
Busy Schedule Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"It's been a while since I've been on camera because it's been super super busy."
"I've been asked that change minute few times because Emma's a very busy person."
"We have a new Nintendo console, a new Rockstar game, and a new Wolverine movie. It's a busy day."
"I got the literal most insanely busy offseason of my life."
"Virgo, this is going to be a very busy, significant, and powerful week for you."
"This week was surprisingly packed for interesting games."
"Sorry to keep you waiting, but to be fair I've had my hands very full for the past few weeks with some work for a very unexpected but very exciting project."
"We got a hectic schedule throughout the weekend."
"Man, it's gonna be a busy summer, guys. We have a lot to do."
"She even took time off her busy schedule on set of the movie Monster Ville to cuddle with a puppy."
"This is probably the busiest week this year if not this decade so far anyway there's a lot going on that you may want to be aware of and pay attention to."
"There is so much going on in these next couple of days."
"I was busy for two weekends in a row and now I'm free."
"There's so much on your plate now, it's a busy, busy summer, but you are up to this."
"But yeah, as for the show today, I've got to go because I've got this script to read. Yeah, I sent it over to you, Paul."
"Thank you so much to Sarah for taking your time out of a very busy day to chat to me."
"We've got gigs from here till the freaking ceiling."
"August has got five games... it's gonna be so busy."
"I believe the next several months will be the busiest, craziest of my career."
"November looks amazing, so many opportunities, so much going on for you."
"This is crunch time, we're not gonna do too many videos in this week."
"Last week was a blur, so much happened in such a little amount of time."
"Come on out, punchline Philly, busy busy busy."
"We face an incredibly busy and important three months ahead of us."
"I had a crazy month... I mean I had four weddings."
"I'm gonna be in a fantastic mood because I have so much to do."
"In the midst of her busy schedule, Darcy found time to contribute to causes close to her heart."
"You guys might have a little busy right now because you're afraid of making these changes."
"It's just such a busy period of time just now from game to game to game to game business end of the season but this is where we flourish isn't it?"
"I have a crap ton of stuff to get done in the next few weeks so I'm excited to like hopefully have a super productive couple weeks and just like crank out a bunch of stuff."
"Take a walk. You're going to be ripping and running a lot in December."
"Next weekend is going to be a jam-packed session."
"I apologize it's been a few days since I got a video up I've just been extremely busy trying to get everything done around here."
"We've got a lot going on today, it's all security plus today."
"I literally filled up my schedule so much that I thought to myself that I would not have time to be depressed because I was doing things."
"My schedule is absolutely ludicrous."
"Wow what a night huh I know you have to run you people are running you out of here."
"It's been a long, long couple of weeks, man. We had all these movie releases at Megacon four days in Orlando, and then I had a whole week of just me and the children, and, man, had to get my taxes done. Spent the last two days doing taxes."
"It's going to be a crazy week and a lot of videos coming out."
"Because I've been so busy, I've been a bit lacked with the first oil change on the mark 8."
"This week will go by fast because I have a lot of things going on."
"All his lines are busy ah yeah well he's talking to a lot of media today."
"I got nothing but work this weekend and next week's gonna be busy but that's all right, that's what I live for."
"I love when my calendar looks like this, oh my god, there's just so much to do, I'm just so excited."
"This was a lot of fun. I gotta run."
"We've been traveling a lot and it's just like it always falls around a time where we're doing a lot of stuff anyways."
"I can do this all day, but we have places to be."
"Good morning, crazy family! Today we have a crazy busy day."
"From the day you mentioned my name on that song, I'm booked Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday."
"Wow, why haven't we done Bakra videos? Uh, Casino Quest opened and then we just got so busy."
"We're very excited, we have a very full schedule."
"We have about like eight videos to film today, so we've got a lot to do."
"Starting today the right way because this week is going to be a very busy week."
"Thank you for fitting us into your very busy schedule. It's been amazing getting to know you."
"I've had the busiest but most productive week ever."
"She's gonna be having a hectic ass week, she's getting ready because she's going traveling, she's going to Vietnam."
"Crying was off the agenda today; there was too much to do."
"It's been a really crazy week doing press and promo."
"We promptly retrieved our rental cars and did a few hours worth of sightseeing, knowing the rest of the trip was about to get a whole lot busier."
"He's got a bit in the in-basket there at the moment, as well he's got a bit to do."
"I'm road-weary, I haven't had four nights in a row at home since June."
"We've got a very very busy day planned tomorrow with an early start to do something really cool."
"We have an action-packed day today."
"We've been very busy recently, however, we have tons of content coming up."
"It's going to be a long day, there are multiple sessions throughout the day, so lots of learning for us."
"It's been quite busy, but now I feel like we're in the swing of things."
"I am super excited for today; it's going to be so jam-packed and just super busy."
"It's a busy month for me; we're actually, Ashley and I, are getting married at the end of the month."
"We have a lot to do today, but we're going to take time to go to breakfast with a friend."
"It's a busy week, it's a busy month. I mean, literally, in the next month, we're having a baby."
"It's been quite a busy week, hasn't it?"
"I'm gonna sleep on the fact that tomorrow I'm going to have a packed day of packing."
"He's on a whirlwind tour this week."
"Make it a good week, listen we got a lot going on."
"This week is going to be a busy, busy week."
"That's a pretty stacked agenda, so let's get started."
"I'm so busy that I really don't even have time to be going to this dinner tonight, but it's important."
"I feel like as an engineering major, I just go from one thing to the next."
"You're booked and busy, good for you, go enjoy that."
"Keep going, don't stop, December is a busy time for Virgo but it's leading to a major manifestation."
"It's quite a heavy work week because next week I'm actually going to Ibiza, which will be so fun and I cannot wait."
"The next month is going to be really busy and really fun."