
Stock Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"We only added four tenths of a percent in fully diluted shares outstanding in the entire year."
"Let's go grocery shopping, time to stock up on stuff, just kidding."
"So now I actually have beef stock chicken stock and turkey stock and this will last me all winter it tastes so much better and I won't have to buy it from the store."
"All you need is a little bit of good and an absence of bad and this is a good stock."
"The stock is acting like these TMLs are revolutionary new technologies."
"The best use of cash... is to repurchase [stock] if it's underpriced."
"Create Studio surprises with a fully stacked library of stock video, stock music, and sound effects."
"Organic Ginger is finally back in stock at Costco. You can get the pack for $8.99."
"Stock is one of the most important pillars in French cooking. And when it comes to pan sauces, having a good stock like this is really crucial."
"IPG, four-star rated stock, about a 15% discount to fair value."
"Every woodworker will love this tool because it allows you to get more turning from less stock."
"A low stock price for a little while is great because people feel like, 'Oh, if I now start working at Paler, I'm going to get this massive upside.'"
"Finally, finally AAL, it's about time."
"Turning water into the most amazing stock with the most simple ingredients... slap that pork around."
"Manchester United? They can't get anywhere near the money they want for Martial. His stock is plummeting."
"This is not about hoarding, it's about stocking our pantries little by little."
"If a stock's up three to five days in a row it's going up every single day."
"Every dip needs to be bought in the stock for years to go in the future."
"The stock nearly 20x between 2019 and 2021. Was it a little bit overvalued? A lot of its sidemove for the past three years is just because it got ahead of its current performance."
"That's really just scraping the surface of the kind of stock that Hazel can get in for you if there is something in particular you're chasing."
"As of now, the one series is still here, still in stock."
"You gotta like the stock, that's what you're really investing in."
"The goal of the financial manager is to increase the market value of the stock, not the book value."
"PayPal is a growth-oriented stock that looks attractive at these prices."
"Overwhelmingly people said keep it totally stock."
"Our highest yielding dividend Aristocrat is Altria Group stock ticker MO."
"We're selling so many choices we can't even keep up with stock."
"You also want to look for criteria like dividend growth, stock valuation, and the payout ratio to make sure you're buying the very best."
"I bought Dunkin Donuts stock when it first was an IPO and I made a lot of money with that stock because eventually I had no choice but to get rid of it."
"It absolutely keeps us for several days at a time fully stocked up."
"Can we all have a round of applause because these are in stock. Like it's tracking, they are in stock."
"I knob Lobby. Let's buy some knob stock."
"...I'm already impressed with the Forerunner in its stock form especially the suspension..."
"That should keep me stocked on Withers for a while."
"Next, the stock should be like the highest quality that you can."
"It's very difficult to keep them all in stock at the same time. It's about improving customer service rather than bringing new brands into play."
"if you buy a stock is paying a dividend that means you're going to get a cash payment every 3 months for doing nothing except owning the stock"
"This new stock is what I typically see on prayer plants."
"Buying back shares is awesome as long as the stock is cheap."
"PayPal has traded down so much that now the stock is considered to be the value play."
"Meta had a straight line recovery going up from 100 per share to 200, then all the way to 300 per share."
"This stock is on fire. It is Unstoppable."
"What is a hundred bagger? So 100 baggers of stock that multiplies your money a hundred times... if you invest a dollar you get a hundred dollars that's a hundred bagger."
"The best performing stocks over long periods of time are stocks that are going to be near their 52-week highs most of the time almost by definition... those are often the best businesses and the best companies."
"The best performing stock in the study was cut in half at least three different times and maybe even more painful than that is there was one seven-year stretch what went nowhere... that is a long time to hold on to a stock that goes nowhere."
"You're looking at a stock here that I think really is a growth stock."
"Does this stock have the potential to make Jon a multi-millionaire? The short answer is yes."
"Clean out your freezer to stock your freezer."
"Your average price per share is extremely important because this is the number that you'll use to determine whether you have a gain or loss on your stock."
"If I sell a 50 call and I'm sorry I own the stock at 50, I sell the 50 call, I collect a dollar well my break-even is 49 isn't it?"
"There are only two outcomes when selling covered calls: keep your stock and the premium, or get exercised and sell your stock at the agreed-upon strike price."
"They already have pre-made stock video already framed in the vertical format that you can download and use."
"I want to make money if [the stock] doesn't move at all, that is very, very key."
"My stock has all the umami for me, all the fragrance from the ginger and the spring onions."
"Even with stock calibers are phenomenal."
"The car alone just looks really good stock already."
"This stock is really set up for longer range work basically being able to hit things at a thousand meters and further."
"Their stock selection is pretty dope."
"Find something in stock right now."
"In the long run, the company's earnings is what takes the stock price to the higher end or lower levels."
"A clarification, basically is a flavoring agent. You have a stock and the stock has to be clarified and flavored."
"You can make a career out of stock photography."
"It's nice to have some liquor stocked up."
"Net income up 2011%, diluted EPS up 23%."
"NVDA continues to skyrocket, and I personally think that NVDA is one of the most misunderstood stocks in the retail trader community."
"Ortex still covers this, they still rate this as a very good overall squeezable stock."
"One of the key components to making a nice rich flavorful and delicious tasting gumbo is to make a nice wonderful stock."
"The goal of financial management should be to maximize the current value per share of existing stock."
"When a stock breaks like this, it's telling you there's a lot of damage and you just need time for it to mend itself."
"The stock firmware can be good, but it's limited."
"It's kind of nice having a lot of stuff back in stock again."
"From the beginning, I think you will be plenty good on the stock suspension."
"I love to have these on hand and we've been out for a while."
"What are some advantages and disadvantages of issuing stock?"
"This is a bone stock Prusa Mini Plus; it has had no other modifications done to it."
"We're so excited to finally have stock to be able to help you guys out and get these things on the road."
"For every nine shares that the shareholder had, they got an additional one for free."
"I'm looking for these tberry trees to come out in stock and once I get those we will plant those up and then the front porch will be done."
"It's wholesome, especially if you make your own chicken stock."
"Selling stock photos is still a pretty good one."
"It's actually a really nice stock."
"The stock market is informationally efficient; each stock price reflects all the available information about the value of a company."
"Good afternoon everyone, I'm here in the glamorous surroundings of Blackpool air rifles."
"We've now got those in stock which I think are absolutely fabulous."
"This stock is an absolute beast mode."