
Cells Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"Cells are the most powerful little factories on the planet."
"The living things are cells; we are communities of cells, about 50 trillion cells making us up." - Bruce Lipton
"Trillions of her cells exist in the scientific community."
"Epithelial tissues: Cells on a mission, always on the move."
"Cells would be ruptured and it would be heavily damaged."
"All life is made of cells, and cells only ever come from existing cells."
"The seed of cancer is the same in all our cells; what is it about the soil that is allowing these cells to turn into cancer?"
"Mitochondria are bacteria that have started living in our cells; so we provide them protection in our cells and they provide us energy."
"It is as if every cell awakens and rejoices."
"This is an extremely important concept to understand: cell referencing, especially when we're talking about relative and absolute."
"Ketones actually will bind to cells and inhibit something called the NLRP3 inflammasome."
"There are no gaps between the cells, so all of the absorption actually occurs."
"Life cannot arise spontaneously but must come from preexisting cells."
"10 times the number of microbial cells in our system than there are human cells."
"We're looking at a whole different model of pathology where the cells are locked in this danger response."
"Every time you look in the microscope and you see those cells, those cells know what they're doing."
"Everything starts with this mitochondria. What is the mitochondria? It's an energy Factory deep inside your cells that produces energy."
"One billion cancer cells in your body, that's one billion opportunities that the cancer cell has to have a mechanism by which it can resist a drug."
"Energy is the currency of biology, and ATP is the energy currency of cells."
"Every single cell is like a little ziploc baggie full of water."
"What we eat greatly determines the integrity and structure of our cells, which ultimately determines how effective insulin will be at doing its job."
"Our brains become more active, there's more chemical reactions going on in the cells."
"We're trying to remove the virus from its reservoir, trying to identify the infected cells so that the immune system or potentially a kill agent could kill those cells that are harboring the virus."
"These cells on the interior are known as the inner cell mass and these cells are now restricted in what they can become."
"Gating is useful for identifying cells of interest."
"So it really is a very early trigger to intervene in the decision-making of those cells, which occurs apparently in this case at the electrical level, and then downstream of that, all of the things you need to actually build the leg get turned on."
"...just like I did in the B cell video, we're gonna talk about T cells now."
"The actual size of cells and organelles is much smaller, it's going to be micrometers."
"Not only do they go off and have this metastatic behavior, but they actually convince some other cells to do the same."
"All cells derive from a prior cell. Think about that."
"It is said that our cells are alive and they have a consciousness, although they don't have a personal consciousness."
"Your body, your human body had around 30 trillion individual cells."
"Neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, and monocyte are formed from the myoblast."
"In AML, only myoblast is mutated, not other cells."
"We have a kind of genomic asymmetry, and to me that's the real difference between bacteria and large complex cells."
"At this point all cells balanced."
"How does a cell or tissue become a cancer? Whether it's a stromal cell or an epithelial cell."
"Carcinoma cells reach back into their origins, into the early embryonic origins laid out in their genes."
"That outer cell mass is called the trophoblast, and the inner cell mass is called the embryo blast."
"The outer part here is called the trophoblast, and the inner part here is called the embryo blast."
"The body just has a free flow of blood and oxygen to all of the cells."
"Juicing is the ultimate way to feed your hundred trillion internal cells."
"We don't have Frozen cells, no one's given us a Frozen cell."
"Whether you're feeling anxiety or you're feeling fear or anger or joy or love or hate, whatever it is you're experiencing, it's cells that are performing that function."
"We can think about epigenomics now as the counterpart, the software programming of our cells."
"Her cells were just known as hela cells, h-e-l-a, the first two letters of Henrietta's Lacks's first and last name."
"Our own body has 50 to 100 trillion cells cooperating in amazing ways."
"Format cells to make them look visually appealing."
"The yellow sac spider has a type of Venom that can destroy cells or impair cell function."
"Cell walls provide structural strength."
"Flagella are whip-like tail structures used for mobility."
"Cilia are hair-like projections for sweeping substances along."
"The cytoskeleton provides mechanical strength to cells."
"Control A will select a contiguous range of cells."
"The cell, single cells but also organisms, can respond to events that can be artificially inflicted on them."
"When cells start to divide forever, uncontrolled, then they become cancerous."
"Your cells are machines for this kind of thing so i'd like to remind people that your cells make proteins on a day in and day out bases your hormones and all other things that your body needs to essentially survive."
"The leap that always took it over the edge though was why do these cells start teaming up to form multicellular organisms"
"Every single cell in your body behaves differently when you're in heightened states of awareness."
"Mast cells are a migrant cell of connective tissue."
"Components of blood: plasma, erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and platelets."
"What you can see here is a group of liver cells here in a normal liver... what happens is quite remarkable."
"The human body is composed of over 200 different specialized cell types that work together in the form of tissues."
"Our cells are excited and they have energy."
"GG can help maintain bone density by supporting the cells responsible for bone formation."
"...while over time the term battery has expanded to include single galvanic cells strictly speaking a battery consists of multiple cells."
"Set your intention to open up the line of communication with the fifty to seventy trillion cells that make up your body."
"An adult human is composed of roughly 30 trillion body cells and then you can have up to 100 trillion more bacterial cells on and in your body."
"Are there special requirements for your cells?"
"Some people say that Schwann cells are pointed at one end and kind of blunt at the other end, that they look a little bit like a sesame seed."
"Astrocytes support the neurons in a plethora of ways."
"Her cells became one of the most important tools in medicine."
"We find that we can regrow telomeres when we reprogram cells to get younger."
"The mitochondria are the little power plants for the cells."
"The cells will be fluorescent for about seven days."
"Each of the 100 trillion cells in the human being is a living structure that can survive indefinitely and in most instances can even reproduce itself, provided its surrounding fluids contain appropriate nutrients."
"That is in every single one of my cells in my body, that is ridiculous."
"The lymphatic vessels are the highway the dendritic cells use to move from the tissues into the lymph nodes."
"The human body is made up of several trillion tiny units called cells."
"Cells are the smallest entities that can perform all the basic life functions."
"How well the entire organism functions depends on individual and combined activities of all of its cells."
"Bacterial cells, as well as eukaryotic cells, respond to the environment."
"All living things are made of cells, and cells are the smallest unit that can function independently."
"Cells maintain homeostasis by regulating traffic in and out of the membrane."
"All cells have DNA, all cells have RNA, and all cells make proteins."
"Cells are the basic building blocks of all life."
"The majority of the cells in our body are red blood cells."
"Hormones only work as specific cells, anywhere else it's like trying to unlock a door with the wrong key."
"Essentially your cells are floating in salt water."
"Cells are the smallest unit of living matter because it is the basic functional unit of life."
"Cells are very small... to help with the exchange of materials with the environment."
"It created beautiful cells, amazing lacing."
"Each osteocyte has its own little house called lacunae."
"The cells are very clever; they pick up cues from the environment that determine where they should go to repair the tissue."
"Cleaning out the old, making way for better and healthier new cells to come in."
"Cells and bacteria are see-through; they don't have a color."
"Remember all living things are made of cells, and the blueprint for how a cell and our bodies are made is encoded in a molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid, otherwise known as DNA."
"Every part of the human body is composed of cells."
"All living things are composed of cells."
"Our bodies are made up of 100 trillion cells, each with a unique role to play in the miracle of life."
"Every cell in our body is replaced within a seven-year period and so we are new and renewed all the time."
"A tissue is a group of cells with similar structure and function."
"Mitochondria are referred to as the powerhouses of the cells."
"Did you know that all the plants and animals in the world are made of cells?"
"Cells move, eat, drink, reproduce; they're alive."
"These are what normal nevus cells look like."
"Her cancer cells have been used in medical experiments for decades around the world."
"Cells are really the working blocks of our body."
"Cells are the smallest living unit and the most basic building blocks of life."
"Phospholipids are the major constituent of the cell membrane."
"What did one cell say to another cell that stepped on its toes? My mitochon-dria!"
"Dietary nitrates can increase the oxygen efficiency of our cells."
"I love learning about cells and I'm really excited for next year because we're going to be diving deeper into that."
"Lymphocytes include your B cells, T cells, and natural killer cells."
"The cells aren't completely in isolation; they communicate by means of sending messages to each other."
"DNA is a blueprint that tells cells how to build proteins."
"Every cell, you've got about 35 trillion cells in the body, they all run on sugar."
"This is amazing, we now know the exact disposition of all of the single cells, all of the twos, all of the threes."
"Your body is made up of trillions of cells which are busy performing their specific functions to keep you healthy and resilient."
"If you see the word 'cyto', it's talking about cell."
"We're increasing the complexity of our cells."
"Cells turn out to be what are called the units of biological life."
"The cell is the smallest unit of biological life."
"Every cell comes from another cell; cells come only from pre-existing cells."
"DNA carries all the hereditary material and it's found in cells."
"Within the cell is where we are all ultimately defined."
"Growth is the process characterized by the increase in size, mass, or number of cells or organs of an organism over time."
"These cells right here are what become you and all of these cells have the potential to become any cell in your body."
"Cells are the simplest units of life."
"Materials have to go from cells, have to come in to organisms, and has to be able to leave organisms; nutrients, waste products, and gases they've got to be able to be exchanged across those cell membranes."
"Cells provide the basic units of functionality and structure in living things."
"Plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic."
"Every illness is the consequence of some cell behaving incorrectly."
"Your body is made of billions of cells, each with a different job to do."
"The Divine is as every cell in your body, you can't exclude it."
"Our bones also produce white and red blood cells."
"Eukaryotic cells contain a variety of other membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticula, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, and vacuoles."
"Atoms make molecules, which make macromolecules... those macromolecules make organelles, which make cells."
"Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells."
"Everything has mutations; our regular cells have mutations all the time."
"DNA is a collection of large molecules that exist in all of our cells."
"The great advantage is that we've preserved the cells in a near native state."
"We're looking here at a cell in a native state and all the molecules are where they were when we dropped it into the liquid ethane."
"The neuron and the Gile cells or neuroglia are the two primary cell types you find within nervous tissue."
"Cells have different degrees of radiosensitivity."
"Their main role in life, their calling, is to phagocytize foreign invaders or dying dead cells."
"Mesothelial cells are one of my favorite cells; they're really pretty."
"The most important lesson is that the trillions and trillions of cells inside your body have learned how to thrive by cooperating."
"This subdivision into cells such that within each cell every point has the same nearest neighbor... that is actually the Voronoi diagram."
"It gets the oxygen and nutrients to individual cells of the body."
"All living things are made of cells."
"All of our body cells are genetically identical."
"Cells on their own are alive, they can do the things that we associate with life."
"We all have mitochondria, the powerhouses of eukaryotic cells."
"Every part of our body is made up of cells."
"This is definitely a two-cell galaxy."
"Blank is the basic unit of all living things... a cell."
"How does that chemical messenger, when it arrives at the outside of the cell, make something happen?"
"The topic for this week is self communication: how mechanisms that cells within a complex organism use to communicate with each other at short distances or long distances."
"This must be the same digit in both cells."
"We are all made of cells, plants have cells, maybe different, but we're still different but same."
"Reactive oxygen species can destroy other molecules like proteins that cells need to survive."
"The cells are a really important element of Excel, and this is why Excel got popular with bookkeeping and accounting and a lot of other things to do calculations."
"Isn't it incredible that all those cells have designed themselves in a way that there is a creature that looks like a blade of grass?"
"The adult human body contains a hundred trillion cells of various sizes."
"DNA is found in our cells, and our cells are the building blocks of our bodies."
"Whenever we look at the body or we look at cells, we see that the body has a way of turning a switch on, they also have an equivalent way of turning the switch off."
"Direct contact, secretion, and long-distance through hormones are the ways cells talk to each other."
"Seventy percent to eighty percent of our cell component is just water."
"The concept of cells seeing other cells might be useful."
"A tumor is a mass of abnormal cells."
"A tissue is defined as a group of similar cells performing a particular function."