
Entry Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"When and where I enter, the race enters with me."
"I walk into your apartment, you open your back door..."
"The moment that he’s cleared the threshold, the door slams behind him with a crash."
"The difference between tournament poker and cash game poker is that every person wishing to enter the tournament pays the same amount of money upfront."
"And just like that the sound of the portal opening rung out across this world of randomosity."
"The way you enter into the works is by faith."
"If your righteousness remains like the righteousness of the Pharisees on the outside, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."
"We are now entering the doorway of professional cinematography."
"Conventions are a great way to kind of enter the art world."
"The whole goal is to provide valuable information for those looking to get into the game."
"Say goodbye to frozen locks and hello to smooth entries with Goodyear spray."
"Sometimes the best way to get in is not through the door."
"All right before cards were in the air, there was action outside the tournament room as players stepped up to the cage and paid ten thousand dollars for entry into Day Two."
"Talent is important... but it's just your entry ticket."
"This is our entry to the 2024 rat rod build-off for Rat Rod Magazine."
"The only way to enter this giveaway is for free."
"...it's more of a program people can enter into."
"It's a great entry to the Grishaverse."
"What an entry into Canada, touching ground on Canadian soil. There's my girl. Oh, so cool!"
"For people like that, three, four hundred dollars for a DAW, to get into it, and you're not even sure if you're going to pursue this or not, could be a barrier to entry."
"It's a huge barrier to entry, money, I'm sorry, it just is, right, for some people."
"If you don't have the right direction of the market then your entry model doesn't really matter."
"Your entry is the most minuscule easiest part of trading."
"You never know what is going to be your entry into the world of music."
"...the side door... very easy access."
"It's the last week of the giveaway, so if you do want to get entered, feel free."
"The front entry is now a bright, open, airy, breezy, dreamy space."
"CV can help get your foot through the door."
"The second entry on our list is the stiggy Malik."
"...no entrance into the kingdom of God is possible unless Christ is owned as Lord."
"Let's get in the building. I get the sense we're going to have company coming soon."
"I think Disney food blog is good for the industry and that they're a gateway drug."
"I believe they came in through here."
"To enter into paradise is to enter into the Holy of Holies, is to enter into that sacred place."
"This is our main entry point, so it brings in our Express app and then starts it on a specific port."
"If you can lay a hundred, you're in. That's it."
"Unless you become the Christ, you can by no wise enter in."
"Not all who say 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father."
"To access the secret, you have to be able to enter there; you can't enter with noise."
"Magic was dominant when he came in the door."
"The only way one can enter into the New Jerusalem is if their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life."
"Open to me the gates of righteousness, and I shall enter through them."
"This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous will enter through it."
"It would be a tragedy to bring to an end the traditional right of unrestricted entry into the mother country of Her Majesty's subjects."
"If you sort out the approach and know when to enter, you've got it."
"It's a fantastic way to get into the Porsche family."
"It's a much more magical entry into your Cruise Ship Adventure."
"I actually got into electric cars through EV motorsport, believe it or not."
"Smart entry with the car, so pretty much when the cars are locked up, you keep this in your purse, jacket pocket, walk up to the car, put your hand in the handle, and it unlocks the car for you."
"It's a very affordable way to get into the world of gemstones."
"We enter now into the Kingdom of God, we enter now into communion."
"Unless you're born again of water and the spirit, you shall not enter the kingdom of God."
"If you want to come into my kingdom, be a child."
"You okay, man?" Kirishima pushed the door open further and walked in.
"That success gave them entry into the 1991 European Cup Winners' Cup."
"Rally five is a great reasonably priced option to get into the sport."
"This is really good, this is a real solid entry."
"An incredible man had entered the tower."
"Before you enter the Kingdom, you must forgive."
"You can enter Isengard now, at any rate, Strider, if you want to, but it is not a very cheerful sight."
"I want to be able to enter into the market at what I call sniper entries."
"He jumped quietly down inside the window and crouched there waiting."
"It's a great option, one fantastic way of getting into it."
"This is a good system if you want to break into wargames, a good system if you want to learn history, a good system if you just want to have fun with your friend."
"It's a lot less scary... it's required for us to have some level of guidelines to help us enter into something new."
"Once you're through the entrance, you're inside the park."
"No fee to get in, but 20 cents to look after your shoes."
"It's such an organic sound and entry into it, it sounds very real."
"We are now entered into the Magic Kingdom park."
"Upon entering, many people have reported strange physical reactions."
"Salvation is the entry, the portal, the doorway into the kingdom of God."
"The entrance to heaven requires a light heart."
"Blessed is he who shall enter into these doors, because not everyone goeth in, but only those who have single-mindedness and guiltlessness and a pure heart."
"The breach into the physical realm came as it usually does: with a shudder and a bang."
"Man, Kanta has done a phenomenal job entering in this series."
"It's very difficult in oligopoly for new firms to move into the market because of high barriers to entry and exit."
"You cannot enter the kingdom unless you be as little children."
"Before you enter into the kingdom, you must forgive."
"Unless you humble yourselves and become as little children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."
"We are officially entering the first gate at Crescent State Prison."
"Everlasting Gardens where they will enter, and the angels entered their presence from every Gateway."
"It's a great way to really shorten your entry time to get into wind sports."
"A great entry from Lange into the sports watch genre without plagiarizing Gerald Genta."
"Oscar's entry into the sport has been nothing short of fascinating."
"You're stepping into this man's life as an important person."
"You cannot enter the Sabbath of Messiah without the Messiah of the Sabbath."
"I am the gate of life; he who enters through me, enters into life."
"When you make the two one... then you will enter the kingdom."
"We had a great entry over the continental US, Northwest to Southeast."
"The only way was up, and I am so happy that she has entered this."
"Jesus is the gate through which you must enter the kingdom of heaven."
"You've got to go through the door, you've got to go through the gate."
"Thanksgiving and praise are the doorway in."
"With the new Maverick Sport, Can-Am is re-entering the 60-inch wide side-by-side segment with a bang."
"The entry in particular was textbook in every respect, and we enjoyed it very much."
"Is this the entry to the kingdom of heaven?"
"I arrived at the house with Officer Lyons, we walked up to the front of the house and tried to open the front door."
"You guys came prepared this time, you guys came with a great entry."
"Player three has entered the game."
"Repentance is the birth canal through which people enter into the kingdom of God."
"Jesus entered Jerusalem seated on the foal of an ass."
"You may pass this door if you answer my questions four."
"Enter the house through the correct door."
"...unless a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
"That's one of the best entries I've ever seen."
"J Fat is nasty man, nasty what an entry."
"It's your entry into a world where people just like you train."
"The entry that we have got is still a good one; it may not be quite as strong as we had numerically last year, but in terms of quality, it is a very good one nonetheless."
"When you walk in, it just feels like a breath of fresh air."