
Hangover Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Honestly, it looks like the perfect accessory for a hangover."
"Welcome to the Future...5 days of the future hangover is still definitely a thing."
"Not hungover after drinking tequila but regret eating a falafel sandwich at noon the day before."
"Tequila's rough. It gives me the worst hangovers."
"Hangover and I feel... I can see myself on stage, I'm like a second slower, you know? Like, 'Oh, if I was not hungover, I could have thought of something here,' but you're just a little foggier with the hangover."
"It's a gorgeous day to be hungover."
"I'm doing water, Liquid IV, and coconut water on this Coachella weekend. No hangovers allowed for the girls."
"It was so much fun and best of all I didn't wake up hungover the next morning."
"It's fine if it's work circumstances but not if it's just a golf trip with the Jordi lads and he's to hangover to get up early. Correct, that's exactly what I'm saying, Gary."
"You see, they just reek of hangover right there. That's what I'm saying. They're good guys, no bother right back on it."
"Drinking's fun. Being hungover is tough. Not a hot take obviously, but being hungover stinks, especially when you're around people who are not hungover."
"I just wanted to chat because, you know, that feeling when you're having so much fun, yes, when you're so hungover and you're and you know the crash is coming inevitably hard."
"Even though we were hungover and because you know we had drink for two days I feel like."
"Jesus Christ, but go hangover, go hangover. You know, that looks good because it's a red wine gravy, Sunday as well. Get that gravy on."
"I spent the rest of the day fighting my hangover with drawn curtains, four or five gallons of water, and enough Tylenol."
"Wearing these glasses because I got a really bad hangover, y'all."
"Believe it or not, although I feel like I'd look it, I'm actually not hungover."
"I genuinely do not think I've ever been more hung over in my life to the point where I had to say to my management, 'Guys, I'm in so much mental, emotional, physical pain right now, I can't even fathom doing anything that you're asking me to do.'"
"I'm pretty hungover. This is gonna be like a star-stacked 'Eat The Menu.'"
"The next morning of December 7, 1929, both James Ryan and George Richie were too hungover to drive."
"Another crucial part of the hangover cure."
"Now I'm not really too hungover, I drank water as I was between each drink so I'm actually okay."
"I woke up with so much anxiety, it wasn't the 60 beers, it was the store pot pie that sent me to hell."
"It's such a fun thing to talk about, and like you put this movie on, to me it's like, it's the perfect hangover movie."
"Hair of the dog was the only option."
"Double digit beers in adulthood in the wrong circumstances is the worst hangover."
"The only time I drink soda is when I'm hungover, specifically a McDonald's Sprite."
"Because when you wake up hungover, you have a specific amount of thirst. You're dehydrated but you crave sugar and I always crave fruit when I'm hungover."
"Ancient Greeks cured hangovers by wrapping their heads in cabbage."
"The worst part of it is I felt like I couldn't fully be present with my friends because I was hungover."
"We are stocked on the noodles and Topo, hangover kit."
"I was a little hungover I won't lie. I had too much to drink last night and I was so frustrated with yesterday that today was really... I'm not gonna say a write-off but I didn't feel like I was in the golf tournament and how does it happen? I've shot 67. So it's um funny game."
"Y'all know your girl was hungover from last night."
"That's why Asia has hangovers everywhere, it's because of our main active ingredient dhm, so dhm is like grown out there it's a flavonoid extracted from Vine tea and Japanese raisin trees."
"When I'm hungover, I essentially become another kid, so I'd be on their level, I'd understand it."
"That hangover burger was life-changing."
"This is what you usually order after a hangover."
"Science, hey science, get to work on hangovers."
"I had to be sick and hungover thousands upon thousands of times to finally accept that being hungover and miserable was not a good way to live."
"The thing with good scotch is it's so natural and it's only organic free that even if you go over, you know what you really should, it's not gonna be that toxic kind of a hangover."
"Imagine being violently hungover on a Sunday morning and you step outside and it's just a lightning bug party."
"The colossal hangover from the swinging sixties."
"Don't you hate feeling miserable the day after drinks? Luckily, a game-changing product called zbiotics is here to help."
"Just deal with the fact that you have a hangover and try your best to be your best for the day."
"The best hangover food in the world is a buffet because you can eat anything"
"I woke up the day after until I got a hangover purely because I just been hit a lot of times."
"It's kind of like that hungover golf feeling, I guess."
"One shot, I never really drank, so I wake up the next day, I'm like, oh, like the worst headache."
"Who wants to hangover? Nobody. Literally, nobody."
"Being hungover is actually a performance enhancement."
"Science fiction describes a songwriter feeling rougher, the disco lizard presumably nursing a hangover at the hotel, creeped out by religious iconography he's seeing around him."
"If you're ever out drunk and you're trying to cure your hangover, just have a Hydra before bed."
"Vodka water and some lime, because there's no sugar. Sugar exacerbates the hangover."
"When you open your eyes tomorrow morning, you will not wish for death because hangovers are no joke."
"Killing a hangover is a young man's game."
"The first shower after feeling hungover is oh, game-changing."
"I'd had some drinks the night before and my head was fuzzy still when I met the ghost of Garnet at the base of London Hill."
"You're burning off the hangover from the night before."
"I had to explain to a seventeen-year-old girl and her mother that she was not in fact allergic to alcohol, but she was just hungover."
"You can eat these leaves in order to relieve the hangover."