
Magic System Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Giving magic certain limitations or weaknesses could be very important."
"i'm gonna place a law of stealth at d-tier this is a garbage lure of magic because it actually uses up the same um like skill unit cap as hero cap as the law of plague um i would never get a an eschen sorcerer over a plague priest."
"It gives such a sense of wonder... it's endlessly deep... you can't do everything with the Eragon magic system... it is the best magic system in any fantasy series I've ever read."
"Once it becomes known that this caster has a new spell, they might be courted by beings much more powerful than them."
"Tolkien crafted what is arguably still the greatest mythos for any fantasy series ever and his magic system stems from that."
"Magic should be understandable enough that the reader can look at a problem and see how magic can be used to fix it."
"A tiered magic system... had you learning new circles of magic as you advance through the main story."
"How they activate their magic can actually make your magic system vastly unique from someone else."
"There is a limitless amount of combinations you can make here to create your own magic system and do unique things with it."
"A good magic system is not about how many rules it has or how detailed those rules are; it's about what you convey and why you convey it."
"Magic should not evolve when it rescues the protagonists from a situation; it should reveal something new about the magic system of your world and answer a question."
"Pondering ethical implications can help you create a magic system which feels completely unique to your own world."
"One of Brandon Sanderson's laws of magic is that the limits to a magic system matter just as much as the power themselves."
"Magic system that is bending is one of the best magic systems I have ever seen."
"The little details like the windup of lightning bending or being able to blood Bend adds so many layers to this magic system."
"I think the main thing my books bring is like, A, the magic system is different. The magic system is literally it costs memories, and the main characters are constantly losing them."
"The magic system of Raid is shockingly straightforward and effective."
"One of the things that's great about the world and the magic system that Robert Jordan created in The Wheel of Time is the little things like the many objects of power that he created for his story."
"The audience of a hard magic system should understand what the rules and limits of magic are."
"If you have a non-common hobby or a personal fascination, you can use that as the basis and inspiration for a cool magic system."
"You want a good magic system? You gotta read something by Brandon Sanderson or Jim Butcher."
"The magic system in Fullmetal Alchemist is based around the principle of Equivalent Exchange."
"Avatar The Last Airbender features a polished hard magic system based around element bending."
"Earthsea's magic system involves speaking the true name of all things."
"There's probably a way to have something that is like Allomancy that is more natural that is not just copying Allomancy for Honor to do."
"A well-structured magic system can do more than just shoot Sparks; it can shape cultures, drive conflicts, and even challenge characters in meaningful ways."
"Expand what you already have before you add something new; fully explore the existing elements of your magic system before introducing new aspects."
"Establish the core function of your magic first; how does it serve the narrative and what roles does it play within societal, economic, or ecological facets of your world?"
"This is my favorite magic system that Sanderson has created."
"This is just my favorite kind of magic system one that isn't Without Limits or an infinite top end."
"The magic system in this is so cool like it's Gothic it's dark it's twisted but it's Romany."
"The best part about the world-building, I agree, is the magic system."
"All the accolades for me go to how cool the magic was."
"The magic system here... there's a lot of different things in this world which I find fascinating."
"The World building and the magic system are fantastic as well."
"JJK's power system is a soft magic system that pretends to be a hard magic system."
"...the magic system here is just wonderful I love so much about what powers different types of people can get."
"The magic system of this world is really interesting."
"A shard is grabbing the gravity and the illusion thing and the connection thing, and the shard is putting all of that together in a bundle, and it's like, this is my magic system."
"The magic system... is still one of the best, maybe even the best magic system that I have come across in reading epic fantasy novels."
"The Lightbringer series... instantly reminded me of reading the magic system that is often found in Brandon Sanderson's books."
"The Powder Mage [series]... if you like the magic system in [the] Mistborn Trilogy and you want a faster and action-oriented series, you cannot go wrong with reading the Powder Mage [series]."
"The Threadlight Trilogy... the magic system here with the push and pull to fly and all that, it really reminded me a lot of [the] Mistborn Trilogy."
"I think this is the magic system that I would want to replace the 5th edition magic system with."
"I just got again so invested in the characters, the magic system was really interesting, the world building was interesting."
"This is one of my favorite magic systems I've ever read."
"The fantasy world is kind of vague, but the dragon and magic systems are pretty cool."
"The first question to ask before making a magic system is this: What purpose does the magic serve?"
"I love everything about it, it's expanding the world, the magic system, the sisterly relationship."
"It's very unique how the magic system works."
"I'm willing to put this quite high up on the list just because I have never seen a magic system define its own rules so well."