
Relations Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Confrontation and containment are the fundamentals; cooperation is for expedience, and competition is a trap of discourse."
"Either you deal with us in a straightforward way seeking improved relations, or you will find our relationship continuing to go south."
"I thought that was something that everybody could relate to. I thought that would be something that, you know, don't hate your neighbor."
"Social psychology is going to be the scientific study of how we think about influence and relate to one another."
"Reason is a universal insight which should determine beliefs and regulate relations."
"The giant vessel of China-U.S relations will be able to stay on the right course."
"We've actually come in peace now."
"...so there's a relation between basis vectors for m two by three and basis vectors for r two cross r three."
"What the queen has spent her time doing, and which something which Princess Alice was very keen on, was to make good relations with these countries."
"Our relations with Russia today are more dangerous than they have ever been."
"The physical mediator accounts for these relations between what they do."
"Hip-hop did more for relations than any politician ever did."
"The Vatican had diplomatic relations with almost all of the Muslim countries in the world, nobody else had that."
"Relations between Indians and many of the settlers were less confrontational than expected."
"Relation managers and Filament PHP are a way to manage relationships between models."
"...they allow you to easily define and manage complex relationships between models without having to write a lot of custom code."
"The task of economics and economic theory is to capture the totality and the nature of the relations between these different moments."
"What matters about numbers is not what they are, but the kinds of relations they stand in."
"The French established much stronger relations with many Native American peoples in the Ohio country than the British were able to do."
"Deleuze's ontology is a matter of relations without positive terms."
"The king remained on good terms with liberals."
"The relationship between India and Korea is at its heart between the people."
"This outrage should come as no surprise, knowing the history between Japan and Korea."
"India is likely to be a friend, and China is increasingly problematic and difficult to manage the bilateral relationship."
"The families have always been very friendly and there's a lot of intermarriage between the British royal family, the Greek royal family, and generally the European royal families."
"It is so important that we restore our good relations with the EU countries."
"They would then build a strong interplanetary relationship."
"The Dwarves often get a bad rep, but actually, when you look at them, they seem to be quite open with having good relations with whoever they happen to be near."
"Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations."
"Circulation because of totality of the social process is also the first form in which the social relation appears as something independent of the individuals."
"There were centuries of amicable interactions between Christians and Muslims."
"What has to happen is some diplomatic bilateral communication there."
"The history of Russo-Ukrainian relations would now truly begin."
"The police have gone out of their way to foster good relations in Hansworth."
"With the Russians, you trust but verify."
"Saudi Arabia and Iran are definitely seeking to continue to ease the friction and to maintain dialogue."
"I think all sides need to be careful."
"I have good feelings about Iran. I have good feelings that it will work."
"The King and Queen were well received, and I was very reassured to see that the German relations were included in some of the program."
"Ever since the canal was opened in 1914, it has been a key point of relations between the two nations."
"We're pioneering a new era of Muslim-Jewish relations at a time when many think the challenges are too great."
"I have a very good relationship with Prime Minister Khan."
"A good relationship between the two countries is very important not only for the two countries but also for the world at large."
"A relation is any set of ordered pairs."
"Two mortal enemies in the Middle East have resumed diplomatic relations."
"What exists between the United States and China now is still more like a cold peace, not a cold war."
"We respect and admire and want to have a relationship with India."
"They didn't have to like us, they didn't have to agree with us, but they respected us."
"We need each other, Canada and America."
"Restoring diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba certainly isn't bad."
"We do need to show we have a good relationship with the Hero Association."
"They also re-establish friendly relations between settlers and Indigenous peoples."
"While British and German relations were nowhere near as frosty as they would get later in the decade, it's still a bit surreal."
"The good news is that, overall, the United States and Kenya have so much in common, so much shared history, such strong people-to-people ties."
"Only within the context of true peace can normal relations flourish between the people of the region and allow the region to pursue development rather than war."
"Over the past century, our two nations have known cooperation and then conflict, painful separation, and a long reconciliation."
"The transformation in the relations between our two countries is remarkable."
"I believe that the relationship between the Vietnam people and the United States can be one of the most important in this critical part of the world."
"The U.S. says it will begin trade talks with Taiwan in the fall."
"Causal relations are the kinds of relations that would be manifested in an ideal controlled experiment."
"Entanglements are not intertwining of separate entities but rather irreducible relations of responsibility."
"It is the Western relationship with Arabs and Muslims that is probably the most problematic for the future of life on earth."
"Our ties of friendship with Japan are strong; in this fact lies part of our strength and much of our hope for peace."
"We all inhabit the same world of relations and processes, and whatever differences there are generated within that."
"It's sort of seen as if we hate each other, but actually, in actuality, a lot of the people from each country... they just get on fine."
"Reality is psychological through and through; it's not just something that's sucked inside our heads."
"Community relations are very important in a one-man station."
"Despite the continuing mutual distrust, the two countries greatly enhanced their practical bilateral cooperation and multilateral cooperation."
"Do French people really hate Americans? Of course not, that's not true."
"The bond between Guyana and the US is not political, economic, or social alone; it is people and cultural."
"When you follow these seven sacred teachings, you might then live in peace and harmony with all your relations."
"It would lessen the hostility between the two countries."
"The similarities between Australia and the USA are very, very strong."
"Putin believed in relations with the West could and should be improved so that we could be partners."
"Disciplinary procedures promote good employee relations and are essential in ensuring that employees are dealt with consistently and fairly."
"Detente represents a cooling of relations during the Cold War."
"The atmosphere became more and more tense while the relations between the Chinese on the one side and the Mongolians and Russians on the other became more and more strained."
"What are relations like now with the police?"
"Both sides have recognized that they actually need to talk directly to each other."
"I'm only trying to bring good relations between the families."
"Over the past couple of years, the two states have had a rocky relationship."
"Foreign direct investment can strengthen diplomatic ties between different governments."
"We have a large and enduring interest in your country."
"The proportions of this conflict can be reduced, and of course, I think there are much more substantive issues which have to do with the nature of Hindu-Muslim relations."
"Ukrainian lands have always maintained close ties with Europe."
"Relations between our countries is going to go along very swimmingly, I can tell."
"I very much hope that our two countries maintain a strong and continuing relationship regardless of where recent events might take us."
"I'm glad that China and America are finally putting away their differences."
"The relationships with Mexico have never been better."
"When the US and China were more friends than enemies, more collaborative than competitive, more open to sharing ideas than sowing skepticism."
"What individuates the persons of the Trinity is not their nature but these relations of something like causation but in an eternal sort of sense."
"Our two countries enjoy a warm, close, and mutually beneficial relationship."
"Democratic systems, for a variety of reasons, rarely go to war with one another."
"The key idea is that we want to model entities and relations as embedding points and vectors in the embedding space."
"It's community relations as much as it is anything else."
"We're going to have a great relationship in so many different ways."
"The relationship between our two countries is stronger than ever."
"We are a person by virtue of our capacity for and participation in personal relations."
"It's a metaphor for world relations."
"We will also be open to strengthening our bilateral relationship."
"A relation is defined to be a subset of the domain of A cross B."
"We are now in a position where we don't have to choose; we can have good relations with China, with Japan, with the European Union, with America."
"At long last, peace between our nations is assured."
"The color line... the relation of the darker to the lighter races of men in Asia and in Africa, in America and the islands of the sea."
"Royal tours are essentially ways to be diplomats, to be able to increase positive relations between two countries."