
Mutant Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"House of M... saw 98% of the mutant population losing their powers."
"Carnage Kabuto: uber powerful mutant, beyond ridiculous strength, speed, and durability."
"The plan to hunt the mutant was initially going smoothly."
"Either way, he would still be one of the most powerful mutants out there and is easily one of the most powerful beings in Marvel as well."
"Darwin is an Omega Level mutant that has the ability to adapt to any situation that he's in."
"Jean Gray is the only class 5 mutant I have ever encountered. Her potential is practically limitless."
"The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants: Formed by Magneto with the goal of either eradicating or subjugating Humanity."
"Santa Claus is registered as the most powerful mutant in the Marvel world."
"To be an Omega Level mutant is To Be Without Limits but there are limits Beyond limits Powers Beyond Powers."
"I offer you a chance to help the world, Thunderbird, to help your fellow mutants. You are special, John Proudstar, a mutant, and you are needed."
"I know it's summer but there's still time to get a lot of things done if you have school in the fall you can prepare for your classes you know we can be productive just because it's summer we can have fun during the summer too but it's also important to stay productive."
"Storm is not just a mutant with unbelievably unstoppable powers, she is also a literal goddess."
"Bishop is an alpha-level mutant whose genetic mutation grants him the ability to absorb energy from all across the spectrum."
"What's a Magneto? A very powerful mutant."
"Dr. Henry McCoy, the gentle giant of the X-Men, uses his mutant physicality and genius mind for the betterment of humans and mutants alike."
"Wolverine is one of the most visceral, ferocious, and infamous mutants in all of Marvel lore."
"She's a mutant with the ability to shapeshift into any organic matter."
"Franklin Richards... the most powerful mutant ever born."
"Franklin Richards... possesses a ridiculous number of powers which earned him the title of the most powerful mutant ever born."
"Jean Gray probably the most iconic mutant to have ever merged with the Phoenix force and acted as its host."
"Namor is simply one of the most powerful mutants around, completely unstoppable."
"Hope is just hands down one of the most powerful mutants around, period, and is basically nigh unstoppable."
"Franklin Richards is an Omega Level mutant who has depicted vast reality manipulation abilities."
"The mutant Jubilee generates pyrotechnic energy blasts that she calls fireworks."
"Jean Grey, as you already know, is an omega-level mutant with telekinetic and telepathic abilities."
"Maura McTaggart was in fact a mutant the entire time, she just didn't know it."
"Asteroid M is the name of several orbital space stations created by the former mutant terrorist Magneto."
"Mutant who wants to be understood and respected."
"Manifold is Eden Fesi, a mutant who is gaining more and more prominence in the comics."
"X-Man is a reality warping mutant and superhero."
"She's starting to no longer allow it to affect her because as she is beginning to recognize, she is one of the most powerful mutants on the face of the planet."
"Falcon's X-Gene, remember that time Falcon was revealed to be a mutant."
"Zorn, okay so Zorn was basically a character who showed up in the comics who was a mutant."
"Legion could tap into the powers of his personalities, which makes him quite possibly the most powerful mutant in existence."
"Rogue's character was always a mutant that would absorb people's life essence, their memories, their powers by physical touch."
"Hope Summers was the first mutant born after the events of M day."
"Like many of the most epic mutants, he had reality warping powers and was additionally considered Omega Level in terms of his ability."
"Jean Grey is probably one of the most powerful mutants simply because of her ability to control the phoenix force."
"He is a part of the new mutant nation of Krakowa and he is alpha level."
"Storm is a mutant vampire... she gets her revenge though, aiding the X-Men in defeating Dracula."
"Wild Thing is an incredibly powerful mutant that showcases the best influences of the X-Men."
"X-Man is considered one of the most powerful mutants of all time which would also make him one of the most powerful children of the X-Men out there."
"Jim Jaspers... was a mutant with reality warping powers."
"She is a mutant whose powers allow her to control technology."
"Jean Gray, powerful telepath and telekinetic mutant who has faced cosmic entities and world-shattering events."
"The master of magnetism is one of Marvel Comics' most powerful and famous mutants."
"Apocalypse is one of the world's oldest mutants and he's an extreme believer in survival of the fittest."
"Omega Red just might be one of the most bloodthirsty of them all."