
Cloud Storage Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"Google Drive, very similar to Dropbox but linked to your Google account."
"You can backup all of my files... I can access these from anywhere."
"It saves to the cloud, so you can play on multiple devices."
"Unlimited Google photo storage is back, as long as you're a T-Mobile customer."
"Files app integrates with other services like Google Drive."
"16 dollars a year to store 6,000 Pokemon meanwhile I'm paying $20 a year for a hundred gigabytes of Google Drive it just it doesn't make sense to me for this to be this freaking expensive."
"Files on demand feature which only downloads files that you've recently access to save your space on your machine."
"I would at least turn it on and consider maybe getting the next tier up as it's about a dollar a month for the next level up of iCloud storage."
"Enable auto-upload for screenshots and video clips."
"There's things that there's no... I don't have to but doesn't make any sense. Where is this cloud? Where are my pictures? Just in the sky, this cloud?"
"Whenever I upload something to the cloud, my life just starts to feel more organized."
"At least consider buying some iCloud storage."
"Cloud Storage is Google's consistent, scalable, large capacity, and highly durable object storage."
"Cloud Storage offers the object lifecycle management feature to help manage costs."
"Cloud storage is protected against your house burning down or a simple hardware failure."
"iCloud Drive allows you to store files in iCloud so you can keep them backed up. You can access them from anywhere."
"You can save your files there and if you go on vacation somewhere around the world, you can log into the internet and then be able to pull up your files."
"Storing data in the cloud increases our risks, so steps may be necessary to protect that data."
"So as soon as I delete Project Artemis, the synchronization happens, OneDrive can see the Project Artemis notebook still in Microsoft 365, and so it pulls it back into my folder structure."
"You can then put that project backup onto one of your cloud storage or your G drive to make sure that it's safe."
"Cloud Storage with Coldline storage class is the best solution for reducing storage costs for regulatory and compliance data."
"You can skip this and just use this as just the cloud storage."
"If you've never used Mega sync before, it's absolutely brilliant. You actually get 20 Gigabytes of cloud storage that can be used."
"Using Microsoft OneDrive and being able to save data on the OneDrive and then go to say your parents' business and have access to the data that you saved at your house, by accessing that OneDrive, very convenient absolutely."
"S3 Intelligent Tiering is the only cloud storage class that delivers automatic storage cost savings for customers."
"PCloud offers the best bang for your buck."
"So, saving to the cloud provides you with a really seamless way to work, and it's less likely that you're going to lose any of your changes. And you don't have to think about saving your file."
"The key thing to keep in mind is that by synchronizing photos to the cloud, we have those photos specific photos that we've selected to synchronize available from virtually anywhere with an internet connection."
"As the files in a cloud storage bucket are presented in a hierarchical structure, we need to create a reference to a file in order to enable our app to gain access to it."
"Documents in the cloud really completes our iOS document storage story."
"Everything is in the cloud, bro. Take a picture, whatever, it can be found in the cloud, bro. Stop playing out here in these streets, man, them games is over."
"Thank you so much for watching this video on cloud storage. In this video, we covered block storage, object storage, file storage, and we covered the AWS branded versions of these."
"Nextcloud is a file hosting system that you can use instead of Dropbox or Google Drive."
"pCloud is certainly one of our favorite providers so it's currently as of the recording of this video on number two of our best list."
"Lifetime cloud storage plans are interesting because you pay an upfront fee say a couple hundred dollars and then you get access for life to that cloud storage account."
"I think encryption is probably the most important aspect that has changed in the cloud storage industry over the last probably five years or so."
"It allows you to use all of your QNAP NAS applications with that cloud storage..."
"Check out P Cloud. I will highly recommend it."
"We can use the cloud storage to be this highly scalable storage architecture and allow the cloud to cache that data."
"You can't buy a cloud drive, so it kind of makes sense to subscribe to that kind of thing, doesn't it?"
"Set up a Dropbox or a Google Drive or even a OneDrive account so you can update the links and also feel secure that the links won't expire."
"We believe the solution to this is glass storage in the cloud."
"So this has been talking about Azure file sync a really hot topic that I think a lot of people are pretty excited about right now a way to leverage cloud storage file based services and stop having to manage and maintain your file servers on Prem."
"To summarize, we talked about some common use cases of cloud storage, shared some best practices on how to pick the right storage class and location type, and finally shared some tips on how to get the best performance and scalability out of cloud storage."
"Let me tell you that if you don't delete this entire setup or if you don't delete the EBS snapshots or volumes that you are creating as part of this project, it will incur cost."
"... we have customers from virtually every industry who use Amazon S3 to grow their businesses."
"... the price of S3 standard has actually dropped over 80 percent since we first launched in 2006."
"Storing large objects in S3 is a scalable and cost-effective solution."
"AWS S3 is a perfect platform for that."
"Azure Storage is highly available, secure, durable, scalable, and redundant."
"Definitely take advantage of decoupled storage and compute and using S3 as your persistent store."
"Having all this stuff stored in the cloud is peace of mind."
"You don't have to save or worry about losing a file, it's automatically saved on your Google Drive."
"All your data is in the clouds, there's no security risk."
"Let's get back to OneDrive and check out that new experience."
"Cloud storage. It allows us to access our files conveniently via the internet, across multiple devices, wherever we are."
"The Idrive portal is extremely straightforward, making it easy to manage multiple drives simultaneously."
"There's no doubt that Idrive is one of the best cloud storage providers out there."
"We believe Pcloud is the best of the bunch with its frill of awesome features, unbreakable encryption, easy to use clients, and competitive pricing."
"DigitalOcean Spaces is like one of my favorite things out of all DigitalOcean features."
"DigitalOcean space is pretty cheap, costs $5 a month for 250 GB storage and one terabyte of data transfer."
"This is absolutely fantastic if you've got cloud storage and a lot of duplicated data."
"It can save you a lot of costs rather than having to pay for an extra terabyte of cloud storage."
"Why I don't use or trust Google Drive, Dropbox, or the like for my backups, and how we can go about backing up data to the cloud privately."
"It gives you access to 10 days of iCloud storage, no need for any third-party apps."
"Now what I like to do is I like to store all of my preferences up in the cloud."
"Put all your photos into the cloud and make sure that you turn on automatic backups."
"For just $1 a month, you can purchase 50 gigabytes of storage."
"You can now access, edit, and store your PDF documents from anywhere at any time."
"We're going to use a service in AWS called S3, S3 stands for Simple Storage Service."
"Being able to share a file system is a significant advantage with Azure files for applications that need shared accessibility."
"I love Dropbox. I love what they've done."
"Azure NetApp Files is the highest performing solution in the cloud today for your storage."
"S3 just works. You put data into it, you get data out of it, and it scales with your workload."
"S3 also offers 11 9's of durability which means your data is stored securely in at least three locations before returning a success."
"Google Drive is a free tool obviously and the one thing that I do love about this as well is everyone's familiar with it."
"Cloud storage is comprised of buckets which are used to store and hold your storage objects."
"Anything that goes up to the cloud is never fully gone."
"Google Drive is a great way to access your files from any device from anywhere around the world."
"The photos go to a special cache memory and straight into the cloud."
"You need to have at least one more back-up (a second back-up), if not even a third...and one of these back-ups should go straight up into the cloud, because up there our files are safe from any natural disaster, or break-ins in our house."
"Anything stored in iCloud Drive will be available across all your devices."
"I love just having access to my photos anywhere at any time."
"You could do this all on Google Drive or Google Sheets so you always have access to it."
"All messages are stored in the Firestore database and are synced in real time with our React application."
"This third one being the cloud is like the best thing ever."
"Sync.com is probably the most secure cloud storage service, at least for personal use."
"Icedrive is really dedicated to user privacy and security."
"You can access all your files via the internet anywhere you are."
"Cloud storage is everywhere and everything we do online gets automatically uploaded or saved to some cloud storage device somewhere."
"You can backup your project to a place that lets you store your documents online in the cloud."
"As long as your credit card has enough money on it, you can keep putting as much data as you want in Amazon S3, and they'll gladly store it for you with pretty high guarantees and durability."
"Object storage is serverless storage and you can upload as many files as you like and it scales without worrying about running out of space or data loss."
"All data is stored securely in the cloud and backed by Azure Active Directory certificates."
"Dropbox allowed for storage cloud storage, which meant for the first time I had access to my files across my devices."
"Nest security cameras continually upload video and audio to their cloud."
"Since this is Nextcloud we're talking about, we do need to back up our data folder that contains all of our files."
"All of your photos are backed up instantly, so if something happens and your hard drive gets corrupted, you don't have to worry because they're still going to be up in the cloud."
"This is genuinely a good way to upload your image and video files to S3."
"If you don't have a lot of storage at your location, putting it in the cloud can actually be cheaper."
"Drive is essentially a virtual USB stick that can access files from around the world."
"Google Drive is accessible anywhere in the world, even if you lose internet connection."
"With the Rocketbook technology, you can always scan the pages and bring it up to the cloud, so you've got a record of it forever."
"Cool, so let's see, can you set up DigitalOcean spaces to save Strapi media files? Yes, you can."
"The amount of space being used up for online cloud storage and the amount of security and people's worries about their data being somewhere a little bit more public can be disconcerting."
"It's free, note that all files are stored on your Google Drive."
"Using S3 is definitely a really good way to go about doing this."
"We're uploading directly to a path, so we will have a path inside of our bucket."
"This is where we can actually upload it and handle the uploads and what is actually going on with those uploads."
"All the notes are backed up to the cloud, which works great across all devices."
"Dropbox is my personal favorite cloud storage app."
"Google Photos easily has the lowest cost of the two."
"With Amazon S3, you're gonna save a lot of money."
"Uploading images into AWS S3 buckets."
"Drive File Stream is a brand new application, built from scratch, for accessing your Google Drive files on a Mac or a PC."
"First you can handle huge data sets easily by streaming them from either disk or s3 or any other cloud storage."
"It has unlimited storage up to a certain quality for backing up all your photos and videos."
"When it comes to the best cloud storage for your photos, for me, if you're an Android user, I would definitely check out Google Photos."
"Cloud storage for your photos is one of the best ways to enjoy, share, and back up all of those photos and videos."
"Consumers trust cloud storage as it has been shown to be reliable and affordable."
"In this video, we will tackle the cloud storage feature from Firebase."
"Now we can read and write to the storage without any problems."
"Cloud storage is actually more secure than local storage."
"Synchronize data across multiple devices with your own cloud."
"Saving to the cloud is what I called it."
"We'll learn how to upload, download, and daily files in Google Cloud Storage using Google Cloud Storage API in Python."
"S3 is an object storage provided by major cloud providers including Amazon Web Services."
"You've got your own Dropbox replacement without having to pay all those monthly fees and you having control of all your data."
"Google Cloud Storage is basically a service similar to Amazon's S3 cloud storage service which allows you to quickly store your files to the cloud."
"You get public storage of up to one petabyte."
"To the user it feels like they're saving and accessing those files just as if it was a local disk."
"Windows as your backup is about providing you with an off-site cloud backup."
"You can take data that's generated in your app and store it up into the cloud without having to think about it."
"The ability to have your data securely stored in the cloud and share with others."
"S3 is scalable by nature; it'll just handle the traffic that you throw at it."
"Google Drive is an incredible online resource that automatically saves all of your work as you do it."
"It has never been easier and more cost effective to collect, store, analyze, and share data than it is today with the cloud."
"I've actually been shocked how little I've used and how reliant I've become on cloud storage."
"Storing and streaming music from the cloud is a nice alternative to storing it locally on your phone or computer."