
User Choice Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Some entrenched users of proprietary systems feel threatened by Linux... Linux generally doesn't need it, doesn't want it. No thank you."
"Plex will allow you to choose the folders that your data is in."
"Apple has now given us back the option to have a percentage for the battery."
"It allows people to game on the device they choose."
"Maybe we just give people the choice, 'cause if we just give people the choice, then a whole bunch of problems that you are going to have when this actually hits live, well, you know what, they'll technically still exist, but they won't matter."
"Do you want websites to track you across other websites? No."
"Some of them do require payment in order to use the full theme, but with that said, I'm going to choose a free theme that you can start using today, free of charge."
"I always choose a flat 60 more or less. There's almost no reason for that higher res mode to be there."
"With Project Renee, we want to make it easier to work together and share. You can choose to play or create by yourself or with your close friends. It's entirely your choice."
"Replayability is pretty high actually because you can use the chapter select to pick any level in the game, play it on any difficulty you want to."
"The manual definitely is an enticing option."
"Starting next year, Instagram will allow users to see a chronological version of their feed instead of one created by algorithms."
"Out of all these headphones, which is your personal favorite?"
"Each successive model offers increasingly powerful performance allowing users to select the optimal balance of intelligence, speed, and cost."
"Financial privacy is critical; users shouldn't have to pick and choose which coins to spend."
"You don't have to use the new version if you don't want to."
"MX Linux represents the ability and the power of choice on the Linux desktop."
"It's ultimately up to you guys, and I appreciate the support."
"Either way, if you like, you know, 7-zip more than WinRAR, there you go, he's actually just swapping them out for you which is pretty cool."
"It's good to have more choice and with this you have the freedom to play your PC games wherever you also have the freedom to play it however you want."
"You can leave it as default or you can change it to whatever you want."
"I hope they let you choose whether you have cross-play or not."
"We can voluntarily stop using platforms and support alternatives."
"Just a beautiful palette... always end up kind of reaching back for."
"We should be able to set Spotify, Pandora, or any other music service as the default music player."
"Apple's new iOS operating system will let users choose if they want their online activity tracked and sold to third-party apps."
"Disable security: convenience meets choice—unlock your way."
"Just don't use the one built into your TV unless you have no other choice."
"Your choice will influence the way that the story goes."
"Just let the user choose what they want, don't limit them to what you think they want to know."
"If you use an ad blocker on the internet I really don't have any problem with that."
"The Remarkable is a clear winner."
"ISPs do not get to interfere with our choices by blocking, speeding up, or slowing down apps or kinds of apps."
"Apps compete on the level playing field, and users, not ISPs, determine which apps are successful."
"We're also as part of this going to be opening up our store to give you even more options to use whatever experiences you want."
"We want you to be able to run the content on Quest or any Meta Horizon operating system headset."
"We really want to enable you to have some choice."
"Remember, this is fully functional; it's interactive, you choose what you want to use it for."
"When we start it up, when we run the script, it's essentially going to ask the user what they want to do: Do they want to collect a new baseline or actually begin monitoring the files with an existing baseline?"
"It's totally free and you can unsubscribe whenever you want."
"It's a critical decision for user privacy, and the integrity of your keyboard underpins the privacy of your whole device. Choose wisely."
"Apple is beginning to let the user have more and more choices."
"Most of you selected the Luxman, which means the majority of you guys are looking for more of a romantic, sweet, engaging presentation."
"You only see ads if you want to see them, and you get cryptocurrency for your attention."
"Give choices to the user about the background behavior of your apps."
"I'm perfectly okay with this as long as there are other options."
"Users have a sense of transparency, control, and choice."
"You get to pick and choose what you need; if you don't need something, you don't pick it, you don't bring it in your application."
"I want users to be able to select what type of account they should have based on their role."
"You can choose whichever theme that you would like."
"This portfolio is as interactive as you'll probably find on YouTube because I'm giving you the power to choose."
"AWS believes in letting you choose where you manage your identities when signing in to the cloud."
"You can use these with your smart home platform of choice."
"I believe that the user has the right to choose which programs to use and which browser to set as default."
"All their data will automatically be migrated and this is a much better experience for users because then they can choose when is the moment they want to sign in."
"It's always best to put fancy features behind opt-in configurations."
"26% of people said that they turned it on in some games and left it off in others."
"Giving the user the choice, that's an important aspect of it."
"We're gonna allow the user to select which track they want to play."
"There's no food waste, you pick what meals you want, it's so easy and convenient."
"We're delivering even more with new experiences, capabilities, and choice."
"It's not whether or not the web can do something, it's just whether or not we want to get to it."