
Pollinators Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The monarch butterfly is in so much trouble. Most of the pollinators are in trouble."
"Consider what plants are native to your area to invite those pollinators."
"A pollinator mix or wildflower mix, there's no point in trying to transplant it when you can just direct sew it."
"Zinnias are just one of our main go-to annual plants for inviting pollinators into the garden every spring, summer, and fall with very little maintenance."
"Your pollinators love them, your butterflies, your honeybees, your bumblebees, your hummingbirds love this plant."
"...and you will see that pollinators out in this really early sometimes you'll even see them curled up and sleep in a little crocus when they close up at night."
"You want to focus on plants that are really good for specialist pollinators."
"...gives me a really deep level of Satisfaction Just knowing that I could actually provide that food source or at least select for that food source and maybe see some of those specialist pollinators like that's good enough for me."
"Building corridors for Native pollinators to continue their populations."
"Addressing the problems of industrial agriculture to help honeybees and native pollinators."
"Some flowers have large quantities of nectar and convenient perches which attract pollinating animals."
"African basil will be the most popular plant in the garden for the pollinators."
"I really feel like this is good for our honeybees and also for the native pollinators in the area."
"Pollinators are the organisms capturing energy from the Sun and turning it into food."
"Farmers need to realize, is that the bees are, like, one of the first line of defense of why they're disappearing."
"You can always have bees anywhere. Matter of fact, most state laws actually provide protection for people that want to have pollinators."
"If you plant for pollinators, then you understand that in July if your garden isn't moving and buzzing and humming and there's something wrong."
"Without pollinators, we don't get food. They actually help our food. The flowers do not produce fruit unless you have cross-pollination."
"There are lots of ways to help pollinators."
"I think any garden I'm involved in, I'm going to think about pollinators."
"Butterflies, birds, even bats act as pollinators."
"Each part of the flower plays a special role in attracting the right pollinators."
"Native plants provide great habitat for native pollinators and for wildlife."
"If one of your goals in your garden is to attract wildlife to your yard, particularly pollinators, then you really need to consider growing some wild bergamot."
"Wild bergamot will bring in huge amounts of pollinators, tons of bees, butterflies, hummingbird moths."
"Pollinators also love this plant."
"In Praise of pollinators, swept us away."
"When you're planting a pollinator garden, you want to plant for the specialist because the generalists will use those plants too."
"I'm all about pollinators and protecting them."
"Buzz, buzz, buzz, bees and hummingbirds and butterflies and bats too."
"The Butterfly Bush is going to be the one to really attract pollinators."
"Verbena bananus is a pollinator magnet and a late season favorite for butterflies."
"The blooms persist for a long time, so any hummingbirds that are hanging around later in the season will probably enjoy these as a pollinator source."
"Pollinators are really important for our environment, for everything that grows."
"Pollinators, Earth's tiny creators, from the honey so sweet to almost everything we eat."
"Great for wildlife, bees love them, butterflies like them, hummingbirds."
"Pollinators are responsible for spreading the pollen and pollinating about 90 percent of the wild flowering plants in the world."
"It's a great plant if you're looking to attract pollinators to your garden."
"You get pollinator magnet, beautiful purple color, you get the spherical bloom."
"Thousands of people have been working with us to build pollinator habitat."
"We are going to have a series of webinars on attracting pollinators to your garden for each region."
"I really tried to do this cottage space with things that had medicinal purposes and that were really good for pollinators."
"The pollinators just love it, and I love it in every way."
"It's a huge favorite of bumblebees so we really love enjoying and including this in our cutting garden."
"I think it's a really lovely thing to have something that the pollinators can use as late as October."
"We want to increase pollinators, we want to do it of course in a very friendly eco-friendly way and of course we want to try to do it native."
"These pollinate crops that feed 90% of the human population, without you guys, we'd be dead, humans would just die."
"Pollinators are tiny creators, from the honey so sweet to almost everything we eat."
"You just can't get anything better than Pentas for summer color and for adding to a pollinator garden."
"Pollinators actually love mahonia in the winter time."
"I'm primarily planting them for the pollinators and to draw in beneficial insects."
"We're all about the pollinators and it's important that we support them in any possible way."
"If you see bees outside, don't swat, scream on high; we're all here because of pollinators, Earth's tiny creators, helping keep us alive."
"The bees are all over it, they absolutely love the flowers on these abelia."
"It's a great plant to help support our pollinator colonies."
"I love to have lots of flowers in the garden; it helps the pollinators."
"I definitely want to cultivate an environment that the butterflies thrive in and the pollinators, we definitely want those in our garden."
"Their ability to attract pollinators to your landscape."
"I think crawling thyme is going to be a good alternative; it's cushy to walk on, it flowers for a couple of weeks in the summer, which is great for pollinators."
"There are tons of bumblebees and honeybees visiting this Purple Patch."
"Flowers bloom, bees and butterflies start to buzz about, and many animals give birth to their young."
"They're a very nice showy plant, great pollinator plant."
"This plant is the third most common source of pollen and nectar for our pollinators in the State of Florida."
"Even if it's ugly to myself, people looking at it on YouTube or people driving by, it's okay because the bees and pollinators are in there absolutely loving it."
"I'm trying to get more flowers around here for the hummingbirds and for the pollinators."
"I love letting as many plants go to flower as possible for the pollinators and also just because they look gorgeous."
"Come join us as we learn together about these beautiful little friends of ours that are such a great beneficial pollinator to our environment."
"You want to talk about a pollinator attractor, man, this is one."
"In my imagination, this whole area when it gets to be grown up is just going to be pollinator heaven."