
Mating Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"It is said that some of these guys would crawl out of the water in order to mate."
"Sexual arousal leads to an increase in short-term mating interest."
"The foundation of every social order is mating."
"Cuttlefish use a kind of self-mimicry to find a mate during mating season."
"One of those purposes is mating or breeding, and that's the job that a rooster has in a flock."
"Humans are literally hardwired to seek out the best mates with the best genes because they will produce the strongest offspring that will eventually survive to adulthood, procreate, and pass on the family genes."
"It's mating season and Ten is doing his best to woo Loop and secure his alpha male status."
"Female Adélie penguins will have sex with unattached males in exchange for a pebble."
"Men mate socioeconomically horizontally and down, women horizontally and up."
"Courtship behavior is essential for successful mating."
"The most important ability for a human when it comes to mating is not physical or performative but Charisma."
"Male penguins find the smoothest pebbles and gift them to their love interests, sticking with them throughout their lives."
"There's a reproductive skew in males that's not there for your females to a similar degree and so I think there's just more competition among males to compete for reproductive access."
"The current way we have organized mating strategies right now in our current society is that it's a free-for-all in this deregulated sexual marketplace."
"All women want a pre-selected man."
"A good buddy of mine says, 'If his antlers are hard, his Pecker's hard, he's ready to go. The moment he sheds his velvet, he's ready to go.'"
"Scientists have no idea how dinosaurs mated."
"Inserting humor has got mating value; it will signal intelligence and creativity and hence good genes in the person who's producing the humor."
"Bats are not a particularly monogamous species. The males try to attract as many females as possible during mating season."
"Evolution is made in bed. Evolution turns on mating patterns, and mating patterns have changed."
"Typically solitary, the Magna Caputs will call out to each other over thousands of kilometers during breeding season, and come to congregate in forests like this one."
"The breeding season for king cobras begins as summer approaches males engage in combat in order to win the privilege to mate."
"Longevity is all about assortative mating."
"Apparently, it's all part of mating and courtship and stuff."
"We're very, very different. I would argue that each person's, like, a man's mating strategy versus a woman's mating strategy... A man wants the most quantity that he can get, a woman wants the highest quality that she can get."
"No species, human included, really wants to mate with someone that doesn't turn them on physically."
"Women need to become more assertive when it comes to mating because men like women who like them."
"When there's a surplus of women or perceived surplus of women, the whole mating system tends to shift towards short-term dating."
"Short-term mating strategies seem to work for plenty of women too. Some don't want to be in a committed relationship either, particularly those in their twenties who are focusing on their education, launching their careers."
"Men don't have a lot to lose by mating with many women and they have a lot to gain."
"The horseshoe crab mating season is one of the most amazing natural events in the world."
"The female delegation of any species is tasked with choosing who gets to mate."
"In many animal species, particularly in birds, the competition is for females to choose the most beautiful male. The females are the ones who do the choosing."
"If you have mating within two degrees of kinship... you run a risk of bringing together two or more deleterious genes."
"It's the beginning of May and after months of courtship, Gylfi seems to be ready to lay."
"That's why when women say well you know you're a superhero for knocking it out with a bunch of guys, yeah because he's sticking to his mating strategy and not accommodating your mating strategy."
"When they're out flying looking to mate."
"A pride of lions can have sex multiple times an hour when the female's in heat. They have one of the highest frequencies of any species."
"Male dragons usually don't respond to a female's mating call unless they are large enough to reliably chase away competitors."
"It's not biologically natural for people to mate for life. Well, ducks do, but who the hell cares what ducks do?"
"The UV pigments on little budgies' feathers play an enormous role in their attractiveness to the opposite sex."
"The purpose of antlers is to intimidate other male moose and attract mates during the fall breeding season."
"Male puffer fish actually create these circles in order to attract a mate."
"Romantic love enables you to focus your mating energy on just one individual at a time and start the mating process."
"As the daylight starts to get longer, then you see birds that are stimulated by that light, then they want to start mating again."
"Color does make a difference. Look at newts during the courting season; the male newt is brilliantly colored."
"Color is important; it might help a dinosaur hide or find a mate."
"Women are more choosy maters than men by a substantial margin."
"They're monogamous birds that mate for life."
"Strangers in the night, the moths will meet and mate only once in their lives."
"This stag has proved he is the alpha male and secured his access to the females."
"Those rivalries are forgotten, white wolf and 712 have found each other just in time for mating season."
"Males will run the most outrageous of fades for females."
"They got a super complex mating system with many many different possible compatible combinations."
"Evolution prioritizes eccentric mating rituals over everything else."
"So proud of his bright blue feet, he lifts his webbing high and makes certain every female in the vicinity can see just how bright they really are."
"The female boobies pick their mates almost entirely on the basis of whose feet are the brightest and bluest of them all."
"Here they are shown to select a partner by synchronizing an elaborate display of bioluminescence."
"Sexual selection is natural selection for mating success."
"Our mating strategies are adversarial, but once we're together, we become complements."
"Courtship behavior increases the probability of successful mating."
"Courtship behaviors are behaviors that animals exhibit to attract a mate."
"I've always really liked when I see mating animals; it's just such a special thing."
"Cromwell settled in nicely and mated with another tiger here called Juno."
"...humans seek particular mates to solve specific adaptive problems that their ancestors confronted during the course of human evolution."
"Genetics is deep and understanding how these birds mate and everything with offspring coming out, it mirrors our existence."
"Sometimes female leopards will call to attract the male for mating."
"Assortative mating is a part of the human condition."
"This is all good, this is very good, this is gentle courting behavior."
"Intersexual selection represents choices made with the opposite sex."
"It's one of my favorite birds. I like it the most when they are displaying themselves for mating activities, when they go high up and form the acrobatic flight and land as if they're gonna hit the ground."
"When the mating is over, the green queen seizes her mate in a deadly embrace and eats him."
"The male has to go through courtship in order to impress the lady."