeners um and basically the prompt that I asked them is what is something you want to know the truth about."
"For all the listeners again I can't thank you guys enough if it were not for your support this show would would not exist."
"People who hate you are actually your most loyal listeners."
"Thank you to the listeners for continuing to show us the love that keeps this show going."
"His music resonated with many listeners."
"Thank you to all our listeners that are currently either at work driving or just doing their thing in life we want to appreciate you especially and to all the people that say that we make Mondays a little bit better thank you for that nice comment as well."
"Shoutout to listeners from all over the world, including Ireland!"
"Listeners, just listeners, what comes first, the goodbye or the egg? Boy, am I gonna lay one."
"This will be a review for some of you, but some of you are new listeners, so you might find this interesting."
"Lovely listeners and welcome back to Raven Reads."
"I always enjoy seeing our listeners around the world."
"Hey, thanks for listening, a huge thank you to all our patrons."
"I started listening to you guys, oh my goodness."
"And finally a big thanks to our listeners."
"Thank you for listening to The Bracket."
"'Look at all those supplies. Listeners and viewers and Two Funny Mamas.'"
"Welcome back to Deo Shandy, listeners."
"I appreciate all of you listeners, may God be with you."
"I just want to thank the listeners for the support."
"Thank you all for continuing to listen, and have a wonderful weekend."
"Our first and greatest obligation is to you, our weekly listeners, for your support."
"The listeners are probably very happy right now to know they're going to get some good info."
"Thank you so much to our listeners, take care everybody, have a good one."
"Our listeners are very, very talented."
"Thank you all for joining us if you're listening on Spotify or iTunes or anywhere that's Audio Only version."
"Thank you so, so much for listening. I do appreciate every one of you."
"Shout out to everybody listening at work."
"We are so endlessly grateful for all of you who are taking the time to listen."
"I've been feeling very thankful for all of you listeners lately."
"Thank you so much for listening to our show this year; we literally could not do this without the support of our listeners."
"Thank you so much for tuning in, we appreciate it so much."
"I am among many people who appreciate everything you are doing for your listeners."
"Thanks so much for all the warm wishes that we got from the listeners."
"Love you so much, thanks for listening."
"Bless every listener and let Your name be glorified."
"That's all I wanted, and that's a promise to all the listeners."
"We love our listeners, okay? You guys have made this happen."
"Donations are pouring in; this is our, your, our listeners are fantastic."
"It's so cool to actually meet your listeners and have that connection with people."
"Cheers to you, Captain, and thanks to everybody out there for listening."
"That's what makes this mailbag show so fantastic."
"Thank you so much for listening if you watch this till the end."
"Thanks for listening, everyone, and we'll catch you next time."
"For all of you that are listening right now, thank you."
"I'm glad that our listeners are some of the best people in the world."
"I'm so happy that you gave me this chance, and I thank the listeners because they gave me their time to listen."
"I wanted to do something special and different for our listeners."
"We appreciate all the new listeners; it's been pretty cool to see a cool period of growth and we appreciate you all."
"This is a good conversation starter for our listeners out there."
"If you're ready to shake up your protein ritual, our listeners get 10% off during your first three months."
"Thank you to all of my listeners; I appreciate each and every one of you."
"I'm just blown away by how incredible my listeners are."
"Thank you so much for everyone who's listening; this is day 195."
"Our listeners are intelligent people, more intelligent than I am."
"It would be awesome to meet a lot of listeners."
"Our words should be beneficial... that it may benefit those who listen."
"Thank you so much for making this your first listen every single day. You guys are the absolute best, and we wish you a Happy New Year here shortly."