
.NET Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"I'm excited to talk about .NET 5, the next version that brings capabilities to your applications."
"When you have a choice, use .NET. Use the latest version of .NET because the .NET Framework, yes, it's still supported, it does not get new features."
"For the most part, if you have a choice, use .NET."
"Blazor empowers developers to create rich, interactive web applications using familiar .NET and C# syntax."
"It's the successor to Xamarin, now with the same .NET 6 underpinnings."
"What is trust? It's the necessary net that results in risk-taking."
"Our net is anywhere from four to four thousand to forty five hundred which is solid."
"I used the long extendable net, got the net over top of the Frog, was able to quickly pounce on top of it and get it scooped up."
"Ultimately, minimal APIs are a step towards increasing A. It is a step towards getting it to the hands of new developers that are the developers that will eventually be the future of .NET."
"Now in the .NET world everyone uses Constructor injection so that's why you'll see in many applications the following pattern."
"The .NET community has embraced source generators, with projects ranging from performance optimizations to library enhancements."
"Dependency injection, constructor injection, inversion of control, all those things are so amazing in .NET and Maui, especially when using Shell."
"Blazer is a single page web application framework like react or angular built on dotnet."
"Dependency injection is built into .NET and Maui, which is really, really cool."
"It's early yet, but today, as part of .NET Conf, I'm going to share a beginner's look at modern .NET messaging and the state of things."
"Create a .NET Standard library, and it will also be able to be used in Xamarin."
"We're part of the .NET Foundation, so we're highly active in trying to collaborate and support open source work."
"WPF has gotten a big boost in .NET 5."
"The beautiful part about .NET is you can build anything."
"Avalonia UI is the best .NET framework for building cross-platform applications."
"It's all .NET, Frank, it's just .NET, it's wonderful."
".NET MAUI isn't just for Native Client developers. If you're a .NET web developer, you can use .NET MAUI and Blazor together to build native client apps too."
"Blazor is a web UI framework based on .NET and C-Sharp so that you can build modern full-stack web applications without having to use JavaScript."
"Blazor lets you build full stack web apps using just your .NET skills, your .NET tools, and your .NET code, and you can do that and get a great rich interactive web development experience."
"When you combine Blazor WebAssembly with an ASP.NET Core back-end, you now have that full-stack .NET web development experience."
"It's really cool to do a big .NET Conf event in Brazil."
"Visual Studio Code with the .NET SDK gives you the fundamental knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes in Visual Studio."
"ASP.NET Core is a modern web framework for .NET."
"Mass Transit is an open-source framework for building distributed applications in .NET."
"You can think of.NET as the underlying system that helps you build applications for any different operating system or device that you want."
"You can use.NET everywhere, which is the dream."
"If you are wondering if you can use the .NET platform to build microservices, it is worth checking out the multiple existing and new features that .NET 5 offers today."
"Python.net is a seamless integration with .NET framework, .NET core, mono, and it's cross-platform between Windows, Linux, and MacOS."
"That's the power of .NET, sharing code across all of my different apps that I need to build."
"Blazor is a way to enable full stack web development with .NET."
"It's one of the most fundamental interfaces that we have in the whole of C# and .NET."
"IEnumerable and IEnumerator. Similar names but doing slightly different parts of the job of allowing us to have foreach loops."
"The system namespace contains many helpful .NET classes that we can utilize."
"The whole goal is to get up to the net, and player B's goal is to keep them back as much as possible."
"This whole IoT platform runs .NET, and that's freaking nuts."
"I've been working with containers since 2014. But before that, I spent most of my career as a .NET consultant."
"If your client is written in .NET, then they can simply consume this NuGet package instead of remodeling the API themselves."
"With a generational garbage collector like .NET has, young objects that die quickly are actually collected very efficiently."
"Refactor your .NET Framework application, your web forms application, take the business logic as much as possible out of your web forms, put them into classes."
"Hopefully people can use this as another tool in their tool belt for making great .NET applications that perform super well."
"Dot net core is probably the biggest change that the .NET language has encountered."
"We're doing a bunch of authentication improvements in .NET 8 across the board, not just for Blazer."
"We're removing Duende Identity Server from our templates and introducing our own set of client-friendly endpoints for identity management."
"In .NET 8, we're working to combine the benefits of the server and client into a single consistent model based on Blazer."
"Welcome to .NET Mastery, where we explore the new world of minimal API."
"We decided to take the best parts from each platform and create just one .NET platform going forward."
"If we give some nice .NET API wrappers to whatever kind of underlying functionality we want to use, then you can consume that very nicely as a .NET developer."
".NET Maui and Blazer work seamlessly together."
"You get to take advantage of this vast ecosystem of .NET and Maui components and Blazer components and blend those two worlds together."
"It's never been easier to get started creating games with C-Sharp and .NET."
"With .NET 6, there have been some great improvements that allow this to actually happen."
"Our vision of one .NET is to simplify the platform and choices for .NET developers and provide a single stack that supports the best of breed solutions for all modern workloads and operating systems."
"By moving forward, these apps can get all the benefits of .NET like self-contained single file EXEs where you don't need to have the .NET Framework on the machine."
"Welcome to on.net live where we talk about all the cool things that are happening within the .NET ecosystem."
"Orleans is a framework for .NET for writing mostly large-scale distributed systems."
"I really like this box because it shows a lot of the low-hanging fruit you can find when analyzing .NET binaries."
"F-sharp is a part of .NET and Azure and it helps drive their innovation."
"We're here today to talk about building mobile and desktop applications with .NET."
"We continue to grow at an astonishing pace; .NET is used by more than 6 million developers."
"70 percent of all the NuGet packages actually support .NET Standard 2.0 today."
"I'm really excited for us to kind of dive into the conversation and learn about how we could use Dapper and build microservices using .NET."
"If you use Razor Pages, if you use Blazor, if you use Razor, if you use MVC, basically any of the user-facing frameworks in .NET Core, I've kind of had my hands all over those things."
"We've been building towards 1.0 and now we've gotten to the point where it's a stable, production-ready feature set."
"Let's learn about cool things about .NET."
"It's about two hours long, it'll be on .NET Live TV and also Microsoft Learn TV."
"We have our first Let's Learn .NET event."
"Thank you very much, I love the .NET community."
"Dotnet six long term support, that's good."
"We've made significant investments in .NET over the years as well as unifying the platform to support building literally anything from desktop apps to games to the cloud."
".NET 6 has become the fastest adopted version of .NET today."
"We strive to make .NET easier to get started with simplification features like minimal APIs and C# 10 language enhancements that help you reduce the amount of code you have to write."
"Save the date: .NET Conf 2022 will be November 8th through the 10th where we will launch .NET 7."
"Windows Forms, also known as WinForms, is one of the original project types in .NET."
"Reactive Extensions for .NET, or RX, is one of the most important features available in .NETs and possibly one of the least well-known as well."
"Blazer enables full stack .NET web development."
"With Blazor, you can build your whole app with .NET."
"ASP.NET Core is our cross-platform and open-source web framework for .NET."
"Installing the template is very simple... you can create a new solution using .NET new or even through Visual Studio 2022 by selecting the template."
"Everything's kind of open, got .NET running on Linux, and it's running on Mac, and it's running all over the place."
"Visual Studio 2022 is the best IDE for .NET development."
"Blazer is a .NET SPA framework that's currently in preview that lets you mix C sharp in HTML that runs in the browser on top of that sandbox WebAssembly."
"Your existing .NET skills, deploying to actual hardware."
"The great thing about our .NET community and about Wilderness Labs is everything is open source."
"What makes it unique is that it brings machine learning into the .NET ecosystem."
"Our goal is really to make .NET great for machine learning and a lot of different types of scenarios."
"Func is a built-in delegate type in .NET."
"Blazor is our experimental project from the ASP.NET team specifically that's looking into what would it be like to build .NET applications in the browser in a very modern way."
"You can build anything with .NET."
"We have a new project model in dotnet core that is a simplified CS proj that a lot of folks have been really enjoying."
"When .NET runs everywhere, maybe .NET could actually run everywhere."
"We land with a unified platform where whether it's desktop, mobile, cloud, web, IoT, gaming, any of it runs on one .NET, which is .NET 5."
"Every popular library in .NET will give you an interface to play with."
"Now with Blazer, you can use .NET for your client web development needs."
"Creating a beautiful native user interface is what I fell in love with as a .NET developer."
"You literally shipping .NET DLLs to the browser."
"With IA CPP being developed in-house at Unity, we can take our Unity knowledge and add some custom flavor to our .NET implementation."
"LINQ is a hugely used feature in .NET in general, and it's nice to see that it's still being built upon and modernized."
"We're really excited to share with you what's new and up and coming with .NET desktop development and Windows 10."
"It has been a wild adventure learning all about .NET 6 and VS 2022."
"Putting .NET everywhere in the cloud, in web assembly, on Macs, on iPhones, on Android."
"ML.NET allows you to train, build, and ship machine learning models using C# or F#."
"What a great example of dotnet everywhere."
"ML.NET is built for .NET developers who want to branch out into machine learning."
"So that .NET is cross-platform, and you'll see how we can benefit from that."
"So the next step that we're trying to do is that we actually need to install our .NET runtime."
"I'm back today to break down everything that you need to know about .NET MAUI inside of .NET 8."
"With .NET, you can build any type of application that you need for the devices that are critical to your business and on the operating system of your choice."
".NET has been the cornerstone for us because it's been helping us grow and scale along with our customer base."
".NET is now in the box in Ubuntu, starting with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS."
".NET doesn't just do Windows, .NET loves Linux."
"The .NET community has always been a great community to be a part of."
"It was the first desktop UI technology for .NET."
"ASP.NET is a fully object-oriented programming environment with a huge class library called the Framework Class Library or FCL."
"ASP.NET is fast because .NET applications are compiled."