
Oxygenation Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"In our teachings, we emphasize the importance of oxygenation because oxygen feeds the coating and awakens the junk DNA in your body."
"Your heart in order for those that muscle to work properly it has to have a constant fresh nice oxygenated blood going to it."
"Breathing through the nose will increase oxygenation about 20 percent with each breath."
"Over billions of years, these tiny creatures inhabited the world’s oceans, releasing more and more oxygen as they multiplied and spread."
"You got two main oxygenators of water which are really really important, it's either weed or it's wind."
"What did they show? Hypoxia, no inflammation. They showed lack of oxygenation."
"Welcoming oxygen into your body, into those muscles, into the joints."
"And I just think my body at that more at that time is becoming more efficient with getting oxygen to my lower extremities."
"When blood oxygen levels are at the lowest, think deoxygenated blood; you're automatically thinking the right atrium."
"Again, you want to make sure that the plant gets air. It's got to breathe even at the root level."
"It promotes cellular regeneration by creating easier transport of oxygen into the skin."
"We're meant to have lots of good oxygen, lots of good blood going to all of our systems and we're meant to be engaged with in a way that is healthy, safe, kind, and empathetic."
"Side effect: now there's oxygen everywhere and the sky is blue!"
"It greatly affects hemoglobin's ability to carry oxygen."
"When you get reduced oxygen to the tissues, the cells become fatigued."
"You get 20 percent more oxygen through a nasal breath than you do through a mouth breath."
"So it's very pure that way, and what this will do here is hopefully kill the microbes on the top and provide extra oxygen for the germinating seeds' developing root systems."
"There's a better oxygen supply to the baby when you're upright."
"Arteries carry oxygenated blood, apart from the pulmonary artery."
"You're getting your heart rate up, you're getting the blood flowing, you're getting oxygen through your lungs."
"The very first green lungs of the planet are here right in front of you; the first forests sprang up here on the shores of seas, lakes, and rivers."
"The endpoint of all the conversations we have about oxygen and hypoxemia ultimately comes down to how much oxygen gets into the mitochondria."
"Oxygen content in blood is defined by the formula: 1.34 times the hemoglobin times the arterial saturation plus 0.003 times the PO2."
"We're putting oxygen in a tank in a safe manner so that fish can survive."
"Approximately 540 million years ago, we suddenly have vegetation, photosynthesis, a lot of oxygen being circulated on the planet, and the biosphere becomes active."
"The delivery of oxygen is a product of cardiac output, which while on pump is the pump flow, multiplied by the oxygen content of the blood."
"The name of the game is to keep oxygenated blood going around and round with a sufficient head of pressure to perfuse those vital capillaries."
"...the ductus venosus is the main vessel for oxygenated blood from placenta to the fetal heart and circulation."
"Oxygenated blood travels in through the arteries, oxygen is delivered to the capillary network, waste products are picked up, and then deoxygenated blood is returned to the heart and the lungs."
"Arterial blood gas analysis is an essential part of diagnosing and managing a patient's oxygenation status and acid-base balance."
"Aeration or adding oxygen in the beginning of fermentation is a very good thing."
"Bacteria are essential for our planet; they help to produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide."
"The more you breathe through these stretches, the more you're going to oxygenate the muscles that are about to work."
"Normal fetal biophysical activities indicate proper central nervous system function and adequate oxygenation, providing valuable insights into fetal well-being."
"The more oxygen moving in and out of the body, the better. Your body works at a much more efficient rate."
"Nitric oxide sterilizes the incoming air, opens up the airways, and enhances the amount of oxygen that's taken up in the blood."
"Brachiosaurus lungs would have provided a high concentration of oxygen at a constant rate."
"Moderate baseline variability reflects the oxygenation of the central nervous system and reliably predicts the absence of damaging degrees of hypoxia-induced metabolic acidemia at the time it is observed."
"Every tissue has to have oxygen, so how do you get oxygen to the cornea? It actually comes from your tears."
"As soon as the oxygen is less, a deoxygenated part of the hemoglobin is very tense; it is taut, so to stabilize this, there is a salt bridge which forms."
"If you have a PF ratio less than 250, you should be thinking maybe I need to do a recruitment maneuver."
"The vapor lock then filters out the ice and water, evaporating it so the body can absorb the oxygen within the water molecules."
"Water shooting into water is a really effective way of charging your nutrients with a lot of oxygen."
"Why wouldn't you consider natural alternatives that enhance your cognitive function by delivering more oxygen to the prefrontal cortex?"
"When entitle oxygen is greater than 90%, we say that patient is adequately de-nitrogenated."
"The idea is to oxygenate your pond as much as possible."
"This technique gets your lungs tons of oxygen, helping you focus and relieve stress."
"The oxygen enhancement ratio is the ratio of the dose under hypoxic conditions divided by the dose under well oxygenated conditions to produce the same biological effect."
"Breath work is one of the foundational aspects because if the system is properly oxygenated... those other systems will operate at a higher frequency as well."
"It's pure chlorophyll and because of the chlorophyll it goes into your body and oxygenates and cleans your blood."
"The amount of vitamins and minerals, the oxygen that's in it that oxygenates your cells, and the chlorophyll is an amazing mixture that really makes you feel good, energizes your cells."
"The whole premise behind altitude training is to try to boost the amount of oxygen carrying capacity you have in the blood."
"It's well draining and aerated so the roots have plenty of oxygen."
"You're going to notice increased oxygen delivery to the muscles, less fatigue, and greater training intensity."
"The pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood back to the heart."
"Serial arterial blood gases are good to know how well they're oxygenating."
"The heart, a hollow muscle with four chambers, pumps oxygenated blood into the body cells."
"Really align yourself to feel the flow, feel the activation, putting all the oxygen into your body to your blood vessels everywhere here."
"The pulmonary circulation... is going to the lungs only to be oxygenated."
"Adequacy of interatrial communication is very important for maintaining the oxygen saturations in a patient with transposition of great arteries."
"You always add oxygen when you're creating a brew."
"Manta rays have to keep swimming in order to pass the oxygen-rich water through them."
"This is a really good time to get the blood oxygenated, so take nice deep breaths."
"Once the photosynthetic bacteria get going and start producing a lot of oxygen, there's a tremendous mass of stuff on the face of the Earth that has to be oxygenated before there's any free oxygen."
"The evidence that we have of when there was free oxygen in the atmosphere is essentially the age of the iron mines of the world."
"It's providing a nice rich oxygenated material for those plants that is ideal."
"It pulsates, allowing more oxygen flow through the body."
"Tired of living at the bottom of the ocean? Now, there's oxygen everywhere and the sky's blue!"
"Root rot isn't actually your roots rotting right away; it's actually our bacterial colonies, fungal colonies dying off due to lack of oxygen in our soil pores."
"Cerebral blood flow increases when the PAO2 is less than 50."
"After the first snowball event, there was little change in life; after a second, oxygen levels soared and the first complex life appeared."
"They have the ability to pump their gills which allows it to oxygenate itself without moving."
"Carbon dioxide lays the foundation for good oxygenation."
"Our objective is to maintain oxygenation, not intubation; the aim should be to avoid hypoxia, not to intubate."
"Our goal with ventilation is very simple: it boils down to this, all we're trying to do is keep O2 up and keep CO2 controlled down at a reasonable level."
"The invention of photosynthesis and the emergence of cyanobacteria all triggered the rise of oxygen."
"The great oxygen event... when that happened, 99% of life disappeared because it was anaerobic."
"We're going to help your body create more red blood cells, create more hemoglobins, so that those cells are grabbing oxygen and taking them to all the organs of your body."
"Allow the body to be oxygenated with your smooth, steady breathing."
"Hypoxia is referring to the tissue, so the rest of the body may have plenty of oxygen, but that tissue is being deprived."
"They detoxified our world, they put oxygen in the atmosphere, they made our soils."
"Ginseng has been associated with improved oxygen utilization and increased nitric oxide production."
"In the setting of fetal distress, increasing maternal fio2 can be beneficial to the fetus."
"The plants help the Earth breathe."
"Feel that oxygen in your lungs, everything that is making you stronger, better, healthier, happier."
"Each red blood cell can potentially bind over 1 billion molecules of oxygen."
"Drinking water... it's good for keeping your body clean, it helps deliver oxygen to your body."
"Measuring the exhaled CO2, letting us know that the patient's oxygenating okay."
"Improvements in PaO2 greater than 20 or SpO2 greater than 5 is considered a complete response."
"Oxygenation is bringing on board more oxygen into the bloodstream."
"As the red blood cell count increases, it's going to start carrying more oxygen."
"We breathe in the practice, we're oxygenating the blood, the muscles will be more willing to work well for us."
"Here's the thing, there's two things that happen with whiskey: oxygenation and dissipation."
"Watering from above... improves the aeration of the soil, basically meaning that your plant's roots can breathe better."
"As long as that akadama is intact, I've got oxygen re-established, I've got the ability for water to move through that system, and now I'm going to be able to continue growing with health."
"All you have is a high dissolved oxygen content in that water which lends itself to clarity and taste."
"Breathing from your diaphragm... you start to breathe with the whole body and you give oxygen to the rest of your whole body."
"More oxygen molecules in the air creates a more powerful burn in your engine; bigger bang equals bigger horsepower."
"That is where the magic happens, that is where gas exchange happens."
"Each hemoglobin molecule is able to bind four oxygen molecules."
"Blood is always red; it just goes from dark crimson to bright almost pink depending on how much oxygen is present."
"Kriya Yoga is a simple, psychophysiological method by which human blood is decarbonized and is recharged with oxygen."
"The major mechanism is V/Q mismatch because oxygen actually decreases hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction."
"Inhale up, exhale out. Again, fresh oxygen in, and take it out. One more time, I love it."
"The trees absorb the toxic wind then give off oxygen."
"The reeds conduct oxygen very efficiently through their stems to the root system."
"The heart... takes in this oxygen deprived blood and it pumps it."
"The veins and the arteries of a fish... arteries deliver oxygenated blood from the gills to the rest of the body."
"When the hemoglobin gets to the lungs where the oxygen concentration is high, it's got great affinity for oxygen; it grabs onto that oxygen."
"This improved oxygenation actually results in your body fighting inflammation."