
Casual Farewell Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Take it easy guys, see you guys soon, okay, later."
"Have a nice day, take it easy, and stay safe."
"Until next time, peace Cowboys. Hey and stay weird fam."
"Until next time this coffee break is over bye guys."
"See you guys next week, gotta go, hot chocolate time, bye."
"Thank you for watching, take it easy, catch you next time!"
"But with that my friends, I'm out of here for now. So I'll catch y'all on the flip side. Bye."
"I'm out of here for now so I'll catch y'all on the flip side, bye."
"Have a fantastic day and I'll see you laters alligators."
"Y'all be good, sleep well, and um... Obs, don't crash. Okay? All right, peace out, take a shower, loves you."
"And I'll see you guys later alligators, bye-bye everyone."
"I will see you all later thanks for stopping on and I'll be back tomorrow with some hot and fresh off the indie skillet."
"We'll see you nerds later, thanks for watching y'all."
"We're heading out, I'll see you guys later. Fortnite later. Don't know what we're doing other than winning, so I'll let you guys know. I love you guys, think of the kids. Bye."
"Have a great rest of your day, peace, and have a happy Halloween!"
"Rip it up, that's all gone, see you guys later."
"Be safe, have fun, stay dirty. Catch you next time."
"Thank you, good luck dude. Don't get deaded."
"Until next time, take it easy, well it's squeezy."
"Thanks for watching bye everyone bye bye bye bye stay cool as a cucumber oh there's a cucumber cool as a carrot that's the new saying you."
"Stay easy, stay Breezy, we'll catch you on the flip."
"Swing loose, brother, and we'll see you next time around."
"Alright, see you guys next time. Bye."
"Thanks for watching, guys. Is that it, Ethan? Alright, we'll see you, thanks, bye, everybody."
"Until next time, all right, take it easy lemon squeezy."
"Peace out everyone, we'll see you soon later."
"I hope you're having a wonderful, wonderful morning, noon, nights, whatever time it is for you, and I'll catch you guys in the next one. Bye!"
"I feel like I was just on a casting couch, good to know, anyways, take care, I'll talk to you later."
"Picture me rollin', your boy floss. I'm out, deuces."
"But with that, I'll catch you all on the flip side."
"Until next time, it's been your boy Dignified, I'm out. Peace."
"Until next time guys, take it easy, have an awesome rest of your day, I'll catch you guys later, peace out."
"Goodbye and yeah, vote for me next year I guess we'll see."
"Until then, I'll see you on the internet very soon. Bye!"
"Watch some more videos, have fun out there, talk to you guys later."
"Until next time, remember, there's cookies and punch by the door."
"Stay groovy, stay fresh, and I'll talk to you all soon. Peace out. Bye."
"You guys have a fantastic day. See you on the flippity flop."
"I didn't mean to say anything but I'll smell you later my guy."
"I'm gonna go hit the beach, and I will see you guys next time."
"Hope you guys have a smashing weekend; I'll see you tomorrow, take care, bye-bye."
"Have a good day, guys, alright, no worries."
"I got some food to grub, I'll see you guys later, peace."
"You guys rock, drink some hot chocolate, and we'll see you all later."
"Cool, right? I'm away for a rolling square sausage. See you."
"Enjoy the vlog, everybody. We'll see you at the end, happy Friday!"
"Well, that was it for your daily dose, bye-bye, bing bong."
"Y'all take it light, but take it."
"See you guys tomorrow. Oh shoot, was my hair a mess the entire time? Ah, great."
"I'm just going to be here eating this salad, so check you later, have a great day, bye guys."