
Weekly Planning Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"When you have a productive Monday, it's like setting yourself up for success for the whole week."
"I chose Mondays because I felt I remember hating Mondays when I was going to school."
"This is how I fill out my Weekly View... It's letting me know: hey, you need to stay on task."
"Tuesday is when you decide what you're going to become."
"Concentrated loading consolidation of stressors into one part of the week consolidation of rest into another Sport Science approved."
"Mondays is usually the best days of the week for me because it allows for me to get a head start on everybody else when everybody is still reeling from the weekend."
"Let me just fill up on Sunday so it's out of the way for the week."
"So, that's Sunday and Monday... and a bit of Wednesday of last week."
"The solution is to listen to macro voices every single week, and do exactly what Eric's done by taking all of this intellect absorbing it and making your own decisions from there."
"Pick something to look forward to each week that doesn't cost a lot of money."
"I personally love Sundays because I love to refresh and prepare for the next week."
"This week is going to be like an incredible little problem solver."
"It gets you a little bit excited for your week, you're like wow like I'm actually going to kill it if I do all of this stuff this week."
"Tomorrow's Friday, okay? Understand if you want to have a good weekend, don't go all crazy willy-nilly into a Friday."
"You spend that hour running through your checklist and then you're done for the week."
"As you can see on the calendar, Sundays are kind of an off day, right?"
"Have a great weekend, we've got a fun week planned for next week."
"I'm already planned and ready for the week."
"It's a Monday, we're gonna start this week properly."
"I cook over the weekend and... have food to eat throughout the week."
"We'll start a better week next week."
"The power of just setting yourself up on a Sunday for a good week, worth it."
"Thursdays are a great day, it's not overly crowded."
"Back to normality this week, getting back into a good routine."
"We're gonna go home and we'll lay out the groceries, just kind of show you what we got for the week."
"This is how you start your week off on a good note."
"It's like the start of the week, and I'm just gonna use it to talk about all kinds of things."
"How can I love you this week? What do you got coming up?"
"I found it mostly helpful to use Monday morning as the time for me to plan my whole week's schedule."
"By planning weekly, we put the big rocks in first before the week gets hectic."
"It is Monday; that means we're moving into a new week, and new weeks mean new themes."
"If you stress about meal prepping, Sundays prep your meal items."
"Every week there are 168 hours in every week."
"I'm glad I had them on hand throughout the week."
"Having that weekly review and in that weekly review process making sure to adjust these as needed."
"It's a day to recharge, pack, and get ready for next week."
"It's been so nice, it just gives me a less jumbled mind starting out the week."
"I'll be able to see the progress of the whole week as it goes along."
"The only page that you need—one page to crush your week."
"This is why I do a weekly to-do list; it motivates me to get things done and stop procrastinating."
"I love to do that at the start of the week to see what I'm gonna wear for the week, take a look at the forecast, plan it out, and it was fun."